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Status Updates posted by dlegion

  1. i'm glad developing work keeps going, but i strongly suggest to fix already present toys before introduce new ones (like flaps no more influencing stall speed, afterburners not even present ecc...),

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    2. dlegion


      John, i'm sorry to bother you about this, but i really tried every other way, from forums, to this:
      i emailed BIS support (who in the end told me to open this ticket),  battleye support (they dont even answered my emails. customer care = 0, probably -1),
      this problem for example is destroying the game for me , my clan and my friends. its unacceptable getting kicked at random, even from my own server, and run server with battleye OFF is not a real option for a persistent mission...
      and it get worse every BE patch....i noticed the problem starting from TANK DLC update, please , do something, force BE team to contact me, or someone at BIS to look into the problem.
      i've found many threads in the forums about this problem, and its growing!

    3. John Spartan

      John Spartan

      You issue has been logged and is something that will be addressed by Bohemia Interactive developers based on it's priority.
      It's hard to tell how long it will take and in which update the possible fix would be deployed atm.

      Thanks for the feedback and your patience.

    4. dlegion


      thanks John !
