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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. This map looks great. Trying out now. Thanks
  2. Muahaha

    Tutorial for FSM's?

    Silly me... Overlooked that...Thanks kju.
  3. Muahaha

    Tutorial for FSM's?

    Hi all, Any idea whether FSM edit 0.7 by Crashdome will works for Arma2. What are the differences between Arma FSM and Arma2 FSM. Sorry kinda noob on editing...
  4. Hey guys, I know I am going to get blasting and flaming for this thread...Just wondering anyone did tried it out? They did have a quite a few good reviews so far all good none bad...at least for the console version. One of it even compared to Arma2. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=224624 ============================================= Uppers Great fun Hard but fair Co-op campaign More of a game than ArmA II Downers Some console touches ============================================= Since BIS are the pioneer in this genre of game, do you think codemaster will post a threat to BIS now?
  5. Muahaha

    Stadium Beta

    Nice addon. Is it destructible?
  6. What I would like to see if doable in current engine is Replay of a mission. Something similar to RTS games would have. Just that it's implemented in Arma2 with the capability to view via eagle eye or switch to all units. Will be great to watch missions we played in or other's mission to review how they fight as team or single unit.
  7. AWESOME! Can I pre-order now??? I just hope and pray they add After action review also. Can't wait...
  8. I am experiencing super low FPS rate < 10 when facing certain direction in-game with multiple waypoints and triggers in placed, but when I face other directions the FPS rate will shoot up > 40. Tried it on the same map but cleared all waypoints and triggers with multiple AIs don't seems to experience this issue... Seems weird to me. My video settings are all on normal with AA and AF disabled.
  9. Yea I did. Sorry for the late reply. I think I find out what might be the cause of the lag. As my mission focus on rescuing an AI, which is set on captive = true and AI noMove. To be later reset back to captive false, enableMove via trigger (let's call it "A") with a few other triggers synch with trigger (A) to simulate "rescue" operation. The lag is very apparent when the "hostage" is killed instead and player is at the "rescue" trigger (A) area. Thanks EDIT: I think I've found the root cause. It's due to a unit with animation and bunch of commands on it's init's box while set with health=0 that causes it to instantaneous dead on mission start. Whenever player faces this dead unit's direction the FPS will drop super duper low. Hope it helps others that might accidentally set this cond.
  10. Muahaha

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    My opinion of Arma1 - stable now and with tonnes and tonnes of awesome mods already out. Really great to play now... Arma2 - Alot more mods coming and possibility of porting all previous campaigns from OFP/Arma1 to Arma2 . eg CAA1, CWR team...etc. I personally still play arma1 CWR alot eventhough I own both arma1 and arma2.
  11. Muahaha

    Nvidia SLI or 5870 for ArmA 2?

    You might want to wait a while for this.... http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20090922005976&newsLang=en Multi GPU motherboard that support graphic cards from different vendors without SLi/Crossfire plus might even add more than 2 graphic cards.
  12. Question is.. if it really happens, will the mod owners be willing to allow it? Maybe a little compensation?
  13. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    Yes you can. It's made into modular form so that you can leave those you don't like out.
  14. Muahaha


    Ok you guys are spoiling me with all these awesome surprises...! More sleepless nites....:)
  15. Muahaha

    SLX Mod WIP

    Hey Solus, question on the wound.pbo feature. Is there a way to always let the AI drag any wounded or dead soldier to nearest cover then proceed on with their routines (either apply first aid/or move on to attack the enemy). As I see most of the time it's rather random for the AI to drag any wounded/dead soldiers. I know it's kinda unrealistic as in real world the soldiers always access the situation first before deciding to pull the wounded/dead. But I felt now the AI really rarely do the dragging at all. Thanks
  16. Suggestion: It will be great to have reskinned of civillians pack such as: 1. NGO aid workers 2. War Journalists/Photograhpers 3. Constructions workers Thanks
  17. Oh great... WIll definately check out Norrin's revive script. Thanks
  18. Muahaha

    BlackOps and desert mercs

    Any plans to release Taliban vehicle pack mod? Great addon btw! Thanks
  19. hopping on this tread.... Any idea to set the "hostage" AI stay stationary? I've set the hostage with "hostage switchmove [surrender animation]" but once the mission start, the AI will start running around after performing the animation. I've also used "hostage setCaptive= true". Thanks! EDIT: managed to make the "hostage" stationary with DisableAI "move", but the cons are to implement alot of other triggers to re-enable it back for it to be rescued.
  20. Muahaha


    Is all the anim in Czech?
  21. Hey i0n0s awesome editor! Really helps alot when using RTE to edit missions. But just a question, any way to bring up FPS, as it's really eats up alot of FPS when RTE is enabled. Thanks
  22. Just wondering whether there are any MOD/addon that allow transporting of fallen soldiers either via wheel/track or even air. eg. dragging/firemen's lift a body to a nearby chopper, use action command to put the body inside the chopper. then body appear laying flat on chopper floor. Hopefully it's as simple as it's sounds...