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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. i've a problem with a simple condition (right now it activates also if crew to rescue is dead, and i dont want to): waitUntil {sleep 10;({alive _x} count _crewDveh) > 0;{_x distance _DCrew < 9} count allPlayers > 0 || diag_tickTime >= _timeOver}; i wish condition be like this: WAITUNTIL (check condition every 10 seconds; there is at least 1 alive crew; the distance between crew and a player is <9); OR timer is over;
  2. ...its a ridicolous brutal approach....i really need help optimizing this.... thanks ! EDITED: fixed a typo error
  3. haha i was too optimist....seems that if the starting crew its less than 4 people, it throws an error... need some way to adapt it to 1 to 4 crew, or (evil way) kill crew in excess, so there is always only 1 to save. really need help on this...i already did all that came to my mind! EDIT: i'm in the situation where i need two different _x in same sentence.... kind of : { if (_x distance2D _x < 10) then [MYCODE]} forEach _crewDveh; (where first _x its about allplayers and second _x its about _crewDveh
  4. .....i seriously melted my brain..... .....anyway i made it! here is the code, for the people of tomorrow: YEAH! EDITED
  5. GOOD NEWS! i think i made it!! _timeOver = diag_tickTime +5; waitUntil {sleep 10;{_x distance crew1 < 10} count allPlayers > 0 || diag_tickTime >= _timeOver}; { if ((side _x) == independent) then { if (_x distance2D crew1 < 10) then {[crew1] join _x}; }; } forEach allplayers; { if ((side _x) == west) then { if (_x distance2D crew1 < 10) then {[crew1] join _x}; }; } forEach allplayers; if (diag_tickTime >= _timeOver) then {hint "time over"}; yeeeah!
  6. "big" progress (well.... for me....) this makes so that when a player gets near to crew1 (will be replaced once merged into original script) it will discriminate the situation by side A and side B. i dont know how terminate this anyway after 10 minutes!
  7. i've menaged to put togheter this: { if ((side _x) == independent) then { if (_x distance2D crew1 < 10) then { [crew1] join _x; }; }; } forEach allUnits; seems to do its work...now i must elaborate a logic and a script to support the whole idea!
  8. ok guys....back to the original script (LOL) ! (the one about create a vehicle, that if destroyed get re-created ecc..) ...ok ..well...right now its works, but i wish to update a bit the "rescue" part. wish to make crew automatically join same side player that goes to less than 10 meters from crew. ...and make it automatically joins as captive (weapons removed) if a player ofenemy faction approach him from less than 10 meters! is a plausible thing to do, and more important will be performance friendly ? thanks for any help ! (i'm still burning my head to find a solution!)
  9. ahh ! good info !! thanks man, i'm going to test it intensively !! thanks for your tips !
  10. ok this seems to work: EDIT: Sarogahtyp..you beated me again on time ! thanks man for your help ! i really appreciate !
  11. {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (units _Ga3); // WORKS but only for alive units :(
  12. hem...sorry! you asked for .RPT, i posted it! dunno what was relevant! just guessed !! sorry ! :) well they hve no seat to shoot from.
  13. eith that code i menaged to make it partially work, it deletes vehicles...but not foot soldiers :(
  14. thanks man ! the script i'm using right now: ...and the RPT...i got a problem with "NO LOGS" option in launcher....RPT was empty ! sorry for the delay...took some time to figure what was the problem! i copied just after the error...should be at the bottom.
  15. ok...the " ; " error is gone....but got a new one... this time its about _Ga3 being a group, and he wants an array or object!
  16. ...heheh..please guys be patient with me...i'm learning.... but thansk to you..... i'm LEARNING ! WOOOHHOOOHHH! YEEAH !! THANKS !
  17. i'm sorry man... EDIT : AAAAAAAHHH !!! maybe i found them !!! testing......
  18. .....last effort for a new problem.....in the end part of the script, i wish to delete all crew, corpses and vehicles (everything) generated as _Ga3. tried : {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _Ga3; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach vehicles _Ga3; but gives a strange error about missing " ; " ! maaah !
  19. heh...i'm trying to make all foot soldiers board vehicles that has passengers space. i already planned for that, so for example "_RBapc" its a group with a marshall and 8 foot soldiers, exactly what fits into a marshall. i make foot soldiers be passengers with : {_x moveInCargo _Gveh3} forEach Units _Ga3; the problem is that now, being all in the same group, may happen that the "_Gveh3" its an AAA "cheetah" while the marshall its the "wingman vehicle", and so soldiers will start walk on foot behind the moving vehicles! thanks !
  20. Pierre please dont beat me to death....really the last little thing for that script ! i already had a code to move soldiers as passengers, but now i should declare all vehicles! here is full code: really last for today, i swear :)
  21. Thansk Pierre! it works ! i really wish to sincerely thank you both guys, you helped me a lot in last days! my mission its almost ready...thanks to you!
  22. ohh! nice ! i belive you by word ! thanks !
  23. eh.....the problem is that right now its 100% of times a big explosion, vehicles flying in the air (even 150 meters or more, very scenographic)..... maybe "disable collision" for 20 seconds, then re-enable? dunno...there should be a way ...i hope :)
  24. WOWOWWW! you make things seems easy !! tested, it works perfectly ! may i ask if its possible to spread out vehicles? right now they spawn on each other ! another solution i used in another script is delay by 15 seconds the pawn of next vehicle...but i dont know how do it! thanks!!