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Everything posted by engener

  1. Hi, this qestion: how i make create a looped rotation anim with source=user? this not for wheel or turret animation, so do not say me about source=wheel/End this anims mast start and ends with user action, end not rotation all time, so do not say about source=time.;)
  2. unfortunately does not work. i know about but anims still have stop time, seems this is only way to do wot i want
  3. Play over 2 hours to this mods today.....old good time is back, senks for work!!!
  4. Hi all, Am tru create some RTM animation on buildings addons, so trouble is how to attach rtm anim to useraction, exacly on building class, i know how do it to destruction anim, but i need attach rtm exacly on useraction.
  5. Hi, a tru to create my flag, a model "panel" is corect: 1."xsize", "ysize" Property name chenget to my flag size. 2."ycount", "xcount" Property name same as BIS: 5/6 (not chenge becose not know about this parametr). 3.All model have nemed selection: "latka", "pevne", "volne". My Config.cpp: #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define true 1 #define false 0 class CfgPatches { class NPMisc { units[] = {PORTOTIP}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {}; }; }; class cfgVehicleClasses { class NEW_PROJECT { displayName = "NEW_PROJECT"; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class FlagCarrier; class Bazef_vlajkstozar : FlagCarrier { scope = public; accuracy = 1000; model = "\PROJECT_MATERIA\Bazef_vlajkstozar.p3d"; displayName = "PORTOTIP"; vehicleClass = NEW_PROJECT; }; class cfgNonAiVehicles { class ProxyFlag { autocenter = 0; scope = 2; reversed = 0; model = ""; simulation = "flag"; selectionFabric = "latka"; }; class flag_Bstozar : ProxyFlag { model = "\PROJECT_MATERIA\flag_Bstozar"; }; }; }; My Models.cfg: class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete = 1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[] = {}; }; class Flag: Default {}; class FlagCarrier: Default { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[] = { "stozar","", "vlajka","" }; }; class Bazef_vlajkstozar: FlagCarrier { skeletonInherit = "Default"; skeletonBones[] = { "stozar","", "vlajka","" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class Flag: Default { sections[] = {"latka"}; }; class flag_Bstozar: Flag { sections[] = {"latka"}; }; }; }; Problem: Flag after attaching witch FlagCarrier stay static (does not develop on a wind)
  6. Yep well be cool, if someone from BIS help us :rolleyes: BIS where you? ;) maybe we mast send message to BIS?
  7. no, becose i need new vertical model for this
  8. can anyone attach this to some US RTO unit, P85 maybe? AN PRC 77
  9. While 2 packs of cigarettes are ready smoking animations to them are necessary DOWNLOAD
  10. This only WIP, dont panic :p