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Everything posted by nouty

  1. Damn :P Really got my hopes up there for a moment... well, maybe some day :)
  2. Are u sure "CQB mode" is just the CQB sight? It really looks in the pick that the other guy is standing in a position never seen or heard of in arma... Or I'm I just imagining this?? :D
  3. nouty

    Guided Missiles

    It's a real pain in the ass that they've gone with a system like this... There really needs to be a HUD in the tanks and helicopters and planes for the gunners/pilots. This affects "fire-and-forget" missile systems in a real bad way, the javelin is fucked up, hellfires, AA missiles, everything... We need sights for these weapons that can realistically indicate if and what the weapon is locked onto! Whether it's a shoulder launched weapon or weapon system in a tank or a helicopter, on a plane or whatever. Nobody wants to play on the easiest difficulties, but right now it's the only way to even moderately enjoy this game, I mean beyond being a standard rifleman. I think the laser guided missiles suffer from the same BUG as the laser marker, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, with no indication when it does, since the stupid laser doesn't even work on it FFS :D
  4. nouty

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    All of the manually fired/guided AT weapons in the game are modeled like crap. No matter which AT weapon you shoot, you have to raise the sight a little bit, like aim with the line just below the main crosshair with the SMAW, and shoot, and you'll hit every time, whether you shoot to 100m or 1000m. That's so stupid IMO... About the tanks and apc's: I think it's just a major bug that the driver can't turn out if the commander or gunner are turned in... The driver can only turn out in very special circumstances (I think it's when the commander is turned out, but it doesn't work every time even then). Another thing is the refueling or rearming, or even repairing these things... it's a real pain to get it work and sometimes it's just impossible to say, rearm a vehicle. WTH is it with these bugs? Or is it a conscious decision to make it such a pain in the ass? Why can't we just pull up next to an ammo truck and rearm and have it work 100% of the time, not 20% of the time?
  5. Are you saying what I think you're saying? :P
  6. nouty

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    PLZ fix the javelin in the game :(. For some reason it seems to lack a manual locking system completely, or at least any indication if a target is locked or not. On the easier difficulties it has autolock, and you can see what it's locked onto, but it locks onto targets at random, and you can't switch the locked target unless you move the sight and even then it's almost impossible to get it locked at what you want to shoot. On the harder difficulty, there SHOULD NOT BE an autolock, but it still seems to lock onto targets at random and sometimes fires the javelin to completely other direction where you want to shoot it. In addition, the icons aren't displayed on the harder difficulties, so there is absolutely no indication what so ever whether your javelin has been locked onto the target you wanna shoot or something else, or anything at all. I'm not sure, but this issue might be present with all weapons in the game that require a target to be locked before firing. I'm encountering similar problems with the laser marker as well, there's no way to tell whether it's on or off. Also, before the next patch release, playtest the SP campaign AND the coop campaign to see that they work. Playing the coop campaign with 4 players I could clearly see that it wasn't playtested, since it just plain doesn't work.
  7. Indeed. Can't wait for the release! (Can you frigging believe it? Finally we're able to fire rpg's, and I imagine at least AT 4's too, from the prone position!!!) Hehe, btw, how'd you pull that off? Was it hard to implement? I'm just wondering why BIS hasn't done it themselves...
  8. No, they blast the building off with rockets, and pepper you with gunshots. BTW, are the buildings somehow transparent to the AI? I was on a roof of a building about 4 stories high, with an enemy patrol down on the ground. The roof had a slight "wall" for cover, about 50cm high all around it. I took a couple of shots from the roof and then hit the deck, enemy started firing the wall I was hiding behind so I decided to crawl to a new position. Here's where it gets strange: The AI could see me all the time I crawled behind the wall or even when I was crawling in the other end of the roof, completely to the other siede of the building. They were shooting me for about 10 minutes always hitting the wall of the building exactly where I was laying, altho they never should've seen me. In the end they just blew off half the building with rpgs :p... I wonder if it's some kinda bug?
  9. I liked the new build... mouse smooth slider is a great addition :). Now if we could only get the sound working. This is a nice start BIS, keep it up!
  10. They're getting to it... I hope :). Judgeing by the previous beta patch (.558899), we're still long ways from 1.04 or whatever the next official patch will be. Gotta try this new one :)
  11. nouty

    Arma 2 the last game to use this engine?

    I think there is some fundamental issues with this current engine. I've been playing the series since 2001 and only thing that has noticably changed from ofp are the graphics. Otherwise it feels like the old clunky flashpoint. That naturally makes me doubt that this engine can't do much better. I think one of the most important issues is performance. I don't think Arma 2 will ever perform very well, even in a few years when the hardware can handle much more, I think the engine still can't. I don't know if it falls in the performance cathegory or somewhere else, but for example a fast flying aircraft is, and has always been stuttering like hell and not going smoothly. The flying stuff seems to be the most difficult thing for the engine to handle anyway and it hasn't become any better in all these years. The destruction of vehicles is another thing that hasn't changed at all, still the clunky modelswap is present and I can't see how this engine could handle dynamic destruction of vehicles since it's having hard as hell time with this primitive method already. Add to this the requirements for a physics and animations system, better, more complex AI and larger environments (think 4x the size of chernarus), all the while having the detail, or more than the game has now and better streaming (grass and other vegetation as far as you can see, buildings and objects streaming in detail very far away), and you've got one hell of a mess for this engine to handle. I just can't imagine this engine handling all that, given how it handles right now, or has handled before. So even if they can add all these fancy physics and animations systems for the engine, I don't think it could ever be possible to optimize it to run smoothly. I see a kind of an "delta force 2 syndrome" with these games, I don't think that game still runs well on any computer in the world after what, 10, 11 years?
  12. The sounds in build .58899 are totally fubar. Now even regular AR, MG fire is distorted and sometimes you can only hear 1 or 2 shots out of an entire burst of 10-20 rounds. Weapons also seem to fire at random for some reason, like when your running and not even able to shoot, your weapon can fire off a shot or a short burst (think that was introduced in build .558834).
  13. Yay for urban CQC! Except.... Arma II only allows you to move at a very slow pace with your weapon pointing forward, ready to shoot. That essantially means that CQC is impossible in the game, since you need to move fast and still be able to fire your weapon :(. This is especially brutal in indoors fighting or other tight spaces. Another thing is that the AI doesn't take advantage of builings i.e. get to rooftops or windows to find firing positions, which makes urban areas frustratingly unrealistic to play, as the AI is just spinning around in the middle of the streets helplessly.
  14. nouty

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    I really hope you'd fix the weapon sights. I don't remember which ones work properly and which ones don't, but at least aimpoint is fucked up. TEST THEM, so that you can actually hit something from standing, kneeling and prone positions! Also, since the sights of many weapons seem to be zeroed at different distances, why not let us know what those distances are? You could also fix the ballistics so that bullets would fly like they fly in real world. Or maybe let us know there too, how fast they go and how fast they drop? Another thing I'm hoping for 1.04 is smooth mouse back like it is in 1.03, only optional so you can turn it off like in the beta build, or on as you please, since for me and a lot of other ppl it's a real pain to have it forced off. It doesn't really help the issue if you just reverse the problem :)
  15. Great job with the Q&A Wolle :) ... Is it confirmed somewhere that the "countryside" portion of the map will be only 160sqkm? If that's the case, it means planes are for nothing, once again :/. Otherwise the additions sound sweet! Add to that some major bug fixing and engine tweaking, so it runs better and the features actually work, it'll be the complete arma 2 experience :). (Altho I hope many more patches and expansions are added.) I have to say however, that I wonder this "releasing a beta version to the public" attitude a little. The cummunity can handle it, cos we'll stick around with the game for the 2-3 years after the release that it takes for it to be what it was originally meant to be, mainly because there's nothing else out there to give us the same experience (milsim). I doubt that the average consumer will have the same patience, they'll just read a review of the 1.0 version that says the game is a total mess and then forget about it. Or they'll try the demo and see for themselves. Now I know the target audience for this game isn't your average fps player, but really, if you're not an ofp fan from the past, it's not very appealing having to invest that 2 years into a game that's only getting the content and playability that it should have from the start, little by little along that 2 years of time. I think the sales of Arma 2 could easily be tripled just by doing that, releasing a solid game. I do believe that even tho you're (BIS) not aiming for millions of games sold, you'd still like as many sales as possible and as many new people attracted to the genre as possible. Maybe that's something to consider for Arma 3, untill then, let's enjoy what we have! :) And sorry if this sounds like bashing, I don't mean to bash on Arma 2 or BIS, I'm loving 'em :)
  16. nouty

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    -Remove autolock completely, or fix the issue where javelins or laser designators or whatnot don't lock on targets at the harder difficulties -Add zoom to M24 and M40 sight's -Spotter needs equipment that are actually capable of spotting something too :P -fix the horrible soundbugs caused by patch 1.03 -AI sometimes dies when spawns in water, even just at anckle depth -AI won't engage light armored targets (apc's) with M2 or Mk.19, or their eastern variants -granades still explode on impact when they hit vegetation -aircraft could really use some flares ;) -numerous graphical, AI and other bugs, campaign still not quite playable -performance optimization in place too -want true draw distance, beyond that magical, little over 1000m mark, where everything starts to disappear :) I believe in you BIS, you'll get there someday, we've still got a long ways to the perfect mil-sim :) keep up the good work.
  17. nouty

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    Was playing version 1.03 for 4-5 hours last night and didn't come across any game killers but still, I had to vote for bad, who knows, maybe it'll motivate you guys to do a better job next time :). My first disappointment has to be the unbelievable steam patching fiasco, which didn't concern myself since I own a retail copy, but still it amazes me how things can go so horribly wrong. The 2nd disappointment for me was that altho rockets can now pass vegetation, granades still explode on impact, and hand granades for example seem to discard the time fuse and explode on contact. The smoke-thing has been mentioned so many times that you know what the issue is. One thing that I was curious about the game from the beginning was the draw distance. It seems no matter how far I set the visibility setting, the real draw distance seems to be around 1000m, beyond which textures start disappearing, like trees, buildings, units and whatnot. I don't know if that's got to do with the video memory settings, since I've got it on normal due to missing textures from objects on the high setting (ie trees and buildings becoming white boxes even right next to you), however it seems to have gotten even worse in the latest version. Looking at devil's castle from about 1000m away from the west side, showed me the castle sitting on a bare hill, no forest anywhere near it. Only when I got closer the forest around it would appear and the castle get covered by it. This an issue I'd like to get fixed in the game, what's the joy of 10 000m draw distance if you still can't see beyond 1000m? There's also a lot of textureswapping to be seen, like a destroyed target looking like it's perfectly intact from 100 meters, but when zoomed in the texture will swap from the intact one to the destroyed one. Also, I still can't lock targets on javelin. Dunno if it's the autolock feature on the easiest diffculty settings screwing up the whole locking thing, or the fact that the lock and zoom buttons are the same (mouse 2), but I can't get javelin to lock targets on expert difficulty, not even zooming in on the + key and then trying to lock with mouse 2.