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Everything posted by derdoe

  1. Hmm, maybe doing it like the following: When the blades are being folded, set the fuel to 0, when blades are spread again, take the original fuel level and add it back on.
  2. Thanks again for answering :) Btw your screenshots above look fantastic, cant wait to drive over the highway/motorway there :)
  3. Thanks for detailed answer, i didnt expect that much so you pretty much overshot my expectations answering it :) Will be great to fly around Taviana and landing there :)
  4. True That Hmm nice collection of words there, pretty sure the Secret Service is currently googling Taviana, Nuclear Plant, White House, terrorists :D @Martin: What are your plans for the second island across the big bridge? What will be the main landscape features? Castles, Airport, Mountains?
  5. Good luck with this, looking forward :)
  6. I like what i see :) Good luck with all of this!
  7. Hi, totally agree with KrAziKilla's post there. I was quite disappointed that nothing really new was presented on the Gamescom Showcases. I know you guys are working hard on the engine and the integration of Physx but maybe a new showcase would have been not too much of an effort and still nice news for the community. As an example i could have imagined a water race with a boat or maybe pushing objects around with a car. I really hope that most of the features from the wishlist get included, also i hope that the game itself is more complete than Arma2 or OA. E.g. there is police cars and ambulances in the game with modeled sirens and flashlights, but there are no flashing lights nor sirens. For a good game experience that would have made the game - in my oppinion - more complete.
  8. Rooftop helipad for the really bad guys ^^ Anyway off to discover more off the updated Taviana, have fun :)
  9. Wow, thanks for the quick reply. Well sounds like a good trade-off to make only 1 wing enterable and replace the other barracks with barracks without interior. I like the jail island layout very much, well done. Just an idea, you could add a helipad somewhere there :)
  10. Hi, i know this topic is very old. I noticed that the ships are only very difficult to steer. Is there any chance the handling of the ships could be improved, especially the turning radius? I like those ships a lot but i cant really sail to docks with them :( Thanks in advance!
  11. Hi, congrats on the updated release. I noticed some FPS lags at the newly added jail island. It seems the amount of interiors causes heavy lags. Would it be possible that you make the jail barracks enterable? I tried to get into there but i didnt find a way in :D Cheers!
  12. Thanks for your input, Zonekiller! Will post your information in the first post!
  13. derdoe

    EA6B Prowler Mod

    Well still it would be nice if BHO would consider making the A-6, from my point of view it seems to be not too much of a work and maybe BHO may consider it.
  14. derdoe

    EA6B Prowler Mod

    Hello BHO, first of all thanks for sharing the news with the community. The screens are looking very promising, are you also planning to do the 2 seater attack version (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman_A-6_Intruder)? Thanks in advance and good luck, looking forward!
  15. I suggested burning buildings. The fire will damage houses constantly until they finally collapse or the fire will be extinguished/goes out by itself. The fire will injure humans nearby.
  16. derdoe

    ACE for OA 1.13

    My problem with making AI units unconscious has been fixed. Thanks ACE team! https://dev-heaven.net/issues/29965
  17. derdoe

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I have investigated further on this issue. It seems that if i place the units in editor, i can make them unconscious with this script. If i create the units with createUnit, they do not get injured by the script. How can i make them unconscious when i dynamically created them via script? Thanks in advance!
  18. derdoe

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Hi, this was posted on another thread aswell, was told to post it here: i have been trying around for several days now, also couldnt find any post that would solve my problem. I created a unit via createUnit command. Ace wounding system module is place in Editor. I want to put that unit unconscious via sqf script from a separate file. Calling the script and so on works fine, though the units dont fall unconscious. _victim1 = "Worker1" createUnit [[_x + 2.4, _y - 4, _z],_civgroup]; _victim2 = "Worker2" createUnit [[_x - 1.7, _y + 5, _z],_civgroup]; [_victim1,0.5] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage; [_victim1, 1] call ace_blackoutAll; [_victim2,0.5] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage; [_victim2, 1] call ace_blackoutAll; hint "victims injured"; Anyone has an idea? Do i have to somehow load the ACE functions before using them? Any help is appreciated!
  19. Hi, i have been trying around for several days now, also couldnt find any post that would solve my problem. I created a unit via createUnit command. Ace wounding system module is place in Editor. I want to put that unit unconscious via sqf script from a separate file. Calling the script and so on works fine, though the units dont fall unconscious. _victim1 = "Worker1" createUnit [[_x + 2.4, _y - 4, _z],_civgroup]; _victim2 = "Worker2" createUnit [[_x - 1.7, _y + 5, _z],_civgroup]; [_victim1,0.5] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage; [_victim1, 1] call ace_blackoutAll; [_victim2,0.5] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage; [_victim2, 1] call ace_blackoutAll; hint "victims injured"; Anyone has an idea? Do i have to somehow load the ACE functions before using them? Any help is appreciated!
  20. Hi yura, i have a problem with all of your H-60 helos. Gnat described the same problem for one of his current addons here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129917-Ghost-moving-my-head-
  21. derdoe

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    First of all great job yurapetrov, i love each one of your releases from the H60-family. Did you ever consider doing a Chinook in the future? :) Would love to see one with the detail that you put on your babies!
  22. derdoe

    Blackhawks by YuraPetrov

    Hi yura, thanks for all the work you do. Your newest release just came in time and made it for my next little video :) Its just a set of pictures, i hope you still like it :) derdoe
  23. derdoe

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Hey DMarwick, would you mind if i drop an eye on your source code and see if i can implement a way to simulate extinguishing the fire? I dont have an idea yet how complex this will be but would really like to try if i can find a way to do it. :)
  24. derdoe

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Very sorry to hear about this tragedy. I hope you will find strength to overcome these hard times and confidence to look forward again. All the best to you! Stefan
  25. Oh quite interesting... I wonder why they use it here then to locate people in the water.