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Everything posted by Minoza

  1. Minoza

    Voice recognition for AI commands for Arma 3

    I'm not denying that it's already possible... but tell me, how many users would go through the hassle of setting it up as a mod/addon/whatever rather than having it included with the game along with a good in-game tutorial on how to use that new commanding system? Just sayin'... I simply think it would be a good feature to have integrated within the game. Make it a part of the commanding system.
  2. It works well if done right. If you played Endwar, you know what I'm talking about. Btw. nothing fancy is required at all, basically you use your voice to scroll through command menu...
  3. Voice recognition for AI commands is actually really great idea. Not only it can make commanding easier, but it may help with cluttered interface as well. It can even make it easier for the people that are new to the game, to make a good use of a commanding system while still having fun.
  4. Voice recognition for AI commands. Idea from SpineShaker: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?132515-Voice-recognition-for-AI-commands-for-Arma-3
  5. Minoza

    Preamble on Seat Belts

    Are you saying Lord Ivan is gay?
  6. Minoza

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    Interesting thing to know is that it's made by a really small team here in Croatia. My friend works with them as a level designer. They really went ahead with few new technologies, they didn't improve just lighting, but shaders as well and much more. They always try with each their game to keep up with the latest technologies. Game itself is exactly what you say, fun shooter, but I love the technology beneath more than the game itself.
  7. Minoza

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    I fail to understand your logic, thread is about whether people want Steamworks or not. Steam is taken into account the moment you suggest Steamworks, there is no need to discuss about Steam itself and how kewl it is (or not)...
  8. Minoza

    Cover Systems, Lean & Realism

    It was very good back then. The only thing that could maybe be a better solution, instead of using mouse to lean, use WSAD keys in the lean mode (hotkey pressed) for leaning and use mouse for aiming.
  9. I'm not Czech but Croatian. I think it says: "What the ****? - (Process? not sure what "proc" means) in the next line is writing (resulting in?) zero?"
  10. While looking at that screen, I noticed something else as well; that chemlight, look how it lights up the scene, it seems that it does cast shadows, not sure if that's a shadow on the grass or AO pass, but soldiers are only lit from the front and they do get shadowed. I can't see any distinct shadows on the ground so I'm not sure... It does look better than OA that's for sure, it seems there is some light blocking at least. I'm carefully looking at those "boxes" in the background trying to figure out whether they block the light or not...
  11. Minoza

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Well, this topic is about Steamworks, so I was referring to the (good) points already made about why Steamworks isn't a good option for Arma and why most of the people here don't want it.
  12. More like keeping the server FPS stable throughout the mission.
  13. Minoza

    The details

    Alpha on the objects with more thickness (wall for example) would look rather weird most of the time. At least in a case of bullet hole.
  14. Minoza

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Have you even read some of the points made in this thread?
  15. Hm, might be... Not sure really.
  16. Minoza

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Yeah I figured it out in the meantime and edited my post. XD I'm a bit slow today, weekend and all...
  17. Minoza

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    I'm aware of how it works, I get your point. Sickboy did mention something regarding that though. Hopefully it's being worked on.
  18. Minoza

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Not true! Six updater way would be much simpler, gives you ability to sync with server mods and much more.
  19. Minoza

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Allowing us to bind frequently used commands to that menu would be even better. Not everyone will use the same ones.
  20. Minoza

    Arma 3 lighting

    Even in the case of real-time 3D rendering that's not true, maybe if we were in 2004...
  21. Minoza

    Arma 3 lighting

    I was thinking more of limitations, not the looks. I agree, screenshots look amazing, but they only show how scene is lit by the sun or moon. What they don't show is how objects react to flashlights or car lights etc... You can't really tell from the one with car lights we have.
  22. Minoza

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    True. Far textures could be improved as well, with more variance and detail if possible. That would also help.
  23. Minoza

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    From the usability point, that's perfectly fine. I'm just thinking if there could be even better solution, where you'd have same usability but better looks.
  24. Minoza

    Foliage cover and drawing distance?

    metalcraze has a point there. That's why I suggested that we could maybe use second "interest point" from which grass would be rendered. Atm it's only rendered from players view, so when you zoom in, no grass renders. I have no idea what would that second point of interest be though and if it would work as intended...