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Everything posted by grub

  1. grub

    CWR² Demo

    Oh man, I'm so excited lol
  2. grub

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Sorry for the pointless comment but I have to say I just spat tea all over my keyboard...too funny. Sorry to hear about your rig man.
  3. grub

    CWR² Demo

    o_0 Man I just remembered La Trinite is on Malden lol. 'sigh' don't mind me dear.
  4. grub

    CWR² Demo

    Bravo gents! Bravo! This is so well done. Man I had goose bumps the whole time. The memories. And, seems this is how I choose to remember OpF (graphics wise) its like I never left :p Was Steal the Car always in Lamentin though? Wasn't it in La Trinite? Just wondering is all, not complaining.
  5. lol yeah but I don't need my characters eyes bleeding as well. :p Would look cool though. It would add to the whole mouth moves when talking in MP thing. Maybe A3
  6. grub

    Arma: Cold War Assault

    Happy Anniversary OpF!! Thank you for the 1000+ hours of gameplay, the many relationships you cost me, friend, jobs, pets and family. It was all worth it. I miss you :depressed:
  7. grub

    Changing profile name

    No you can't delete it. This is a letdown yes. I just created a second profile with my preferred name, and customised the controls to my liking. Sorted :D
  8. Hey Trapper, I'm trying to remember what mission this is?
  9. Okay. So for the last few months I have been attempting to learn the art of modelling but its official. I suck. I don’t know, with all the reading I have done I can’t get my head around it. Probably doesn’t help that I’m an auditory and visual learner. Anyway, what I was attempting to model was a Yetti. I think with A3 on the way we now need to see the Myth come to life. I’m sure some of you still believe he’s still out there in ol Cherno, but I don’t think he’s there. I thought we'd maybe see it in a patch, but not so far. A mate and I have made a mission and we’ve used a sniper (in ghillie) with weapons removed but it just looks shite. Anyway, just putting it out there to the addon makers. Also if anyone knows of some good visual/auditory tutorials for modelling that too would be awesome.
  10. Well done Sumrak. Looks like you've been busy.
  11. grub

    Want a T-Shirt? Yes, please!

    Hahah, old news, I've been using mine for days now :p Thanks Mike. Makes me feel better while I'm at work. But you know what would make me really happy?
  12. Were you? :p I think we have finally got some closure, seeing this epic fail has bought a amile to my day. Cheers Sion, and good luck. Bahahahahah...
  13. Not good enough! I'm sick of these addon/mod makers doing things in their own time! You want a day off, or a holiday don't be an addon maker! :p I am of course being an arse, and merely making fun of people who demand free user content be delivered swiftly and around their schedule. But seriously dude, days off? In a row? How do I purchase these and from where? Good work BTW :D
  14. grub

    Co20 F-14 Tomcat Carrier Operations

    Cue Topgun Theme. Well done boys, looks great. Lets get Blood4odin and Hullcreature on to it ;)
  15. grub

    Isla Duala

    Well done Ice! So, have you got it how you want it yet? Assuming there's nothing to iron out, have you finished here design wise? Is your baby all growed up? :p
  16. Touche' fine sir. That I did. Had a moment, thought you meant litterally everything I didn't want till it only spawned what I did. This makes much more sense. ;) Yeah ok. I figured I could just spawn random patrols of insurgents and let the already placed BLUFOR AI nail them if they came too close to the base. Thanks heaps for your time helping me through my moment :p Hey, while I've got you. Have you ever messed arouns with the "Blacklisting Areas" So if made a square using markers numbered 1 -4 that would blacklist that area? Just don't want these dudes spawning in meh crib. Thanks again.
  17. So, BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; doesn't work? It implies otherwise on the biki(see factions). :confused: I figured that these class names would suffice. Hmm, seems a lot of effort to remove the things you don't want to use? And how can one be completely sure what the module will spawn?
  18. You've some competition boys lol You'll have to hire some actual AI actors, the BIS ones are a bit stiff and tend not to show fear. Well, apart from lying down.
  19. Hi all, I just have a quick question, I am using the ACM for, well some ambient combat. So looking here I can see what i need to do. So I have done all that with the intention of only having Taki units spawning. From what I have read this init should be doing the trick, sleep 0.5; }; waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM1 getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM1 getVariable "initDone" }; [] spawn { waitUntil {!(isnil "BIS_fnc_init")}; [1, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; [bIS_ACM1, 700] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [["BIS_TK_INS"], BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [0, 0.7, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; [0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0, BIS_ACM1] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; [bIS_ACM1, ["TK_INS_Group", "TK_INS_Patrol", "TK_INS_MotorizedGroup"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; }; but I often see USMC units in a UN M113 and Taki APC's/BMP's getting about. I have tried "TK_INS_Technicals" as well as "TK_INS_MotorizedGroup" but I can never get a consistent Taki only spawn. I really only want troops, and only technical's if possible. Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Cheers, Grub
  20. grub

    Want a T-Shirt? Yes, please!

    I'm still waiting for the Arma 2 merch lol BIS would make $$ off this. And I think its safe to say we'd all buy stuff.
  21. SecOps Playground. Fallujah. Hey all, This is just a very simple mission I have made for fun. All I've done is places some objects and units down with a SecOps Module. Added some other modules and Norrins brilliant Chopper/aerial taxi script in case you get stuck out in the boonies. This mission was simply designed to provide the user with an already padded out SecOps mission on Fallujah. I take no credit for any form of skill here, just made it for people who either can't or are lazy. I have also added my BAF version of Mike-USA's FOB base template, for aesthetics. Enjoy, Grub ====================== REQUIRED ADDONS: ====================== ArmA2: Combined Operations Fallujah. By Shezan74 ============================== CONTENT/FEATURES/CHANGES/BUGS : ============================== 1.1 - Added Arty Support - Altered Base and added new toys, sorry kids, no swing set. - Added aesthetics 1.0 - Bugs: None that I'm aware of. - Added: Norrins Chopper/aerial taxi script for extraction ====================== INSTALLATION : ====================== SP - Place the SecOps_Extract.fallujah.pbo into your Program Files/Bohemia Interactive/Arma 2 "Missions" folder ====================== CREDITS AND THANKS : ====================== Shezan74 for his map Norrin for his unreal scripts. The BIS Community for they're endless resourcefulness (its a word). And of course, BIS themselves for their dedication to the pursuit of perfection that is ArmA 2 (Fanboi Alert). Oh, and anyone who posted their results when fixing an issue on the forums. Thanks :) DOWNLOAD Armaholic mirror: - SecOps Playground. Fallujah (@) Check if 1.1 ----------------------------------------- http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/arma2oa2011052713490602.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/arma2oa2011052713502078.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/269/arma2oa2011052713510233.png/
  22. grub

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey LordJarhead Are you still planning a YOMA repo?