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Everything posted by jeza

  1. jeza

    Free Games

    If you can be arsed to get another digital distribution platform, then epic store is doing total war troy for free for the next 24hrs https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/a-total-war-saga-troy/home
  2. jeza

    JCOVE Lite for free

    Thats latest link (post) in that thread, extracts and plays fine for me.
  3. jeza

    Free Games

    F1 2018 free for the next couple of days on humble: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/f1-2018-free-game
  4. jeza

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    Google Stadia Exclusive.
  5. jeza

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Nice little review. I'd never played the series before human revolution and that took me two tries to get into it over a couple of years, then put in a good 40 hours into the directors cut. As for Mankind Divided I felt largely the same as you post, has its issues but its solid and builds of the previous one in many way (not played the dlc). Love the Prague vibe as well, felt like a place where people live and go about their lives.
  6. @RHSUSAF@RHSPKL@USP@MWstaticPoses@DireoneAnimations@Polpoxartworksupporter
  7. jeza

    Free Games

    Hitman Absolution free https://www.gog.com/game/hitman_absolution
  8. @RHSPKL@NikotanPoses@Unsung@FirewillHueySkins
  9. jeza

    F-16 Falcon CAS Module

    Ofc no worries take what ya need. Cheers.
  10. jeza

    F-16 Falcon CAS Module

    Cheers boss, nice little addon. Small demo here:
  11. This was due few years after, but a spiritual successor to H&D2 and looking very OFP'esc and fighting in UK as well, gutted this never saw the light of day: https://www.unseen64.net/2019/12/20/enemy-sight-pc-cancelled/
  12. jeza

    Free Games

    Discovery Tours of Acreed Oddessy and Egypt are free (which to me seems far more interesting that the games they make): https://register.ubisoft.com/acod-discovery-tour/en-GB https://register.ubisoft.com/aco-discovery-tour/en-GB and this is free also whatever it is: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/aegis-defenders-free-game
  13. jeza

    What is the problem of LifeServer?

    Pufu is being nice (which is something in itself), and its only your first post, but..... stop stealing shit, stop bringing hoards of prepubescent annoyance to a communities door step which has better things to type than this, you ask "what is the thing that you think should change in life server?" Don't exist. (😬 3 cans of fosters that took after years of restraint!)
  14. jeza

    Free Games

    Total War: SHOGUN 2 free on steam for limited time: https://store.steampowered.com/app/201270/Total_War_SHOGUN_2/
  15. An interesting and novel idea, well done and thanks for sharing how it unfolded.
  16. Their burgon's are full enough, let alone attaching a ship to it.
  17. @USP@RHS@NikotanAnims@PolploxArt@@TriaTerrain
  18. jeza

    Diseases, Plagues, Viruses, & today we actually have one!

    Apologies to quote the entire post, but almost everything you posted there is either demonstratively incorrect or or is falling for causation vs correlation. 99% of the time I pass on commenting on posts such as these but as I've spent the past couple of weeks volunteering in our local trusts diagnostic lab (having done my undergrad & masters in biomedical science, now onto graduate medicine) and other duties due to medschool being essentially closed I feel its important for this kind of to be pointed out for what it is, which is dangerous. To say its just another form of flu: they present in a similar manner, and have the the ability to cause respiratory disease which diverge into other symptoms and transmission from human to human is similar, check. Severity is a different ball game: WHO have cases at 10-15% requiring oxygen and 3-5% requiring some form of ventilation, this is far beyond what you will find in seasonal flu cases. Also the case fatality rate is higher, considerably. Currently I believe its between 2.5 to 4%, which likely will drop yes (i'll come back to this), but not to seasonal flu levels on 0.1%. Furthermore, most of the world have built up immunity to seasonal flu (outside elderly and immunocomprimised) and have shots available for the winter periods. Covid is new, we know little about innate and almost zero about adaptive immunity to covid hence why its name is it was originally called 'novel' as yes we knew coronaviruses existed, but previous to this the virus SARS-CoV-2 had not been known. So there is no shot for people to get for this as of yet (several are going through clinical trials and hopefully will be deployed within 6-12 months if we're lucky). Of course you have to caveat the numbers with the quality of the healthcare in that country however, Italy has a fantastic healthcare system much like the UK and yet in parts of Italy we are observing things which are quite unprecedented in our time. Also you seem to be confusing seasonal flu with pandemic flu which are two very different things, as the name suggests seasonal flu comes around by season, outbreaks of new flu very often different, the last time we saw this was with swine flu which caused upwards of 200,000 people. Unfortunately we'll be waiting two to three years to be able to get reliable epidemiological data i.e. once the dust settles however, we don't know if it may return and continue to cause this chaos, we don't know the adaptive immune response over months and years so really not worth taking such risks as to push it aside as something not to be too concerned about when the data we do have points toward a different story. As for the 5g nonsense I'd simply just like to quote a professor at lshtm I read earlier today: "both a physical and biological impossibility".
  19. jeza

    Free Games

    Tomb Raider 2013 is free on Steam currently: https://store.steampowered.com/app/203160/Tomb_Raider/
  20. Welcome back to the fold! Very glad you did not let this dog sleep any longer.