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Everything posted by WillaCHilla

  1. Congratulations for the release also from me ! I really like all the new main spots on this island which gives me new ideas for some coops. Also the sat-data is well chosen and gives a really realistic feeling. Two things need some improvement in my eyes: Overall the performance on this island is outstanding for me. Only in 'Capraia' , there are some performance drops because of the high density of big buildings. Perhaps some improvement is possible here. The crop-fields' clutter positioning in the area of 'Chiesa di San Paolina' differs a bit from the sat-image. Perhaps a clear delimitation of the clutter to the contiguous area around the fields or another way of cluttering would be better. As I said, really a great island so far. The two little things I mentioned are not so important + the only things which attracted my attention for improvement after a quick visit of all main-scenarios of the island.
  2. One little question: I just wanted create a new port of co30_Domination_2_54A2_West_AI_OA for our server with PMC instead of US as main-team. The problem is, how can you specify which units are recruit-able at the barracks (in this case it should be the PMC-fraction)?-The only thing I found so far is this: Anyone knows how to do this (or are there other files in the mission which you have to edit)? edit: Nevermind-found the solution I think:
  3. WillaCHilla


    Thanks for this collection of great addons. Especially the 'TrueUser'-mods are really an enrichment for the visual appearance of the GUI and look very professional. The only thing I noticed which needs perhaps some more adjustment (don't know if this is only present for the german-version):
  4. WillaCHilla

    Fallujah 1.0

    Congratulations for the new version. Will test it asap. Definitely one of the best urban-based maps for arma².
  5. @Rg Yes, you're right. The official benchmarks are not made very well for measuring exact values of performance in general. Because of the fighting AI (sometimes explosions, sometimes not), you will get different values in multiple runs of the benchmark, using the same settings each time. So n=3 at least is a must-have here. Especially for measuring the performance of edited clutter.pbos, the way you did it is a way better for this.(The only reason why I used 'benchmark 08' was the lack of time, because I had to go to work shortly afterwards :) .) If I remember right, there is a good benchmark-test created by sbsmac. Its only for chernarus, but perhaps it can be modified also for takistan, focused on the vegetation. With this we would be able to present results based on the same source. @Shadow NX Perhaps you should try some more extreme values for the modified LODs at first, like the ones RG presented: Then you will be save that you edited the different .pbos correctly at least. ;)
  6. Yeah-hopefully, there will be a new status report by the devs about this. In my eyes it's really one of the things that needs some improvement//possibilities to adjust the different effects more specific (in the way Fruity_Rudy and -=seany=- described it). Also for me, there's a noticeable difference in performance between the old PPs and the new ones without getting better visual quality in the equal ratio.
  7. Well, perhaps a bit, but not too crazy :o. After reading your post, I had to do a quick test with 'benchmark 08' (I took Takistan, because the LOD-changes seems to be a bit more performance-demanding here than in Chernarus). w/o any LOD-changes [0,0] = 49 [plants_e.pbo//1,3] = 43 (-12,25%) Important: While testing the performance loss, I started CO only with resolution= 125% (2100x1310), terrainGrid=12.5 (normal). All others settings are equal to the ones in my signature. I know, if I go in the editor for example and visit areas with more vegetation than presented in the benchmark, these drops can be a bit higher, but it does not feel so bad that you can't play it with the modified LODs. I will test and adjust the settings a bit more in near future, if I have a bit more time for doing this (Christmas is coming...).
  8. You can check with 'PboView' for example what files are included in the different .pbos.
  9. Will test it after work and report later this evening, maybe tomorrow.
  10. After testing this tool the last weekend, I came to the following results: First of all, for me it was important to minimize the switching clutter-LODs (one of the things which still annoys me with the current patch-status). After some testing, the following adjustments with the tool gave the the best results for me (perhaps some further adjustments will follow, if I have more time for doing it): While using these modified .pbos there is no more visible LOD-changing (at least for me) for the clutter on both islands. Performance-wise, I lost a few FPS, but the results are so outstanding that I won't switch back for a little more performance. I also wanted to test the effect for the structures.pbo, but after removing some LODs (DOS-dialogue confirmed successful LOD-removing) and creating an addon with it, the game wasn't able to enter the main-menu and locked up. Don't know exactly what happened here, will try to find a solution later. On the whole, I'm very pleased with the results and thank you for offering this tool to the community. Hopefully a MP-usable version will be possible in the future.
  11. WillaCHilla

    [CAMP] Operational Detachment Delta

    First of all-thanks for these great campaign(s), Sick1! One question though: Is it possible to play this one (and your other campaigns) in coop-mode? -I'm pretty sure it was possible in the past (we played and finished the first mission of Seal Team Six 1 some time ago). Yesterday, we tried to play this one and after some minutes in the first mission an auto-save occured and some of us weren't able to control their soldiers anymore. The squad-members only got the ingame-view of the squadleader (mission-hoster) and were not able to control their own player after this situation. So i extracted the campaign to look at the used triggers, but wasn't able to find a solution for this. Any help or info would be appreciated!
  12. WillaCHilla

    RH heli sounds for OA

    Thanks RH! -Will try it after work.
  13. WillaCHilla

    RH heli sounds for OA

    Just read about your progress of the update in another thread. Looking really forward to this and wish you continued success with it!
  14. WillaCHilla

    Storing Missions/Addons in My Documents?

    AFAIK only missions which are not exported by the editor (folder with mission.sqm, description.ext, etc. for example) for SP/MP are automaticlly placed in your documents-folder. Also extracted missions have to be placed there to view the mission.sqm in the editor. Most missions which you can download are exported already (only one .pbo-file). These have to placed in you missions/mpmissions-folder in your game-directory. For extracting exported missions you can use PboView for example .
  15. WillaCHilla

    Gossamer's Warfare --- Variant of Warfare BE

    WOW! :eek: Congratulations on finally finishing this version!
  16. WillaCHilla

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Just tested it and I had no problems to download it from the official one. If you still have problems to get it, here is another source.
  17. Is there already a How-to in the bis wiki for implementing the new engine features (Shotgun Ballistics Modelling and in-game Video Playback) in a mission? -If not, please update it with the official release of the DLC.
  18. Off-topic, but: After reading your suggestions, I remembered this which was released some month ago. It doesn't have all the features you mentioned, but with a "little" scripting-work some more functions might be possible.
  19. WillaCHilla

    Fallujah City

    Here you are:
  20. WillaCHilla

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 76067

    Just checked the vegetation with this beta in the editor: The fast flipping LODs (mentioned here e.g.) are fixed for me. Especially on Chernarus everything seems to be okay. During testing the vegetation on Takistan, one thing was conspicuous: Some trees seem to switch back to the lowest LOD for one short moment right after they switched to the higher textured one, if you come closer to them (I can make a vid/repro if needed, but it should be clear after some moments in the editor). Perhaps this is "normal" and was the same in 1.54, but if you have a fixation on LOD-testing this is clearly recognisable.
  21. WillaCHilla

    RH heli sounds for OA

    If you're gonna make an update of your "heli sounds-addon", please don't forget the upcoming Ka-60 "Kasatka" (if its not to much work for you of course ;)).
  22. WillaCHilla

    Squad Logos.

  23. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php alternative download-link: here
  24. WillaCHilla

    Chechen Rebels

    Thank you!-Will test them after work.