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Don Camillo

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Everything posted by Don Camillo

  1. sry, misunderstood - glad to hear positive response :) B2T
  2. Uhhhm? Threadtile: How to improve the Close Quarter Combat experience in Arma 3? Stupid me! I always thought combat would be something between at least two opponent sides. Never considered that one side is already perfect. fREAk
  3. I brought the following idea a view month in the past already and i think i'ts time to throw it in again: Freelook should work different than it does actually: State now: Now we "snap" our head back to the center as soon we release the freeLook-Btn. This forces us to reaquire a target we already spottet. Compared to what we're familiar with in RL, this behaviour is completly unorthodx. Watch yoursef: Before you turn your body, you turn our head - and than the body turns after it. Our eyes never loose track of a POI. Never saw any lifeform with forward-looking eyes spotting something, than turning the head to a miracolous Center to turn the whole body into the desired direction after it. How it shoul be (imo) We're spotting a target with freelook pressed, once we release it, the Body turns into that direction. Maybe different behaviour in different stances woul'd helpful, or an option to toggle that behaviour. Just an Idea, ... of course something to discuss. cheers fREAk
  4. Don Camillo

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    Has the Campaign something to do with the Bikini-Girls... ? If yes, ... Capaign of course ;P
  5. Don Camillo

    What Mods Will You Expect/Create?

    My Favourites Ranking: - ACE3 - ACRE - ArmA3 2 MySQL for Linux dedicated (<- Dream on ...)
  6. Ok, i have to bring this one up again: A very simple feature, that could enhance the maneuverability (<- is that correct?^^) dramtically. Measured to the effort it takes, the relation with its effect on Gameplay is almost unbeatable. (of course it sounds naive to guess the programming effort) As i already mentioned, i would be glad to see the option for an "invertet Freelook" behavior. Currently we release the "Freelook" Button and our "Wonder-Neck" snaps back to the center, after this we turn our virtual body - stiff like a stick, into the desired direction, wich is in MOUT/CQB mostly the same direction our head was turned to shortly before. Current behaviour: We do: Freelook, see a contact -> Snap back to middle -> Turn back the whole body and re-aquire the Target. Every living beeing (with forward looking eyes) turns the Head first and the body follows after it. I know this is very controversial, because the older OFP among us vets could think: ".. c'mon it worked good as it is for over 10 years now, no need to change it..". But it is really worth to give it a try. hugh. fREAk
  7. The possibilities the new scripting tech in combination with physiX brings into then Game, in other words: things could be much more performant if strong script relatet Mods coming into action like ACE. sry for the english, 5 Beer. hugh
  8. I guess Cyper described the situation best... The only thing to support Missionmakers to do such modes would be a more fluidly CQB, maybe its in scope of the revamped Animaton system already, let's see.
  9. Don Camillo

    All the Bis game have Counter Strike sounds

    Problem in EAX was somehow locality, when i remind correctly. To every sample played the current EAX effect acording to the players position was played. That was sometimes wrong. If you listened a firefight going on inside a Building from outside for example, you heared your enviromental FX instead of the FX from inside.
  10. @J-Guid, maybe you misunderstood me ... but i feel the same. Weather i turn down my SoundVol to a level so low, that cant communicate when a vehicle engine is running beside me, or turn off my Radio. Mostly when i play longer sessions, my Headset is on the Desk in front of me - not on my head. @All: It's a problem that has'nt anything to do with Radio-Discipline. We played 5 Hrs. warfare sessions with less than 10 players, it's not the amount of Radiotransmissions, its simply that some Headsets or soundcards or what ever are playing that sound so agressivly loud that i had to quit playing (btw. commanding), because i was already "afraid" of getting any transmissions. And in meanings of Loudness i'm not really a softCake after playing in a Rockband over 20 years ^^. My opinion is that the HighBand and Mids are way too aggressive in that "CHRKPFIIIIP".
  11. @Nou: OK. I'll give the latest release another try, maybe it works for me too again. I visitiet 3 month ago a UO Training, i loved it. But unfortunally without a working installation of ACRE it's impossible to join. And about J-Guids wish (even if it technically not that easy), a solution for the load BEEP would really be great, because i've heared the same thing from others often. Maybe it's just related to some special headphones or it's because some people are more sensitive in hearing higher frequencies, where the most among us are loosing the ability to hear the highest Bands when getting adult.
  12. @fruity_rudy: Mine is giving up soon, and i already got eyes on sennheiser too. Only heared good feedbacks from ppl using it. (Btw.: Wupper Valley ist `n knaller^^ ). B2T. I'm really waiting 4 ACRE 1.4 hoping to can get par again. Currently we`re using 1.1.36 because all higher versions didn`t work to me anymore. Maybe too less CPU Power, but i had weird issuses with hearing everyone, .. no more VoiceActivation working aso... 5.1 or 2.1 - no difference:( @Nou Will the 1.4 "outsource" the calculations to a external process as announced in the W.I.P thread?
  13. @J-Guid I feel the same, ... sometimes in a bit longer seesions i'm taking off my Headset because of this sound. Wich Soundcard / Headset you're using? I'm using X-Fi with a medusa 5.1, and the Higher frequencies a really Headbursting. I even doubt that it's healthy for our hearing. So: plz. just change the Sound to something smoother.. hugh.
  14. Does anybody know if A3 will use DepthOfField rendering? When i played yesterday, i had the Idea how this could help in Ai vs. Player situations in Higher Grass. As in RL single blades of grass, wich are close to your optics - are getting "blurred out of your view". Doing it in the same way inGame should enhance our chances against Ai in Areas with dense Vegetation. Something like that: what do you think dudes?
  15. Don Camillo

    Why I love ARMA and its community

    I've played a lot of Games before ArmA, and now only play ArmA. It's really the the most mature Community. In all the other Gamecommunities, every 5th Forum Post was about somebody accused someone to be a Cheater, every second word was n00b, ROFL, LOL or pWnage, people tweaked their systems to be the "ub0rPwn3r", sometimes tuned their Graphics down to a Tetris-Level, just to see more. That's the Point where Gaming ends and Stupidity begins. Paying 1.600€ Euro for a HighEnd Computer and tune it down to look like wolf3d.exe. Amazing, isn't it? ^^ On the other Hand we've got the OFP/ArmA Comm, where Rookies can ask simple Questions and get a solid, well thought and helpful answer. Polite people and Teamwork seem to the normative. Due to the concept of the Game you get endless hours of Gameplay and Fun for the Price of a Standard Game-Title. The only game with a similar Price / Value to me was (is) Civilisation IV. I wish to know how many overall manhours already where spent into this Game beside BISs work. So many of the BIS Comm-Members are focused on making "their" Game better, sharing any kind Information and Content. Thats a very healty enviroment for a Community. So one of the key-aspects seem to be, that ArmA isn't a competitive Title. Teamwork goes before Competition. Thats what i probably like most. Hugh! fREAk.
  16. An addition to the the current freelook behaviour, like we discussed it here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133331-Thoughts-to-Freelook-and-how-it-could-be-changed It aims for smoother and more natural movement, with no more double Target aquisition needed while in Freelook.
  17. @Coyle[506th PIR] ... ACE got DAC includet already, so far there should'nt be any issues with ACE+DAC. So if you're running ACE, its obsolete to run DAC beside it. Just set it to DAC external and set up your own DAC\configs Folder inside your Mission directory if you need your own Configuration.
  18. Don Camillo

    New animations: What does it mean for gameplay?

    Hmm, i guess the feature of blending Animations and not beeing forced to "Play them to their end" would be fine. And as far i can imagine, blending various animationlayers is somthing that needs fast Vector transformation/Transition ... ... just to point out what physiX could do for us in that case. Btw.: 100% Agree to the Pants full of bricks.^^
  19. Don Camillo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    @Giallustio: I checked my rpt for any errors, and didn't find any errors (belonging to jsrs^^). I played allon, latest version (AddonSyced). Hope that helps.
  20. Don Camillo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Really great work Jarhead! Yesterday i testet your Soundmod and really must say: best Soundmod i've got Hands on ever... It will take a while for me to adopt my ears to it and be able to differ all the Vehicles by their Sounds. To me you did a milestone in ArmA Sounds. Großartig!. ... thank's a lot for your work, and keep it up fREAk. PS.: Got the same problem with the positional estmation where Shots where fired from, but i hope that will get better the longer i use it.
  21. May sound stupid, but is there (i'm sure there is somewhere) a way to reliably translate a vector from WorldCoordinates Space [x,y,z] into a objectCoordinates Space beside worldToModel. (While the model may be rotatet in 3 Axes). So far i found out: worldToModel operates with the positionAGL wich may be useful in some (wich ever) manners, but not in my Case. I'm not interestet in the relative Position to the next LOD, i always need to know the relative Position to the Objects "Pivot". I've done a inverse transformation Matrix script wich does that for me, but i still can't belive that this should be the right way. Any Ideas to achive my Goal smarter ?:confused: The intention behind this is to "Paint" a ImpactPosition recorded on my reference, to a "Dummy Object" using the HitPart EventHandler (yes i know the MP issue). My current excursion into linear algebra resultet into this: Hell! isnt it? ^^ greez, fREAk
  22. Hmmm, Dear Santa, here are my Wishes: 1. This one: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/9436 2. Shadows for moving Lightsources (or even all Lighsources) 3. A procedural Sound-Engine. (Enviroment influences Sounds) fREAk PS.: 1st one would be my biggest wish.
  23. Don Camillo

    Improving the Light Engine| What and How

    Having buildings, drawing shadows from Headlights would be a wonderful Dinner.
  24. Don Camillo

    [Sound] Echoes system from Battlefield 3

    Dont know anything about BF3 Echosystem, but as i said already .. Procedural Sounds would be the thing. Means: Basic Sound getting filtered and reverbed/delayed according to its enviroment. Thats the real deal. Event->Sound->Procedure/enviroment->Output ..
  25. Don Camillo

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Had the same Problems with getting people into ArmA. But that's the way ArmA is. It is complex, has almost endless options to play around with and thats exactly what makes it so unique. In any other shooter (and i've played them all^^), the Squad-trainings - so far we played it competitive, are anding up after a very short period, in learnig maps by rote. And from this point on, it got somehow boring. If you take a look on CoD, AAO, BF aso., the good Squads know every single Pixel on their maps, wich made 80% of their success, 10% was Skill/Reactions, the rest was a result of tweaking Grafic- and Sound-Systems. Teamplay itself has net that huge Impact, because the speed of the most FPS is mostly to high to stay together in a way that makes sense. In ArmA the right attempt for Squad-Training is learning about Landnavigation, reading Maps, knowlege about Weapon-Systems, Communcation, Formations, aso, aso.. In this case, Trainings can start up with "Getting a rifleman", moves to "Getting the member of a Fireteam", ... and with that knowledge we've invested a huge amount of Trainig-Hours, and still just know about maybe a view percent of everting out in the ArmAverse. In a regular FPS, everbody is a Specops within a day. In ArmA, within a day you're more or less a Civilian, able to fire a Handgun onto Targets out in 15 meter distance. How many times i've heared spells like "i'm more the Sniper-Guy, operating allone" from rookies with a view weeks of experience. Well, after flying them somewhere into a forrest (without GPS of course) they did'nt even find their Targets. Not talking about the following trialAndError-Shooting spending their 15 rounds without even one Hit from a M24 (ACE enabled ;p), over approx. 700m. 0% of these Dudes where "the Sniperguys". But thats the Point: No one of them where somehow stupid, they simply expected something different. They expectet a game where a magic Marker shows the Way, another marker shows the Target, and Bullets wich are'nt influenced by Gravity and Wind. Only a view of them after all where willing to learn all this, and still enjoy the Game as a continious learning-Process. Thats what ArmA is to me, and that's what i expect it to stay. No Question: some things like menues could be reworked, but thats not essentially to me. Hugh, so far fREAk