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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. Did you by any chance disable the pagefile?
  2. Hi sir_katusro, Can you try running the game without parameter and mods? The logs file suggest that you run with commandline options.
  3. Have you tried running without mods? Looks like there's a problem with one of them. But is this the rpt after you've started the launcher? In the file i can see the loading of a mpmission.
  4. You can upload the .rpt file via http://www.filedropper.com/ (without registering)
  5. As a possible fix for others who might have the same problem. What did you do to fix this? :)
  6. So starting steamclient itself wasn't a problem? could you post the latest rpt file?
  7. Please explain what you mean by messed up ( pics).
  8. Try the following. Run taskmanager to confirm steam isn't running (if it does, kill the process). Run steam as admin again. Confirm that the viruscanner or firewall doesn't block any actions. You haven't got any other issues with the steamclient? Otherwise you could try a reinstall of the client (move the gamefiles to a temporary location for later use)
  9. Filleh, Strange that doesn't seem to work. Is the process active after you've started it as an admin? I assume you're the administrator of your machine?
  10. dans97266@gmail.com You have tried the first solution in this thread (validate steam cache)?
  11. Filleh, Have you tried running steam as administrator? Could be your problem is security related.
  12. I believe this to be a problem with cba One cause has apparently been found; https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188404-eden-3d-work-space-freezes/). Quick fix is to enter arsenal from within the editor. You can use the mapmode instead of 3d as well).
  13. ozzbik

    Eden missions for build a campaign

    Try editing the file in an editor like notepad. Perhaps you've got issues with the character-set used in the file?
  14. ozzbik

    Grenade sounds not working

    Grenades are working again as off the 2015-10-6 DEV version. APERS mine might still be broken though.
  15. ozzbik

    Feedback tracker administration

    Ticket http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20039 can be closed. Has been solved some time now.
  16. When you want to start without the launcher, use the following site for the arma3.exe parameters: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters You should not copy any mods to the official addons folder.
  17. Does this happen when you start the steamclient first?
  18. ozzbik

    HELPPPPP please (Error message)

    Do you get an error message of sorts?
  19. There's no error mesage in eventlog? Did you verifiy the gamedata? Try running the launcher as an administrator.
  20. Is the mod order in which they start the server the same as yours?
  21. Did you use any mods in you missions? Check your server report file what error stops you from starting the missions.
  22. ozzbik

    Arma3 won't run anymore

    Try to remove the symbolic link and then relink it.
  23. The keys on the server are in the default location as well (and the same file)?
  24. i thought it placed the files in your profile folder. Does your system disk have enough space?
  25. Could you check if it works when you place them in the Arma3 keys folder?