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Everything posted by ray243

  1. ray243

    User mission requests!

    Mission doesn't work, couldn't find it in the map.
  2. How is it going to work in Arma 2? Wouldn't it shoot right off the map?
  3. So you actually paid for it? Full price?
  4. ray243

    Mrazík iPhone / iPad

    No app for android? Everybody hates android. :(
  5. There's support for wire guided missiles right? You actually guide it right? Sorry for the dumb question.
  6. ray243

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Yeah, I meant that. Thanks for the reply! Also, 1 last question, does the m4 have a powerful sound like in Chammy sound mod?
  7. ray243

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Is there any bullet wizz and snap for this mod?
  8. ray243

    JTD Hide

    Now all we need is a cardboard box and it'll be complete!
  9. I placed at the ramp. Ah, might br because I didn't look at the MOAB.
  10. Er, very close, and no option to arm it came out.
  11. Downloaded your MOAB, but can't seem to load into C130.
  12. Mando, a little off topic but you might want to have a look at: http://www.moddb.com/mods/wicmw The mod have some pretty cool missile system. There's another indie game in the works, which have some amazing missile system also, but I couldn't find the link on MODDB. :( Its to do with Strategic Defense Initiative or something. Mostly based on missiles. I think its a RTS game.
  13. Ahh, okay. Why the sad face?
  14. I never played OFP before, so I have no idea. So all the units are port of the OFP stuff? With the old models and textures?
  15. Would be nice to have some pictures, cause I don't know what this mod is.
  16. Mando, no offense, but do you consider MMA realistic? Also, isn't the Apache HUD a little cluttered?
  17. ray243

    OA desert mercs

    Is it possible to have one without helmet and a different helmet? I'm not saying its bad, but I wished for more variety of helmets and caps.
  18. ray243

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Did you throw all the mods inside or you configured everything nicely?
  19. ray243

    SLX Mod WIP

    You mean for the out of memory crash?
  20. ray243

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Opticalsnare, amazing work! But maybe you could add flames coming out of the exhaust of the turret of the Tunguska? There's flame coming out of it, from a recent video I just watched. ---------- Post added at 02:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ---------- Also, which sound mod goes better with WarFX? JSRS or Chammy?
  21. ray243

    User mission requests!

    Ahh thanks alot!
  22. Eh, sorry Loki, but how do I get rid of the R3F artillery again?
  23. GLT, is it okay for you to add support for GNAT's B52?
  24. ray243

    ExA HMMWV pack

    Is it possible to have a uparmoured variant? The other Uparmoured humvee's seems to have halted or slowed down, and your's had different gunner shield, so I was hoping you could turn em into the current uparmoured variant. If you think this post is dumb, then ignore it. Oh, and amazing footage!