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Fox '09

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Everything posted by Fox '09

  1. Fox '09

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    there are enough units in OA to keep me happy for 6 months, and there is enough custom units out and coming to keep me happy forever. I'll pay for DLC if it's something i really want (like EOD stuff, ied bombs etc). BI's stuff is always quality, I'd pay a few bucks for it any day.
  2. perhaps that is what they meant, but what they said is it is hard to learn.. so
  3. not just "night vision".. but yeah.. FLIR is "thermal imaging" which lets you see things that are "hot" easier. So, that includes vehicles, people, etc. There are two modes, White hot, and Black hot.. opposite is cold respectively. In OA, it is realistically simulated. So if an enemy car is turned on, the engine will glow black or white (depending on setting) increasingly as the engine block warms up.
  4. that's a spec-ops thing, so you'd only see it in spec op missions.. or at least you should.
  5. you moved the files from store to userconfig?
  6. Fox '09

    Generation kill mod

    cool. I was hoping some streets would be a lil thinner, kind of like this: http://www.theodora.com/wfb/photos/iraq/street_scene_baghdad_jan_oberg_2.jpg Could lead to intense CQB battles..
  7. Fox '09

    US buildings project

    ah okay. here is a preview pics of the misc objects by Socram, http://content.screencast.com/users/Socram484/folders/Jing/media/3544dd0b-ca2a-4278-86d1-ddba956a0a19/ARMA%20signs.png
  8. why so negative, walts? I'd like to think the game would run great.. it's not out yet, and no review has really talked about bad performance.. so again, I'd like to think it would run nicely
  9. Fox '09

    Standard Vehicles Pack

    thanks! this actually might be useful for retexing as well :)
  10. any reason the "Port ACE1 content to ACE2" ticket brings up a 403 error now? http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11059
  11. that answer is very reasonable. good luck!
  12. This isn't taken from me, I showed it to my friends and they find it difficult to learn. Yes, there are "harder" things, but that doesn't mean ArmA 2 isn't hard.. at least to everybody.
  13. I do find that hard to believe from my experiences playing the game, but I do agree with you to some extent. The game isn't exactly easy to learn, or even play, which may also be one of the reasons it is not as popular as it should be.
  14. I don't want this game to be more popular. Go look at "MW2"'s fanbase. Do you really want 13 year olds playing Arma 2, finding every little glitch/unbalanced weapon and exploiting them? no thanks.. it works for other games, such as "Bad Company 2". So can someone confirm that all buildings are enter able in OA? Like the big mosque I saw in a trailer..
  15. Fox '09

    US buildings project

    I'll check that out, seems useful. As for materials, that's like windows? or wood.. so bullets can pass through the structure..?
  16. Fox '09

    US buildings project

    We were planning to start in a more rural area, and then move into areas like ft lauderdale / florida like areas. It's early, so we can't really tell where we are going. As for vegetation, we will see about that later.. buildings first. I'll drop you a PM when the models are ready, and send you files if you'd like to texture them :) Good idea. I'll keep these in mind. I also have the game so i could send pics of the buildings for my modelers to take a look at :) yeah, look at rockstar's GTA IV.. the amount of work they put into re-creating new york is overwhelming.
  17. looking good! These will fit in well with the desert map in operation arrowhead
  18. Fox '09

    US buildings project

    haha, maybe. We'll need some nice '85 Soviet Paratroopers with planes first :D My modeler is working hard on some signs, I can release these when they are done if you guys want. They will include exploitable textures, of course. I will need some help with configs..
  19. he has that title for a reason :p I've never had small arms fire damage my tank. I cannot confirm this..... maybe a usermade tank.. but...
  20. Chernarus had over 1 million HIGH POLY super detailed objects... Takistan... 600,000.. Sahrani, i think 300,000 (can anyone confirm?)
  21. Hi mando, the hellfire has a range of 8km, but it won't lock on that far, nor will it zoom in far enough.. do you plan to fix this? I jack up my view distance when flying so..
  22. Fox '09

    US buildings project

    thanks guys. We should have some content to show by the end of next week. We plan to include street lights, highway medians, signs (including exploitable versions so you are able to put your own town names etc) as well.