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Everything posted by WillaCHilla

  1. -thx for the links and suggestions-will try it!
  2. WillaCHilla

    BWMod release thread

    We tested the newest version the last two days in some coops and I have to say that youre doing a really good job. Especially the textures of the infantry-units and the sounds overall are great. Thanks for your effort! One question: Any info if youre thinking about doing a desert-texture-version of your units?
  3. WillaCHilla

    Arma2 beta builds 1.05.6xxxx

    New Beta is up: 70313 But no updated changelog, any information about it?
  4. Testet the new parameters yesterday. -There are no significant FPS-differences between them in my case. -But for smoothness, its the "-exThreads=3" which I prefer. Ingame-Settings and hardware in my sig.
  5. WillaCHilla

    Isla Duala

    thanks for the new version, IceBreakr!:clap: - very nice units and finally some fitting civilians for this island. - In my eyes a very good decision to release the island in combination with the units so less downloading different addons for a mission which includes these ones. One question: I experimented with the civilians in combination with the alice-module on this island, read the wiki about it, etc. . Do you know any init or a parameter to increase the population of them in the cities? -In my case, only one civilian spawned in Bolabongo, for example. Perhaps I was doing sth. wrong, but on Chernarus a bit more civilians are spawning even in smaller cities/villages.
  6. ...Exactly + the benchmark-mission should not differ so heavy in results because of the dynamic AI. f.e. benchmark 1: 1st run:-chopper is not shooting rockets --> higher FPS 2nd run: chopper is shooting rockets-explosions --> impact on FPS - based on this benchmark-setting it is really hard to get a definite value for a specific setting.
  7. WillaCHilla

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    No problem for me to explain it to you Alex72, i think-pm me if you want any information about it-gave a tutorial to a buddy few days ago ;) (besides you need link shell extension to "bind" your ramdisk-data in your directory).
  8. testet yesterday evening/night: loaded addons: CBA, ACE, ACEX, ACEX_SM, ACEX_PLA, CSM2 I know, thats not the best way to test, but --> did this to compare to previous results + thats the way I play the game most of the time. ingame-settings: see sig, except VD: 3200 methods: (a)- loaded empty chernarus map (default world: chernarus in the launcher), joined the mission as a normal soldier and checked the FPS with Fraps. (b)- did the benchmark 1, but only for a first check/in my eyes, this is not the best way to measure the performance, because the mission is too dynamic to get a accurate value of FPS. results: (a) 30-55 FPS on the empty map (50-55 on airfield, 35-40 in deep woods (SE of the airfield) and ~30 in the villages/cities (in this case: Pustoschka)) (b) tested 3 times and got an average value of 40 FPS conclusion: In my case there is no difference in performance to the previous beta except the texture bug is fixed (hopefully). In general, performance is okay for me, but the performance of (online-)gaming in combination with a bigger number of ai (f.e. more complex Coops, Warfare, Domination) is a bigger problem (see here). Hopefully a fix for this issue is possible in any way.
  9. Have to correct my previous statement: Got the ground texture-bug yesterday on Chernarus and Isla Duala as well.
  10. -testet the new beta yesterday with some of my mates during private coops and online-mp (domination and warfare in this case). impressions: performance: In general, the performance seems to be the same overall, but the increase of the viewdistance isn´t effecting it so hard anymore. I was able to set it to 4000m-4500 with the same smoothness as it was before the patch with a Vd of 3000. Important one I noticed, if I start the game (default world:Chernarus) it needs a bit longer to get to the main-menu as before the patch was not installed. graphical bugs: For me, I wasn´t able to detect any visual glitches, etc (hardware listed in my sig). 50% of the others, who were on ts (pc collections of Duals and Quads, mostly with ATIs VGAs (4890, 5850)) had the graphical bugs which are already mentioned above. AI-performance: mh-seems the ai follow the orders a bit faster (e.g. movement in dangermode), but they still have their own head (don´t really quitting the danger-mode in combat).-But this needs a bit more testing by my side!
  11. WillaCHilla

    Colour Correction

    really nice settings, DMC_RULEZ!! -testet your -ppEffectAdjust [ 1, 1, 0, [0, 0, 0, -0.31],[1.9, 1.9, 1.73, 0.7],[0.2, 1.1, -1.5, 1.64]] yesterday @thirsk. Never got such a nice adjustment, when i experimented with it in the past.-Well done! Do you know a way how to get your 2 example-settings in a config for an addon?-Perhaps then you can simply choose via userconfig which pp-preset you will load in the beginning. -Read some tutorials for addon-creating, but these tell you mostly how you get a new object/texture and not only a simple config loaded. For me, I´m a total beginner in addon-creating so i don´t know, if its just simple to create something like this or if its more complicated or even not possible.
  12. Did you configured the different axis in your trackir-software completely right?- Only remember that some of my mates got this problem, if: (a) they needed more adjustment in their trackir-config (b) some of them only got the Vector Clip and too bright light sources in the backround interfered with the trackir-cam. Perhaps my profile gives you a little help (important: I am using the TrackCLIP:PRO. It should not work very well if you have the normal TrackClip).
  13. WillaCHilla

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    very nice finding eosteric!! -Had the same problem a few times with this launcher. After some (un)installs (including cleaning the registry) it runs normal, but i think your solution is a bit faster :). Edit: I am also running a Dual-Screen-setup, so probably the problem occured the way _William describes it in my case, too.
  14. WillaCHilla

    Colour Correction

    @ebanks129: I think he is looking for an Addon to change his pp-effects an not for a mission-specific solution. Well, I hope somebody from the creating-front will post to your request, because I had the same idea/wish since a few weeks. But in general, such posts are better placed in the Addon request thread or here.
  15. WillaCHilla

    [ADO] Quesh-Kibrul v1.0

    Just finished creating a mission with ACE² for it without any problems. -Check your arma2.rpt in AppData\Local\ArmA2 to get a bit more information about your CTDs + test it without further addons to rule out problems created by others.
  16. Well, after longer testing, a 5870 can run the game very well with the typical tweaks. I have around 30-40 FPS with the settings which you can see in my sig. Anyways, you must have a CPU accordingly, so you wont have a bottleneck with it (I think in the next weeks my CPU will be OCed :cool:). For the 470 you have to think about, if you are going to OC it in the future. If you want to do it, be sure you have a sufficient cooling for it. I checked some tests- it is not so loud and doesnt have so much power consumption as the 480GTX, but thats the situation under normal conditions. IMO, it is the best to wait a bit and to look if the 5000-series is going cheaper after the 400-series is available in most shops. For me, I am not a fanboy of any brand (my first ATI), but in december last year it was a bit easier to decide which VGA you buy ;) .
  17. ...Not really-you can choose if you want to use ACE² via the .hpp file. Heres the tutorial from Armaholic:
  18. WillaCHilla

    Windows 7 stutter SOLVED!!

    Personally, after upgrading my rig with a SSD two month ago, there were no stutters anymore (although I increased all my ingame settings (textures, etc.) a lot with the new rig). Still @ Chernarus, (e.g. Domination, Warfare) if I teleported from one end of the map to the other and make a fast turn around after spawning, there were some small stutters.-After the first complete 360°-turn, the textures were loaded and it runs liquid. Furthermore I set default world to empty in the past to get faster to the mainmenu, because of editing or creating coops. After some testing, I decided to set default world to Chernarus in the Addon-launcher (SpiritedMachine´s). After that, it needs a few seconds more to load the main-menu, but if youre playing any mission @ Cherna then, all stutters were gone after teleporting, which were created because of the texture loading. Conclusion: If I decide to play any mission on Chernarus now, first I will change the parameter in the launcher from "empty" to "Chernarus", so no stuttering is given anymore. Perhaps for some of you this experience (tested it only with a ssd) is helpfull and gives a better or more fluid performance on this island.
  19. @=KCT=BlackMamba: How big is the performance increase for you (in FPS) after installing the new one? Are there any disadvantages with the new driver (e.g. CCC is bugged in any way)?
  20. mh-okay-never heard about this problem, but then youre probably right. Anyways, now you are able to play Arma2 without problems so far and thats the more important thing. So-have fun!! :)
  21. @metalcraze: I played World in Conflict since the beginning and my previous machine got a 8800GTX. There were no problems with enabled AA since the release of the game for me (got no problems at all for this game and also for Arma2 with the card). Probably its more a driver/hardware issue then a problem by Arma2.
  22. WillaCHilla

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    @coporado: If your clients dont want to load the mission ingame, they can put it under C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application data\Arma2\MPmissionCache -Be sure you have set systemfolders visible under windows (folder-options). Otherwise you are not able to find the App-data folder.
  23. yep-should be a faulty driver-gpu combination. I had the same problem with my new ati card 2 month ago. A new driver solved the situation. If you google your error-report @ google you will find a lot of solutions for it, but often its a driver problem.
  24. WillaCHilla

    Window Size

    Perhaps you are not using the correct aspect ratio for your monitor?
  25. WillaCHilla

    MP Soldier profile [Adding your info]

    You can get more info and a tutorial here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/squad.xml.