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jw custom

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Everything posted by jw custom

  1. HandleDamage seems screwed up both in stable and dev!
  2. jw custom

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    An array of groups allowed to communicate should be created either by script or placing a module and link groups. Groups should then be able to communicate based on distance etc. and their action should be based on group state etc. Many things could/should be added into consideration based on mission creater input! ...and accuracy should increase over time based on distance and skills.
  3. jw custom

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    Me too, rubberband effect, desync i can undetstand but why does it make my framerate drop :confused:
  4. jw custom

    Sniping impossible since the 2nd last patch?

    Too hard sniping? We need this :p
  5. Use global var(null) in global space not local var(_null)
  6. jw custom

    Isla Duala for Arma 3 (WIP)

    Awesome :cool: Isla Duala is one of my favorite maps(in the very top) :D
  7. jw custom

    Jets & Planes: More to come?

    So according to the SITREP they are working on two CAS fixed-wings... I hope one of them is a modified A-10 :cool:
  8. Try add Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F to "_types"
  9. jw custom

    Arma 3 running on the large Pixel Collider

    I wonder how much performance would degrade if you removed 3 of the 4 titan cards and 48gb of the 64gb memory :)
  10. jw custom

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Yes thats correct they REMOVED it just like they said:
  11. jw custom


    The answer is here if you can decrypt it :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160330-Scripting-Discussion-%28dev-branch%29&p=2459776&viewfull=1#post2459776
  12. jw custom

    Player use Animation

    Okay now i see what you mean and can repro it by running script from a trigger, but when running script from init.sqf i can't repro the issue. Maybe me not being able to repro it from the init.sqf is a timing/performance thing? Anyways, this should be fixed!
  13. jw custom

    (STI) A-10 for ARMA 3

    Sweet, the A-10 is the vehicle i miss the most from A2 :cool:
  14. jw custom

    The Outerra Engine

    Or maybe just realistic, i mean in these consolized days...
  15. Yup you are right. In my first test i added an addAction through the comm menu and it all worked fine, but opening the menu directly through the comm menu makes the "zoom" function dissapear!
  16. jw custom

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    This is the thing that really puzzles me about ArmA, i can understand desync/rubberband effect etc. but why does my end graphic rendering degrade so much in multiplayer?
  17. jw custom

    Player use Animation

    Yes but oksman ask for a way to enjoy the animation without user interruption which disableUserInput should accomplish yet he still have issues!
  18. jw custom

    Player use Animation

    Okay, i just wondered about:
  19. jw custom

    Player use Animation

    Maybe i'm missunderstanding you but the below seems to work! waitUntil {time > 0}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {player == player}; disableUserInput true; sleep 0.1; player switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1"; titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 15]; sleep 35; disableUserInput false; player switchMove "";
  20. So your "expression" code looks like? I just tested a custom dialog with a map control and the mouse scroll +- zoom works just fine.
  21. Communication menu? not following...
  22. jw custom

    Best Vietnam War FPS?

    I think the first hidden & dangerous was the best, i remember cooping it a lot :cool:
  23. jw custom

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I did a small test with a rifleman: With the "spawned" gear the guy jogged aprox. 550m at speed 15 before the black edges appeared. After aprox. 100m the speed slooowly decreased to 10.5 when hitting aprox. 750m. With only the uniform, helmet and vest the guy jogged 1000m+(i stopped there) at a constant 14.4 This needs some adjustments but it sure is a good start :cool:
  24. jw custom

    Realistic Jumping Script

    It works beautifully :cool:
  25. Try this: 1. place yourself (player) 2. place a rifleman 3. put a "move" waypoint on rifleman (wp1) 4. put another "move" waypoint on rifleman (wp2) 5. put yet another "move" waypoint on rifleman (wp3) 6. put following in the riflemans init field: (group this) setCurrentWaypoint [group this, 1]; deleteWaypoint [group this, 2]; Now the rifleman should move from spawned position(editor placed position) to wp1 and then to wp3. Because you placed the waypoints in the editor so they are executed upon mission start? Also instead of deleting the waypoint just set another one active with setCurrentWaypoint. If you describe exactly what you would like to do in your mission we might be able to help you with a proper solution.