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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. Muahaha

    has this happend to anyone?

    Nope never happened to me...Was it a beta you were playing it on?
  2. Muahaha


    I believe that BIS is doing a great work with the AI, eventhough it does has it's flaws. To make an AI to behave as realistic as a real person in a open ended game world is not as easy as it sounds. Having what AI Arma2 is having now is already a great step done by BIS to bring us closer to the real thing. If you are basing your idealistic AI behaviour with other games than you should also take into considerations the open ended-ness of this game. If you give enough time to learn the behaviour of every AIs you will see that all AI actually has it's basic core reaction to the situation it's at. eg. If the AI is under fire and you are issuing command to hold fire, the AI might not heed your command and instead fire back as basic reaction. Things such as these are normally perceived as broken game play... Give it some time and understand more...
  3. Muahaha

    FlexiAI (WIP) discussion

    Hey nice and wonderful work! Can't wait to see the final release... Was wondering whether will the AI leader act the same manner and issue such orders as those in the video.
  4. Muahaha

    City Fight

    Hey nice mission. Tried on the SP version, just wondering whether is it possible to have AI in fireteam groupings rather than everyone on their own? As most AI tends to die fast everytime they tries to assault a objective. Just a suggestion. Thanks for the great fun!
  5. Muahaha

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    Hi qwertz , Thanks for the detailed analysis, any idea how much of % of improvements you have ever since using Ramdisk/SSD?
  6. Muahaha

    AI blinded by rage or bugs?

    The AIs hates us cause we dumbed them down after 1.03....:)
  7. Definately will be better than DR... maybe include some easter eggs of DR just to tease CM? hahaha jk....
  8. Hey Fromz, Will you be releasing some Chinese custom faces ? All custom faces are currently Caucasian looking and none Asian looking...hehe
  9. Muahaha

    Healing enemy soldiers

    Try SLX mod from Solus. It will make AI that are outnumbered surrender w/o any action from player.
  10. Are you playing in the editor? I once tried playing in the editor w commands/scripts . If the AI got killed and the script left 'hanging'. It will brings the FPS down drastically.
  11. Muahaha

    Laser Designator, need help

    It has been replaced with a green circle in the laser designator. Click once (left click) then wait for the airstrike/missle strike.
  12. Is it just me or there seems to be some improvements on 3D editor? Anyway anyone know how to synch in 3D editor or script it out in the mission.sqf file? Thanks
  13. Awesome! Hope it's coming out soon. By anychance it will include any ambient sound? distant gunshooting...explosions etc?
  14. Wait till you play with SOM / ACM modules on top of your own mission in editor.... you get hooked even deeper...:D
  15. The version might be from some less well known publishers or distributors. Mine is the same with a few page booklet within a cd case as I got it from a distributor call New Era.
  16. Muahaha

    Ambient Combat Module

    Hi all, Just need to reconfirm whether multiple groups created with 1 ACM module synch to the leader will produce each of it's random patrol/encounters? I read somewhere in this thread says it will but an earlier thread says it wont. Also if it can be done... Does naming each of the ACM modules required? eg. BIS_ACM_1 with it's own's script under init tab such as: waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [1, BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [BIS_ACM_1, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [["GUE","RU"], BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0.4, 0.8, BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units possess [0.4, 0.8, BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0, BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; Thanks for any help...:)
  17. Muahaha

    Finally enjoyed Arma 2

    We already have 1 in this thread... I don't see why not.... :D
  18. Agreed! Once BIS patched it up and with community mod like ACE2 coming up... it's going to be 1 awesome game. Might just last for yearssss...
  19. Muahaha

    Finally enjoyed Arma 2

    It's always nice and enjoyable to read nice arma2 gaming experiences. It's often the little actions here n there that makes it so nice..... Maybe the Mods should consider starting a Arma2 WarStories/Battle report thread to let the players add their Arma2 gaming experiences (text n pics) and share it with the rest of the community. It might also spurs more interest for those that yet to enjoy Arma2 to join in the Arma2 fun.
  20. In real life... was it the 3 mag rules that dictates the soldier's action to cease suppression? Maybe BIS can put that logic check to cease it. I hope
  21. I thought it's still there as I normally target enemy via right clicking when flying on the A10. Don't quite like it though as it always zoom in whenever I target.
  22. Well thanks guy. Guess practice practice practice is the fastest way of doing it. :D
  23. I always have difficulties when needed to assign an AI to mount the gunner post on a Humvee/vehicle. the std method i do is via the numbering systems which is quite tedious and most of the time it is that crucial moment your team need a heavy weapon on your side ... wondering whether anyone has a trick that will be the fastest to assign your squad to mount a gunner post without going thru the numbering system.
  24. Muahaha

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Just found out that mid-air collision on full throttle will not instantly cause the plane burst into flames but rather bounced back with minor damage. I hope this can be fixed. Maybe pre-set a certain airspeed with altitude will instantly cause explosion rather just minor damage. Also hope this can be applied on helos crash landing, with certain airspeed/altitude will destroy the helos rather than bounced around with minor damage.