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Everything posted by lukin86

  1. thank you for links ideal since it's a large mod. This is to create a page and post moddb.
  2. lukin86

    AMT v 1.4 Release

    Hello Are you links? Please because links is dead. Thank you in advance
  3. lukin86

    T-14 Armata style tank

    hello Are you links for t14 armata A1? Thank you in advance.
  4. https://mega.nz/file/hToW3A7b#Hw7-VuKThPy66K4u4TSppmS5MBMPffyude8E5by3Pzs Links my mega for dl maf 2.0. All other internet links is dead.
  5. Thank you but some addons above do not have the latest update. Like lingor which is in 1.4 on the site while the latest version is 1.5. Other islands not up to date. But at least it has the lingor units which I am looking for .Thanks
  6. Hello I am looking for all icebreaker addons on arma 2 and arma 2 co. Islands as well as units like lingor units 1.3. I thank you in advance for your help. Écouter content_copy share
  7. lukin86

    Wheeled Armor example A1 Stryker ICV

    thank modemmaik Frankly it's interesting if we can use the models of arma 1 in arma cold war legally. I wonder if we can do it also for the bi models of arma2? 🤔
  8. Hello I am looking for all the addons on the British army made by trouble. tank challenger,helicopter,warrior and etc. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.
  9. lukin86

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    https://mega.nz/file/QG5HxCwL#8v6XQmSrVTWK6lslIlOddKpa00QrogDXfhc036Ofakk I was able to grab the latest version of sea demon mig 29 (3.02). Would be nice to add it in ofpr.info Ps: I thank the vk ofp arma community for bringing the addon back online.
  10. lukin86

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    hello Links for version 3.02?Please. Because links is dead. Thank you in advance
  11. lukin86

    OFP Addon request thread

    I unfortunately do not have 2.0. I'm looking for it too.
  12. lukin86

    OFP Addon request thread

    No, this one is 1.0. 2.0 link is dead
  13. lukin86

    Silent War: Polish-Belarusian Conflict

    thank yoy for addons 😍
  14. lukin86

    Reworked T-64 A style tank

    thank you for a tank modemmaik 😍
  15. lukin86

    Belarusian Armed Forces Addons

    yes ,new army for arma cold war. Thank you for the mod K.Astrozhski
  16. The screens show some very beautiful addons. Thanks i dl right away. I'm glad the game is still supported by the community in terms of addons.
  17. lukin86

    OFP Addon request thread

    hello I search all the addons on the South American armies available on this page. I thank you in advance.
  18. lukin86

    Pla 1979 released

    hello links for addons (very rare links dl) https://mega.nz/file/sKIExD6A#_F_q0FdEy-I9EQx-f85dMrn60nUHZhqxN7impkKnInk
  19. lukin86

    OFP Addon request thread

    ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2 Hello site error 403. Someone blocked it because we can no longer addons. also ftp.armedassault.info/armaholic/ for dl arma 1 and 2 addons site blocked
  20. Hello How do we access the module forarma 1? Because there is no link in the bIdentify (it lacks in fact full section of dl for arma 1 including module but also arma 2 and 2 oa).
  21. lukin86

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    links for rare final version 2.05 http://dl.free.fr/eSaIkka0V
  22. http://dl.free.fr/uqBVAQKwK very rare mod for arma armed assault operation halfmoon 1.42 (china army)
  23. lukin86

    M60 Style Tank (from lockdown times)...

    thank you krzychuzokecia