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Everything posted by Strelok

  1. Strelok

    do your guys constantly grunt?

    It's even funnier when your Russian squadmates say those things. This is one thing that I hope BIS doesn't patch! Makes me laugh every time.
  2. Strelok

    1.03 Performance

    No performance improvement for me. Orange trees and bushes still cause 10-15 fps drop when zooming in on them, the major towns still kill performance. I can put up with bugs, but that on top of crappy performance is the straw that breaks the camel's back. :(
  3. Strelok

    Arma 2 - For real?

    Yeah, I've noticed this too. The presence of BIS's unsolicited basiji militia is strong in this forum. Better not say anything bad about the game or you'll catch a club in the eye.
  4. Strelok


    Uh...the OP signed off on page 2, I don't think we need to try anymore to convince him to love this game, lol. :D
  5. Hopefully they're updating their inventory or something. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and see that they've got it instock...I know, I'm dreaming...
  6. What the hell, Arma 2 no longer to be found on Gamestop and Ebgames websites in the US. Where else can we buy a copy?
  7. Strelok

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    Just downloaded the demo, gameplay seems pretty solid, friendly ai seemed pretty good in the town. Just wondering, is performance in the Trial by Fire mission similar to that of the missions in the retail game?
  8. Guns and more guns. Leave them to videogames. Seriously, international law should ban the use of all weapons except twigs. This way, differences could still be settled by force if need be but there would be far fewer casualties and material destruction.
  9. Ahhh, finally I can enjoy a game that I bought about over 2 years ago. Very nice work, I've only played a few random missions but so far so good. @Vilas - try fixed range nightvision mod: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=69;t=72585 Helps a lot with the hdr nightvision problems.