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Herbal Influence

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Everything posted by Herbal Influence

  1. In the US even Mark Twains "Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" were banned in some public libraries. They would badly guide i.e. mislead youngsters .... So calm down, the German Holocaust is indeed a unique thing one should be able to respect. "Able", I call it. It's an ability to take other peoples feeling into account.
  2. Herbal Influence

    Warfare mode?

    +1 for a cti ! At best a crCTI or something like Mountain Warfare or Crimson Lane !! :)
  3. Played it first time yesterday. More than 4 hours. No bug, no crash to desktop, lots of servers/cogamers: wonderful, great! Only thing I miss cti's, like crCTI, Mountain Warfare/Crimson Lane.
  4. Herbal Influence

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Self-esteem instead of steam pls. Steam only creates hot vapor.
  5. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    That was absolutely my intention. And maybe you see the importance of your view on time when you compare the start of this thread in Feb 2010 to the last three weeks? Nah, now, don't say nothing, please.
  6. Herbal Influence

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    I am absolutely open to your arguments and I thank you for the information on the game. On the other hand every sort of "service" makes you sign a contract before you get your login/password (facebook/google/etc. etc.) and with that you accept a lot of smallprint that are not made in your favor but in favor of someone else. And yes, I am very nervous, when again a US based entity (like facebook, EA, google, Microsoft etc.) asks for private data while not at all interested in the european culture of caring for privacy, or, like facebook even calling "privacy an outdated concept" (Zuckerberg). Well ... they all had to learn and they partly did so - roughly said - but what efforts had to be made: They had to be threatened with huge amounts of fines. Or with shitstorms like in the case of Google delivering Chrome only with exact identification number. Last but not least: In Europe the law says that you should only ask for private data if you really really need it. But if you are right that the game needs to work that way: I have no problems with that and I want all people to enjoy it without second thoughts. But as you say that there is no problem to give them Herbal123 with four winchesters ... you really don't know that there is much more private data? Check ip-check.info and see another huge amount of data delivered, aside from the data they ask you to insert, when you open up an account at DayZ (only login and password and the smallprint? - I assume they ask for more .... ). And the side-effect is: They know every server I play that game, date and time and activity ... they even know every server I visit perhaps? Question: Why is the "status" of the "character" not saved on the harddisk of the gamer himself? Ok, they call it playing but they don't trust each other .... they want a "serious" game. (Intellectually I don't follow ... ). Couldn't the data be easily and seriously encrypted (pgp is free software) and only decrypted when contacting a gameserver? Yes, it's true. My baker knows a lot about me. That's not a problem. His abilities to aggregate data is tiny compared to those of facebook, Google etc. But his aggregational power is multiplied if he knows my mother too. There is no "unimportant" bit of data when you want to aggregate. EDIT: I love and play BIS games since 2001 especially because they let you alone with the DVD if you want.Unlike EA with BF3 and others ...
  7. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I was astonished recently when I saw the amount of servers hosting a mission I didn't know at all. :confused: And only half an hour ago it was more than 6000 gamers online where in the last years have only been 1000: During European daylight time! The solution is the new Zombie-Mod DayZ. Another info (German) who obviously can only think in "Steam"-Terms, which is a No-go for me (data privacy). So. Now we know the answer. After 2,5 years of discussing here: Mods for the public! Not being fixated on military terms ... which annoy many people.
  8. Herbal Influence

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    I was astonished recently when I saw the amount of servers hosting this mission. And only half an hour ago it was more than 6000 gamers online where in the last years have only been 1000. But nevertheless. I like BIS games because I like freedom. On their page I read the following: So they offer the "service" of collecting data about you? What else makes them to withhold the files? A new "facebook" like Steam? (Nevertheless I appreciate the defacto-advertising it brings to BIS games ... ) Another info (German) where someone does not know that BIS games work without Steam since 2001 perfectly. He, without mentioning another possibilty, describes intalling DayZ by using Steam. Is it only usable with Steam? Or is he a deaf-dumb-blind?
  9. Herbal Influence

    ARMA2/OA/CO/Demo/Free/TOH on WINE/Linux!

    Great! BIS games is the only reason I still have to finance this danger for the free market and defacto-monopolist from Redmond.
  10. Herbal Influence

    Any interesting books to recommend?

    Because this is a uniquly open simulation .. "Just for Fun" by Linus Torvalds ... about how it happened that he wrote Linux --- > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_for_fun And ... for this is a war sim ... : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Quiet_on_the_Western_Front
  11. This is new since 1.60 probably. Funny: As soon as I - as comander - get closer to them, like in view distance, they start climbing. Before they remain at foot of hill making a dancing like movement, turning continiously left and right like children from a childrens home ('hospitalism'). Any hints for me ? I like Moutain Warfare a lot.
  12. Herbal Influence

    Moutain Warfare: Tanks don't climb moutains

    Ok, thx for the explanations. I considered it "tooo intelligent" to only climb up mountains when I am around myself .... couldn't believe it.
  13. Herbal Influence

    Moutain Warfare: Tanks don't climb moutains

    Ooops ... what you mean?
  14. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I just wanted to make sure, whether I have upgraded everything ... but - what the heck - on the arma2.com-page you can get an update to 1.60 for Combined Op, but also an update (next there below) to 1.10 for Arma2 ... not a single word explains whether you should implement both of them and if, in what way. And that's not funny: For if you do it wrong, you can possibly reinstall your whole BIS-games again ... And yes, for there are so many unplayable servers, you try to find out what can help ..
  15. Herbal Influence

    Can your PC max out ArmA 2?

    I am ok with specs shown below, but I am also someone who does not need more than 23 fps ... and a large view distance. But I max everything else out ...
  16. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    And now ... I am doing BIS games since 2001 ... now I don't know how to get "green servers" for multiplaying. Really frustrating. Since I graded up to 1.60 it's all yellow and most of it is red - so few is really accessible. I have 11 years of intense BIS gaming experience and I am not able to tell what version of the game I would recommend. Arma2, OA, Combined Operations? Which version? Which Add-ons? As I am also much into Linux I quite well know this effect: Nerds refering to nerds only. Fascinated by technics, not caring for people who don't want to follow them into their deep caves of nerds. Really frustrating. This is not sparing money for professional marketing. This is costly Anti-Marketing. This is "kiss-my-ass"-"Marketing". The salaries of the developers, the profit of BIS could be doubled if they would take a close look at a beginner who tries to enjoy the game from the time of installing it on ... In other words again: Arma3 could be sold for 99,00 Euros each if they would take care of the Non-Nerds too. I know it's worth 399,00 € ... but the game is completely gone a nerds trail ...
  17. Herbal Influence

    3rd view MP script question

    It's a stupid fairy tale that tunnelview is more realistic than 3rd view.
  18. Herbal Influence

    Why is this game not more popular?

    ... and it would sure give an impact if newbies wouldn't enter a 'closed shop' because so many server use special addons, islands and missions. I recommend and do so often to play simply Mountain Warfare if you want to have companions. And leave 3rd view "on" ... it's easier to find into the game then ... It's much more elaborated than you think and there is a lot to edit in the settings - chose one town only, for example. But again and again I am puzzled how many autist-like people are online nowadays ... Cogamers that call a simple "hello!" (by chatline - and yes, I modify it, so people can distinguish it from AIs language ... ) if they come on MY SERVER an unwanted "socialising". Unbelievable ... at last for me ... and a reason not to have fun playing online too often.
  19. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Thanx for the info! I will try ... yeah, and probably I didn't realize it until now because I always play on Veteran Mode but with 3rd view.
  20. Herbal Influence

    CRcti Proman

    Is there any public server with crcti on it? Angry Insects server is only in tunnelview-mode (no 3rd view) and URR requests a login as admin ... I really like crcti the most ... since 2001 äh ... 2004 ?
  21. Herbal Influence

    Every 36 hours one suicide in the US Army

    The other side of shiny "Top Gun" - advertising shit ... : The Study in english. Explanation in german.
  22. 3rd person view versus egoshootermode I just played the crcti on ArmA2 and I was fascinated. I just start straight away no need do download anything. My only frustration was (beside the known, excusable bugs): 3rd view was deactivated by the admin. But my topic is something for all MP-Missons taken aside the doomlike-egoshooter-maps where you run around buildings ... Not to read again and again what I have heard in numerous online games where I asked not to deactivate 3rd-persons-view: (1) The "shoot-over-the-hill"-possibility - you can watch a nice demonstration on youtube. (2) "Flying" over the shoulders is real only after death - at least following some being-clinically-death-reports. (3) Using the <alt> - key - feature with mouse moving to turn your head. But ! While you read this text you focus on your monitor screen. Nevertheless you realize something moving that is 90 degree aside from your viewing line onto the screen - to the left and to the right. Try yourself! That's a viewing angle of about a 180 degrees! And that's not for nothing. Anything else - kills ! ;-) And scientists found out that the borders of our "viewing field" are even more contrast-sensitive than the rest of the eyefields, because or for this they do no sense colours but only black and white. A result of the evolution of the eyes for it was always very important to realize a wild animal or any other danger from aside of your position. In other words: No-third-view or "egoshootermode" as I like to call it is quite unrealistic in a very basic and an very important sense. It steals important information like as if - and many will remember this argument - you were wearing a gasmask (or diving mask on your face). To illustrate this: I once was diving in the Red Sea (near Israel, Jordania, Egypt) which is famous for its richness of sharks. While I was inspecting a big nice coral reef under water with my back to the dark blue sea I couldn't see two sharks that were coming up from behind. I didn't even notice them while they were swimming aside of me because a diving mask makes you look through a "tunnel" only, the better the mask the lesser this effect. After the shark-experience I began to compensate by turning my head nervously and steadily to the right and to the left - you may imagine me as a frightened person ;-) And this constant head turning is what you can do with the <alt> - key, but that is far from realistic: Neither do you constantly behave like that without a diving mask on your face, nor do you like to hit the <alt> key in real life ... ;-), especially when you need all your hands on your weapons etc. Indeed it seems to be the only way to "realize" the real viewing field with that "flying over the shoulders" effect of third view "on". The fact that "shooting-over-the-hill" is possible - is undeniable and I do yet NOT know how to disable that. But ... in my experience of a hundred ctis per year within the last 8 years nobody ever did ever use that "cheat". What, instead of 3rd view, really should be deactivatable is the strategic view (<,> on the num-pad). By the by: I thank the Oldfreakz-Clan very much to have 3rd on all the time "on" their server. This is my opinion. You may have another - but please give reasons. And please do not simply reiterate the known reasons I quoted above. Thanx !
  23. thanx ! I feared that and I love ArmA even more!
  24. Herbal Influence

    Wind! Do you want it to blow?

    wind can be heard in BIS games since 2001 ...
  25. I never played BF3 but I have a one, two, no three ... ooops four questions? 1. Can you use your PC like in BIS games as a host (server) for others to join you on your PC? 2. Can you have your own leased server and join it with others like with BIS games or do you need to join on an EA/Origin server always? 3. If it is only possible on EA/Origin servers: Do you have to pay monthly etc.? (I remember games, I think EA games, that worked like that ... 5 - 10 Euros/months). 4. Can I do offline games on the train on my gaming notebook without any internet connection? Thanx !