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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. dlegion

    hint with sound

    thanks man, good idea about surround system! will triple check everything tomorrow! thanks!
  2. dlegion

    hint with sound

    ...just to exclude all possible erro by my side, i did this: open editor, place an ammo bearer (player), placed a trigger, set it to : repetable, activation by radio alpha, onAct : hint "SOUND??"; the text gets displayed, but no sound at all!
  3. dlegion

    hint with sound

    good question, but absolutely not! EDIT: and i checked game volumes, nothing to 0!
  4. lol ...come on guys...we are all on the same boat! i menaged to get this...and seems to work! thanks for the teaching !
  5. thats gold....gimme some time, i think i will be able to make one with this info !
  6. ohh, perfect! and with comments i'm understanding what to do! thanks man !
  7. ok i got it. actually i dont know where to start to understand how make an array with all the objects of some kind in the map, or where find a list of the object names i'm looking for. hope thats a more legit question!
  8. ok, ok, guys.....please don't beat me eh!
  9. heh yeah...you absolutely right.....but i should read and learn all the commands in that page, to know they exist, what they can do and what thay can't do. as you have seen in the latest posts of this topic: if you guys give me at least the starting elements, i then try to go forward on my own! but i could have spent years searching for a command whitout know its existance, i agree that you are right about learn, i just wish i had all the time i need to learn all the commands! EDIT: heheh you noticed how horrendous is the final script i made? LOOL! (but it works eh!)
  10. heh right now its more a problem of "what can be done and how", as errors give this feedback and (after huge times of tries) soon or later by luck i get the working code. anyway i keep tring...if i will have a specific question i will post here! thanks !
  11. yep i undestand, thats why i told you are good teachers :) i'll try ! thanks!
  12. heh...you guys are good teachers for sure....i hoped in a more concrete help...but ok i'll try !
  13. yep i tried and there are obvious errors...i just dont know how correct them ! @R3vo : yes i'm 100% sure that they are not deleted. every evening with some friends my mission is put on test...and every placed explosive, canopy, ejection-seat, weaponHOlders, "ground", and ruins stay exactly where it is even after 3 hous...
  14. in your opinion will be good (and will it work?) something like this ? if (isServer) then { while {true} do { _ALLgarbage = ["Plane_Canopy_Base_F","Ejection_Seat_Base_F"]; uiSleep 180; // give some time so you can actually see a pilot ejecting, and his canopy and ejection seat reach the ground and stay there for some time waitUntil {sleep 30;{_ALLgarbage distance2D _x > 1500} count allPlayers > 0}; // wait that players are far to not delete canopy and seat under players eyes {deleteVehicle _x} forEach entities [["Plane_Canopy_Base_F","Ejection_Seat_Base_F"],[]]; }; }; thanks man !
  15. nice Pierre! you have a good solution to everything !! thanks man !
  16. sry...please help me understand... that cant be directly used to players distance...right? and sadly i'm not good enought to put hands on Davidoss script :(
  17. same for me. a player distance check is pretty essential :) anyway thanks for that good work !
  18. i'm interested in more info on this...for example aircraft canopy gets deleted too? backpacks ? groundweaponholder ? thanks!
  19. hello guys ! in a MP persistant mission, i think that cleaning garbage is quite important. eden garbage cleaner seems to work...but not for everything. as zeus, i can still see a lot of unknown objets...probably weapon holders and who-know-what-else! looking around i found some scripts...but seems way overcomplicated or overlapping default system...and everyone was pretty outdated. wish to know if there is a recent garbage cleaner script, that is simple and performance-friendly! my objective is to clean from this unknown objects....corpses and vehicles are already under default garbage cleaner! thanks!
  20. dlegion

    simple garbage cleaning

    ok thanks! will try to write my own...if i'm desperate i will post there! thanks !
  21. dlegion

    simple garbage cleaning

    hehe...thanks for the tip, i forgot to mention that obviously (as i always do before posting here) i already searched with google. and as i saied, all i found are outdated and seems quite complex. thanks anyway :)
  22. ...added variables to be able to clone the script for more vehicles!
  23. // SSSSSSPPLAAAATTT !!! (_brain exploded); i cant belive this...but seems to work!
  24. ......menaged to get it work with: waitUntil {sleep 10;(({alive _x} count _crewDveh) > 0 && ({_x distance _DCrew < 9} count allPlayers) > 0) || diag_tickTime >= _timeOver}; BUT.....i need to use others conditions, like this: waitUntil {sleep 10;(({alive _x} count _crewDveh > 0) && (({_x distance _DCrew < 9} count allPlayers) > 0 && ({_x distance _DCrew2 < 9} count allPlayers) > 0))) || diag_tickTime >= _timeOver}; pleasee....help me !