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About chapel

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  1. chapel

    Left handed option?

    Forgive my ignorance but don't most design software packages have a 'mirror' function of some sort? I assume to make a left handed option they could use a batch mirror... thing. Personally I would love to see as I'm a south paw too.
  2. This is a fantastic idea, if you're cursor passes a 'wall' classed object then it could spread the sqauds units along it... Jaw-droppingly awesome work Mondkalb. :butbut:
  3. Thanks panda, that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. However I can't seem to get it work... Are there any demo missions available for this and other functions? edit: Nevermind, I just found BIS_fnc_help.... Thanks again.
  4. I'm currently tinkering with a horror mission that may or may not ever see the light of day. I'd like to know if it's possible to spawn birds circling a town or feeding on corpses? I can't find any bird classnames listed and searching these forum didn't seem to have anything related either.
  5. I recently bought ArmA II, OA, BAF DLC and assumed I'd have to run it at low setting but thought it would atleast be playable... Antec Case 620w PSU Gigabyte P35-DS3L C2D E8400 3Ghz 4GB 1066mhz DDR2 Gigbyte 1GB HD5850 1.5TB HDD (900GB free) Windows 7/64 ...and even if I'm sitting at the menu I get 1-2 second stutters every 3-5 seconds, making it completely unplayable. Is this the same stutter others are referring to? Video settings are all on Normal... Resolution is a stupidly low 1300xsomething... PP is off... etc.