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Everything posted by BelgarionNL

  1. works like a charm you should add the script to http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=81657#81657 thats where i originally found this
  2. I could not find this on the forums! I used 2 addons the LCU (landing craft utility) which needs to respawn if destroyed with the same init vehicle code that I entered! and the vehicles that are on the transport ship that also have custom height! how do I do that?
  3. yes its still very much a work in progress. this is how I got it on armaholic and 2 be honest I have no idea how I can shorten it! :)
  4. BelgarionNL

    USS Nimitz

    how did you made dll.tow script work with spawned planes? and maybe even a respawned towing truck?
  5. so what was wrong with it :P and you have these ' instead of " does that not matter
  6. sweet it works: this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 0]; _xtype = [this,0] execvm "scripts\fold_aircraft\airpack.sqf"; veh = [this, 15, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "_xtype = [this,0] execvm ""scripts\fold_aircraft\airpack.sqf"""] execVM "scripts\vehicle_respawn.sqf" ---------- Post added at 06:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:10 PM ---------- 1 more thing I already ran this through squint and it gives 0 error and yet its not working: veh = [this, 15, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "this setvariable [""moored"", false, true]; this setvariable [""attachedobjs"", [], true]; this addAction [""Secure for Transport"", ""sqf\lcattach.sqf"", [], 1, false, true,"",""(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) and (((velocity _target) select 1) < 0.1) and ((count (_target getvariable ""attachedobjs""))==0) and (({(((vehicle _x) != _target) and (_x != _this))} count (nearestobjects [_target, [""landvehicle"", ""camanbase""], 8]))>0)""]; this addAction [""Ready to Unload"", ""scripts\lcu\lcdetach.sqf"", [], 1, false, true,"",""(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) and (((velocity _target) select 1) < 0.1) and ((count (_target getvariable ""attachedobjs""))>0)""]; this addaction [""Moor the Boat (disables motor)"", ""scripts\lcu\moorboat.sqf"", [], 0, false, true, "", ""((((getposatl _target) select 2)<6) or ((_target distance dockpos)<20) or ((_target distance dockpos2)<20)) and (not (_target getvariable ""moored"")) and (((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) and (((velocity _target) select 1) < 0.1)""]; this addaction [""Release Moorings (reenables motor)"", ""scripts\lcu\unmoorboat.sqf"", [], 0, false, true, "", ""(_target getvariable ""moored"""")""]; this addaction [""Go to deck"", ""scripts\lcu\lcgotodeck.sqf"", [], 0, false, true, "", ""_this in (crew _target)""];"] execVM "scripts\vehicle_respawn.sqf" RPT ERROR LOG: Error in expression <qf\lcattach.sqf", [], 1, false, true,","(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) an> Error position: <(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) an> Error Missing ] Error in expression <qf\lcattach.sqf", [], 1, false, true,","(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) an> Error position: <(((velocity _target) select 0) < 0.1) an> Error Missing ]
  7. so? "this..."scripts...sqf " " i thought that would belance it out veh = [this, 15, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE, [color="DarkOrange"]"[/color][color="Red"]this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 12.5][/color]; [color="Blue"]_xtype = [this,0] execvm "scripts\fold_aircraft\airpack.sqf"[/color][color="DarkOrange"]"[/color]] execVM "scripts\vehicle_respawn.sqf"
  8. so i am trying out the simple vehicle respawn script untill I figure out your solution which is probably better but untill then: this works: veh = [this, 15, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 12.5]"] execVM "scripts\vehicle_respawn.sqf" but this needs to be added between the "": _xtype = [this,0] execvm "scripts\fold_aircraft\airpack.sqf" how do i do that! everytime it says missing ] veh = [this, 15, 120, 0, FALSE, FALSE, "this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, 12.5]; _xtype = [this,0] execvm "scripts\fold_aircraft\airpack.sqf""] execVM "scripts\vehicle_respawn.sqf"
  9. off topic: hey Xeno love your work, very good stuff! can't wait what you cook up for Arma III on topic: so xeno do you got a fix for demonized' script? or maybe an alternative that also cleans up the vehicle?
  10. i added the ac130 spooky gunship script as a "General Rank" at 300 points. how do i attach the line of code in the INIT of the c130 to the newly spawned c130? ---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:27 PM ---------- @griffz this is probably an arma problem! try to NOT put it on a mountain or a very steep hill! XD
  11. @lyaoz I SECOND THAT! a automatic addon downloader plz!
  12. BelgarionNL


    can no one give this a texture and fix it up! could be so extremely useful in arma
  13. BelgarionNL


    i said it before fireball: FREAKING great mission! but i also modify it to my clans liking! and it would be great if you could set the amount of NVG's for OPFOR in parameter! that said, its a great freaking mission and template to play with! PS where can i find the 2 new ported versions?? capraia and tropica
  14. added that same ldl ac130 script to evolution aswell but i am also having problems keeping it synced with that c130 after it respawns! will let you know what i find
  15. BelgarionNL

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    so does anyone have a working multiplayer mission where the script version of this still works after the C130 respawns? because its all good and fun that you have to use the INIT line but after the plane respawns the ac130 no longer works! any way to fix that? this probably requires some special respawn script that adds the init line to the newly created aircraft!
  16. BelgarionNL

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    its 2035 so everything could have happened! they could either use US weapons because europe is almost conquered or NATO is using european tech because they are closer to the island! as long as there is some cool stuff in there i am very happy! and hopefully user created content is better implemented online( automatic mod downloader )
  17. dear fellow arma 2 players! the clan i play with got fed up with people taking the choppers en vehicles all the time so they asked me to add a chopper and make 1 vehicle clan only! but how do i accomplish that, seeing that on insurgency everything is spawned in when you move the MHQ so i need to script to reactivate everytime you deploy the MHQ again! i was looking at this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116872&highlight=lock+script but to let it run every 10 seconds will cause lag and i only want it to run after the base it deployed! i can't be the first who encountered this problem with insurgency Thx in advance Belgarion THE ANSWER IS: initclient-common.sqf: masterUIDArray = ["UID","UID","UID",]; masterClassArray = ["UH1Y","M2A3_EP1"]; And added a repeatedly activated trigger on the map: Condition field: vehicle player != player Activation Field: if (typeOf (vehicle player) in masterClassArray) then {if ((vehicle player emptyPositions "driver" == 0) && (player != driver vehicle player)) exitWith {};if (getPlayerUID player in masterUIDArray) then {hint " member/ts3 guest confirmed -- Good Hunting!"} else {player action ["getOut",(vehicle player)];hint "Only members or regulars are authorized to use this vehicle!"}} for all the people who search the forums and would like to have a easy to find answer :)
  18. BelgarionNL

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    @maddogX yea duh ( was out of it last night) but yes you are right! luckily there is six updater and that works very well! no client uploads required a part from some missions and stuff!
  19. something similar as the six updater would be very useful!
  20. i have no idea why its not installing! this is what i did: 1 install arma 2 2 install arma OA + auto patching to 1.06 afterwards 3 install BAF with the sprocket EXE ~> crash 4 (to do) install to 1.60 edit: i've done this at least 5 times before without any problems! ---------- Post added at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ---------- RESOLVED: my internet provider changed virusscanners from mcafee to F-secure and F-secure caused the: BAF setup has stopped working message! installing now!
  21. BelgarionNL

    Will large ships be able to move?

    yes but the models are being used for this game alone! thus making the LHD better and more fun to play, thus making the game more fun = bigger payday for bohemia! i am just saying, that as long as it will require the original models or checks for them it should not be an issue!
  22. BelgarionNL

    Will large ships be able to move?

    sorry but that is sooo lame! its for the same game not even for another game or whatever!
  23. MOST NEEDED FEATURE EVER! automatic mod synchronizer ( between client and random server) idea is that it sync's the server mods with your pc so you can always join every server without too much hassle!
  24. it could be very good! hopefully they don't spend too much time in it! more interested in flight model etc! i just want a automatic server mods downloader so we can join every server, without downloading the mods manually!