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Everything posted by Muahaha

  1. +1 to the above. Will be great to have those mission that works flawlessly to be shared.
  2. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    I guess waiting for your official release will be exciting. Enjoyed beta testing the missions and giving ideas which are incorporated into the campaign. If you need testers next time give me a PM.
  3. Saw from Dev heaven the ticket is resolved now. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14276
  4. Wow, this is Christmas comes early. What the main difference between playing SP armory and this aside from having multiplayer? Any changes of mission types ? Stats records ? Or a totally new armory experience? Thanks BIS
  5. Yes! downloading it now. Thanks Only 2 changelog?
  6. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Hi Bardosy, Some report:
  7. Muahaha

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    I see. That might sell, but need to be carefully designed as it might easily be redundant or unnecessary or even not possible within current VR engine.
  8. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Sounds real nice, Will re-download to check on the extras.
  9. Muahaha

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    You are trying to request for very SF centric gears that no other regular grunts should have if I get you correctly. James Bond kind of gear?
  10. Muahaha

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    he deserves an award for making my eyes bleed!
  11. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Joint Operations [BAF]

    Nice, was about to ask whether there is a bug for AI inside FOB, and it was resolved. Is all dialog supposed to be voice-over or only the intro ?
  12. Muahaha

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74123

    My bad, I mistook your statement for the beta, albeit this is a beta thread. :)
  13. Muahaha

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 74123

    These are meant to be "beta" patches, we are meant to test and feedback. If you prefer non-game breaking patch maybe should stick with the official release.
  14. Muahaha

    what does arma stand for?

    Arma stands for "take that dragon what again"
  15. Muahaha

    D3Z Hookers

    You know what they are meant for... Everyone does... :)
  16. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    In asymmetric war, there is no clear victory, so no worries. All your work are great :) Maybe a nice concluding outro for us to deliver your message from this campaign? haha
  17. Thank you Silola. Never complaint of too much DAC.
  18. Muahaha

    D3Z Hookers

    This should be the most downloaded MOD. Hookers.... everyone loves hookers. Now where the animation....?
  19. Great to hear. Hope to see the outcome soon. But I'll prefer that the number of Mods needed is at minimal. You can try GL4, SLX or DAC3.0. GL4 and DAC3.0 provide scripts friendly alternatives on AI moving from building to building.
  20. I do hope this DLC is having multiple story arc and non-linear based. And more usage of conversation system instead of all shoot and no talking, don't want all gung-ho COD/MOH type missions only. Any goodies for pre-order folks??? :) eg. Gold plated shotgun?
  21. Muahaha

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Bardosy, Done your full campaign, so far all is tight except the last mission... seems out of place a bit, unless you planned for more mission with that story line.
  22. Muahaha

    ARMA 2: Merchandise. For Sale?

    Maruk's action figure with AA-12 on his hand. Definitely a bargain buy!
  23. Muahaha

    Large Gripe about PMC DLC!

    Bad news sells while good ones don't. :) Don't think this DLC is painting evil all over PMCs.
  24. Any news on the pricing yet? amidst all these hype, I still hope the OPFOR get some love and care.