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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. Not just a function to raise your head it should be elevated a lot more by default, as it is now it's like your pressing your head into ground. Maybe a function to raise your head in the higher grass.
  2. Mission updated. v1.2 -The Thirsk objective is changed from destroy armor to disable armor as ACE armor system could be a pain -Snow script updated -Minor fixes & adjustments
  3. That would be a dream come true, i have spent many hours doing editor->preview and back again to see if thing were properly lined up :o
  4. I think the main problem with grass(from players end) is the players view point is too low. You can lay in grass thats not really high and yet you cant see anything, then if you look from 3rd person view you can see that your actually higher than the grass :p
  5. There's no tracks of the USPS script in the mission at all. I have tried loading the mission on a dedicated server and joining it without any problems! If you have the chance then please try again :)
  6. It sounds like a ACE armor system bug, all i did was placing the vehicles! Sometimes it takes a little while before a vehicle is considered "not alive", but 7 rockets and 3 satchels sounds REALLY extreme. I'll do some more testing! P.S. remember to keep ACE updated. What :confused:
  7. Hmmm thats weird, USPS.sqf is a script i have made but it's not used in this mission! Was that the exact message you got?
  8. jw custom


    If your checking a variable that haven't been set to true it's considered false, so don't set your variables in the init.sqf. Clients that JIP will assume that the variables are false but if server at one point has set them to true and published them with publicVariable then it will be broadcasted to the JIPs as soon as they join. Dont hang me up on this though :p
  9. jw custom

    Fallujah - Operation Phantom Fury

    Link works fine my end :) Thanks for the mission :cool:
  10. I forgot to update version number on my site but it is the right version your downloading. The armaholic link is not updated! Version numbers on my site is now corrected!
  11. jw custom

    co06 - Lima-Six (ACE)

    I prefere it simple using markers with a short objective description :)
  12. co06 - Lima-Six _WwhNsYbr5E Changelog: v1.0 -Initial release Info: Uses revive script. Required addons: ACE 2 Success: Mission is complete when: 1. The explosives cache is destroyed. 2. The SU-27 is destroyed. 3. The communication tower is destroyed. 4. All playable units alive(also AI) is in the extraction zone(If your in a vehicle then disembark). Download v1.0: -> co06 - Lima-Six Download v1.0 from Armaholic mirror: -> Lima Six Co-06 (@)
  13. Wauv that freakin' nice, nice work there guys(and girls?) :cool:
  14. Mission updated. v1.1 -Added proper snow blizzard effect 9wZbcz-63Ek
  15. Mission updated. v1.2 -Added proper snow blizzard effect -Changed a few objects due to bis low texture problems Snow blizzard effect 9wZbcz-63Ek
  16. Yes please sickboy, my back is itchy and i would love if you would pay for my OA when it's out :D
  17. When i look in the server browser list filtering coop most servers are running ACE!
  18. jw custom

    Thirsk Island

    I personally think its a little bit too loud but only a tiny bit, please do not lower it more than max. 1/3 as already mentioned(even better make an option for it)... the sound is nice :)
  19. Anybody else having issues with the stamina system in latest version( I have been experiencing running(not sprinting) carrying 17kg then after not that long suddently fell to the ground without getting any indication(heartbeat). Most times i get the blackout flash 1 time and get massive heartbeat sound then it's all over in a few secs and i can run like 50m and it repeats again. Other times i just fall to ground and nothing more :confused: Anybody?
  20. jw custom

    Count Down

    UnPbo this mission it got all the timer stuff you need uncluding the parse timer stuff from shk :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=96456
  21. Mission updated. v1.1 -Added wind sound -Increased player number to 8 -Disabled ACE stamina system(it seems bugged)
  22. jw custom

    Count Down

    You should make the time > 1200 a lose trigger so when 20min is up you lose. Then you should have a end trigger with !alive enemy1 and !alive enemy2 as condition so that you win if enemy1 & enemy2 is dead.
  23. 1. The revive script is setup exactly like in Lima-Six! 2. Technical vehicle :confused: Only vehicles i placed is enemy vehicles, 8 of them with each 20% chance of existing. Last night in another mission(without revice script) we had some problems with people not appearing in the group also serveral of us had a marker attached though we were not leaders. Maybe it's ACE or another mod thats bugged, ACE sure had a stamina problem last night! 3. Haven't tried that, will have to test a bit.
  24. jw custom

    Count Down

    If you like to show a visible timer i would say you need a script, look here it helped me: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1583598&postcount=2 If you just need a non visible timer that pop up now and then and tells how long time is left you can easily do it with triggers like this: Place a trigger that end mission and in condtion field put this: time > 1200 This will end mission after 20min. Then you can add a trigger with time > 600 in condition field and hintSilent "10 minutes left" in On Act field.
  25. In description.ext add: disabledAI = 1;