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Everything posted by ozzbik

  1. Besides reinstalling the game, did you remove the files in "Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger" ? Is it only the mouse that doesn't do anything or the keyboard as well? What else to try: - Update Graphics, Keyboard/Mouse drivers - Edit Documents\My Games\ArmaReforger\profile\.save\ReforgerEngineSettings.conf Change WindowMode to BORDERLESS if set on WINDOWED - Disable any overlay app (Nvidia, Steam, etc)
  2. For those who have the same problem with borderless fullscreen and ALT-ENTER when using Reforger: It is possible to disable the shortcut keys. What you need are the PowerToys.With the keyboard manager you be able to remap/disable any shortcut keys within Windows. Hope this helps 🙂
  3. ozzbik

    Map location

    It's not part of the current game. There is a mod though which adds this functionality.
  4. Just to verify: The gameHostRegisterBindAddress is set to the external (routers) ip address? Port forwarding is correct? I recon you did try it without mods? Does the server log show any information about the connection? - edit - Keep gameHostBindAddress at
  5. If your new to Linux, how did you install Arma in the first place? Did you use a guide? This could give us more information of where your files are being stored.
  6. 1st Helicopter available in Reforger: The MH-60 Black Hawk. Mod by Ralian
  7. ozzbik

    Feature request on feedback site?

    Apparently i've missed that! 🤔
  8. Could the option to request/suggest features be added to the feedback site? This way feature requests won't clog the general forum and perhaps the developers can use this as an easier way to monitor much requested features?
  9. The lighting is beautiful.
  10. ozzbik

    Where's the baddies?

    Which missions did you try?
  11. I'm sorry but I think you're missing the point of Arma Reforger Alpha. This is not Arma 4 but a playable test environment for the new engine (do not mistake this for Arma 4 which will be a finished product). Of course there will be many more features added like mission rotation and multiplayer fixes, new model, etc. Until BI gives more information about actual Arma 4, it will be speculation as to what will be included/missing based on what Reforger has or has not. All I can say is be patient 🙂
  12. ozzbik

    Weird Crash issue

    Check the following: - BIOS latest version? - Memory/processor speed as expected (not overclocked)?
  13. ozzbik

    Weird Crash issue

    Try using a cpu heavy benchmark mission and log al hardware usage (temperatures/voltage) etc. Then check if there is something out of the ordinary (like high GPU temps).
  14. ozzbik

    Vorpx not installing

    No need to apologize. 🙂 Thanks for the update
  15. ozzbik

    Vorpx not installing

    Did not read your second post correctly🙄 But for the benefit to other users with the same error; how did you manage to get it working ?
  16. ozzbik

    Mods missing - Linux server

    Make sure you have all the necessary mods for this mission. You should check the mission for dependencies.
  17. ozzbik

    Mods missing - Linux server

    Put an extra semi-colon at the end of the mod list, perhaps? Also make sure that every file in the mod-folders is low-case. Just to be sure; your mods are located in the root of your Linux server installation (/mods/...)? If it's in the same folder, it should be ./mods/...
  18. ozzbik

    No surround sound with Z906 optical cable

    You've posted this issue twice?
  19. ozzbik

    Does anyone have surround working with S/PDIF?

    Normally Windows does not support surround sound over SPDIF for DirectX games and is limited to stereo (movies will work). As I can remember this is because of the signal decoding which needs to be done by the soundcard (which it most cards will not do). There is an exception with games that will send out a DTS or DD coded audio stream. There is a way i think by using an APO driver, but that is not recommended because of CPU usage necessary for decoding.
  20. Mods: ReColor, Extended Viewdistance+ Shadows Mod, Blastcore Edited, Vanilla smoke (for Blastcore Edited), Enhanced Weather + Clouds Mod, Mid-Detail Texture, Enhanced Missile Smoke + Lighting Efx Mod, Mission: The Bunker by WWTHOMAHAWKWW
  21. ozzbik

    Maus nicht bedienbar

    Also, try it with all application overlays off (e.g. Steam or Overwolf) and no SweetFX or reShade.
  22. ozzbik

    steam arma 3 launcher problem

    Some files are not removed when de-installing/removing game-files or dependencies. Did you try clean the steam userdata folder? When you start the Arma 3 executable files are created in those folders. Also try if it helps to remove (backup the mod presets) the Arma3Launcher folder which is located at %AppData%\Local\Arma 3 Launcher\ and verify the game cache to restore the contents.
  23. Mods: Arma 3 Contact (Dev) - Edited with Krita
  24. F-18 starting a CAS mission on Tanoa. Mods: FA-18 Super Hornet (TeTeTe), Recolor Mod, ( )
  25. Perhaps you could start by listing the mods your using (which can result in these kind of problems)?