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About ericodapinco

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ericodapinco

    Thank you, B.I.S.; Sign if you agree.

    Signed, have to admit that I waited with this till after patch 1.04. This game is getting better each day. Also a thank you for mission making and mod community.
  2. ericodapinco

    Where do you live?

    Europe, The Netherlands, Brabant
  3. ericodapinco

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    I have the steam version and I wonder if it's security has also an performance impact like securom seems to have. Maybe I'll try the retail version and do some test with the beta versions. Need to buy it anyway cause I'm building a new system by the end of this year... currently playing on a notebook.
  4. SP here... MP clans scared me a bit of cause of the time you need to invest. Got a time-consuming girlfriend and a job where I have to travel a lot and friends that all play games on the playstation. Maybe I give it another try soon... there must be people with the same problems that also want to play a good mp game from time to time without being devoted to a clan.
  5. Great mission... thanks. Played it twice and still like it a lot. I think the balance is ok... definitively not to easy... I like that! edit: played the single player/ SpecOp/ diff. 75%.
  6. ericodapinco

    New patch 1.04

    Game also runs smoother to me. Keep up the good work BI. Only noticed that with the sun low on the horizon behind a mountain it creates shadows... weird... bud maybe that was also before this patch. Not a big problem for me... just noticed it.
  7. ericodapinco

    STEAM troubleshooting

    patch 1.04 please... in a 134 MB sized file this time... if possible.
  8. ericodapinco

    New patch 1.04

    No steamupdate yet... waiting...
  9. ericodapinco

    Close quarters/Wall hugging

    It's more the 45 degree angle off your weapon while peaking corners that I dislike. Especially when aiming trough a sight... always keep your weapon lined up and don't angle it when you are aiming.
  10. ericodapinco

    Need a "for gods sake shut up" command..

    No, then they start wining and that's even worse... F*** that hurts.
  11. ericodapinco

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    After I shelved arma 2 for a few weeks (not so hard to do when you have to work on an oil rig) I noticed new official nvidia notebook drivers (186.81) where released and thought... lets give it another go. Installed the new driver (using driver sweeper in safe mode first) and started the game. I was shocked cause performance was worse then before... it had become a slide-show. I remembered that the last time I was busy with this game I was tweaking and left it in some state without reversing it back bud didn't remember what my last tweaking was about. Then I reinstalled the game (steamversion) and did all the tweaks I remembered that worked for my system and that did the trick. I've gained 10 FPS overall (average between 30 and 40 FPS) with a higher screenres (before 1600x1050 now native 1900x1200) and playable... Still I have some flickering textures with the buildings and my screen flickers from black to white when I leave map view bud the game is more enjoyable now then before. The popping grass right before my feet has gone and only the strange epileptic strobo light and colouring effects of the grass are still there. I think with my previous arma 2 install I over-tweaked the game a little and/or the 1.03 patch didn't work out so well for me... I don't exactly know... cause how the game responses to video-settings and tweaks I still find a little weird. Bud now I satisfied with the performance level I've reached cause it's better then ever before (no CTD's even after hours of playing)... still the game needs a lot optimization and I'm looking forward for the next (performance)patch... hope this will be 1.04.
  12. Agree... let them blast each other... over and over again... so we have two great games to play. It's not that my hard-disk is restricted to one game only.
  13. ericodapinco

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I definitely buy FPDR... and by the looks of the vids I think I'll enjoy playing it just as I tought I like playing arma 2 when I saw the arma vids before release. And this game deserves a chance to proof itself to me... the same counts for the next few patches of arma 2 deserves a few chances.
  14. ericodapinco

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    37 years 315 days 4 hours 18 minutes and 10 seconds.
  15. I have mixed feelings about this expansion... I wait and see... first I read the forums before I buy it. Arma 2 is shelved right now cause I spent more times reading this forum then playing. Bud if its good and playable and supports hardware as games these days suppose to do... hell yeah I'll buy it and even build a new system to play it.