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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. jw custom

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Dragon Rising does not deserve "Operation Flashpoint" in the title, it's not even close to could be compared! It looks and feels like a clone between G.R.A.W and COD4 which was ported from console in a real hurry. The editor is simply annoying. My conclusion: I play ArmA 2 when i want realism, nice graphic and tactical play. When i wanna play with the gun in one hand and the head under the other i play Dragon Rising, nice with a replacement for BF2 which is getting old.
  2. jw custom

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    Really interesting thread, too bad SSD's are so expensive. Maybe i'll start out with a 60GB.
  3. jw custom

    The trials & tribulations of a noob.

    ....kind of attitude :confused: What he said is true, can't see anything wrong with that!
  4. jw custom

    The trials & tribulations of a noob.

    I have had some great experiences on Domination servers, really nice communication/teamwork ;)
  5. Nice so you can carry stuff in your backpack which other players can access :cool: Thanks for the vid :)
  6. jw custom

    % of game time decrease

    Is it really that much work to get it running :confused:
  7. jw custom

    ArmA 2 tip's & trick's for heli pilots.

    Here's a tip for all, not just pilots... if you see me as pilot in a heli then run away :p
  8. You don't read around here much do you :j: Hey you stop telling me what i think... it's easy to spot complains from people who don't got a clue as they mainly contains words like "f*cking", "pile of sh*t", "where can i get a refund" etc. etc. Valid complains are usually posted in the suggestions/troubleshooting/beta patch forums ;)
  9. And still many many people including myself was able to enjoy the game :eek:
  10. LOL ArmA 2 won't lose any milsim dedicated fans to Dragon Rising, if that was the case they would already have left for BF2 ;)
  11. jw custom

    % of game time decrease

    Fallen to 76.32% of the originally 100% playtime...... seriously, i dont know lol. But now i'm spending much more time in the editor than playing :)
  12. Thats mainly from people who don't got a clue and gets frustrated, they should return to sims :bounce3: ArmA 2 is awesome, not saying it's perfect but it's getting better on every update :cool:
  13. Thanks alot guys, really appreciated :cool: I used Murklor suggestion with shk "waituntil {{alive _x} count _vehs < 1};" snippet and it works great :dancered: Gotta love this community
  14. I'm spawning a random number of random selected vehicles with this, no problems: _NumOfVeh = ceil(random 5); for [{ _loop1 = 0 },{ _loop1 < _NumOfVeh},{ _loop1 = _loop1 + 1}] do { _vehicle_types = ["BMP3","BTR90", "GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG", "2S6M_Tunguska", "BTR90_HQ"]; _vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types); OpVeh = _vehicle_types select random _vec_type createVehicle (getMarkerPos "spwn1"); }; My question is how do i keep track of the spawned vehicles names so i can check if they are alive. The first vehicle is named OpVeh, but what about the next vehicle....is that named OpVeh_1?? My real question is how can i put the names into an array and check that array if all vehicle names in it are destroyed? Help is really appreciated :D
  15. I experienced something similar to that with the revive script, it executed the briefing script when one died and then the tasks was recreated but that was pretty simple to fix.
  16. jw custom

    Where are the flares at?

    In this thread there's scripts to spawn a flare in case you don't want to fire it manually: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=79378&highlight=flare+trap
  17. Thanks for the answer :cool: SOM is fun to play around with but in the end i'll rather make some secondary missions myself. Now i only use the support requests from the SOM :)
  18. jw custom

    Marker Question

    Put it in the init.sqf if you have markers you wanna hide in briefing.
  19. jw custom

    Revive Script

    So how did you solve it? Maybe other people could benefit from your solution :)
  20. Is it possible to spawn a unit with a init line that execute when the unit spawn? I would like to spawn a unit that should patrol a marker area using the UPS script.
  21. Thanks, it might turn out useful :cool:
  22. Hey thanks man, that could actually be useful in future missions :cool:
  23. jw custom

    Favourite Infantry class

    I like playing as Team Leader, when i play Domination my fave role is engineer team Leader. Loadout: M4A1 M203 RCO - 6 Magazines & 6 M203 HE SMAW - 3 HEAA So i guess fave inf class is rifleman :) Heh yeah that combo should be set as default on all classes in Domination :p
  24. jw custom

    AI Counter Attack

    It would be really easy to set up a counter attack using this script: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=84854 :)