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Everything posted by kylania

  1. I can't duplicate what you're seeing using only Eden. What exact settings are you using? Can you upload your mission folder for us?
  2. This thread has some ideas to try: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186160-bi-virtual-arsenal-and-bi-respawn-playing-nicely-together/ We tried doing what you're doing in a mission we run and the backpack duplication issue was just causing too much trouble. It was far easier to just have Arsenal available where you spawn. So you die, respawn, open Arsenal, load, and go on with your day. It's just a few extra clicks and often times we didn't need to reload anyway since we didn't use up enough ammo to need to.
  3. Link to the picture isn't working.
  4. In your description.ext file
  5. Here's a quote from Reddit a few hours ago that might cheer you up!
  6. kylania

    Need Help; Move tasks and Intel

    The first part you can do with modules. You'll need 3 Intel modules and a trigger. Start by placing down a Create Task module anywhere you want (under Systems -> Intel). Set the settings as shown in the first image here. We leave Destination as Disabled since we'll use the Set Task Destination module instead. Next we'll place down the Set Task Destination module where you want the move task to go to. No settings are really needed for that one. Next we'll put down a Trigger covering the area we wanted to move to. We'll set it to BLUFOR PRESENT assuming the player is BLUFOR. Next we'll put down a Set Task State module anywhere. We'll change it's setting to Succeeded. Finally we'll right click, Connect and Sync To.. in the following ways: Create Task Synced to Set Task State and Set Task Destination Trigger Synched to Set Task State. It should now look something like the second image below. That's it! In game at mission start you'll see the Task activated in the Task List and the yellow marker showing where to go (next image below) and when you get there the trigger will activate the Set Task State module which will change the Task to Succeeded and display the green Success notification and mark the Task completed (last image below). http://imgur.com/a/1ott2 For the intel thing there's quite a few ways of doing it. One quick and dirty way is to place down one of the objects under Props -> Things -> Intel. Then in it's init field put something like: this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","a3\structures_f_epc\Items\Documents\Data\document_secret_01_co.paa", true]; [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Top Secret Docs","<br />These Docs outline the enemies defenses.<execute expression=""player setVariable ['foxin_foundDocs', true]; openMap false""><br />Review Documents<br /></execute>",""]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable; When the player picks up the intel item via the Take Intel action on it, their map will open up with an image like the first image below. When they click the "Review Documents" link the map will close and a variable will set on the player that can be detected by a trigger to complete a task or otherwise advance the mission. Trigger Condition: player getVariable["foxin_foundDocs", false] http://imgur.com/a/WrGWr
  7. initPlayerLocal.sqf: // Declare function for bag deployment fnc_deployBag = { // Check the value of any previous bag, if none default to objNull _previousBag = player getVariable ["atmo_sniperBag", objNull]; // If the previous bag exists, delete it. if (!isNull _previousBag) then {deletevehicle _previousBag}; // Spawn new bag _bag = "Land_BagFence_Short_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _bag attachto [player, [0, 1, 0.5]]; _bag setVectorDirAndUp [ [1,0,0],[0,0,1] ]; detach _bag; // Record it's object on the player's variable player setVariable ["atmo_sniperBag", _bag]; }; // Start the game with no bag player setVariable ["atmo_sniperBag", objNull]; // Add the addAction to the player, last on the list no constant title text. player addAction ["Deploy Sniper Bag", {player call fnc_deployBag}, [], 0, false];
  8. kylania

    [SP] "Free Speech" - Tanoa

    The mission is broken entirely. I've been shot in the head three times in a row now. Now, it might be because I'm CTRG and you gave me an AK for some reason. Or it might be because I can't remember how to control AI and I'm probably standing up in an open field pressing buttons randomly to see what happens. More likely though, it's entirely broken. :) Love the feel of the mission so far though. That Tanoan thunder.. man. Just gotta figure out how to approach this. :)
  9. Maybe an empty conversation string? class pilotTalk { text = ""; // leave this empty? speech[] = {"\sound\pilotTalk.ogg"}; // next to pilotTalk.lip actor = "Pilot"; variant = ""; variantText = ""; class Arguments {}; };
  10. Why do you hate freedom? The freedom of units to get to know, in the most intimate way, the bounding boxes of their fellow units during teleportation? Who are you to take that away from them? You monster!
  11. 1. Trigger with Detected by OPFOR with Countdown Values set to whatever delay you wanted. OnAct would be a check if any OPFOR are in the area, if so alarm goes off. Might want a trigger for each side of the area to cover both groups. 2. "Fired" eventHandlers could do this. 3. setCombatMode, reveal and doArtilleryFire are commands which might be helpful in this case.
  12. kylania

    Clothing Retexture Help

    Might want to just use setObjectTextureGlobal to apply the mission based texture to specific uniforms?
  13. You can absolutely customize anything about a group as you spawn it, all depends on how complicated and bloaty of a script you want to write. :) If you're placing a squad down on the map way outside of the AO and want to teleport them to marker when a trigger is activated you can do that too. In the trigger onAct field something along the lines of: (you'll probably want to have the trigger set to Server Only) { _x setPos getMarkerPos "marker_x"} forEach units group_1; That uses the units command to get a list of units within group_1. Then it uses forEach command to step through that list, one unit at a time, running the command in the code block { } to the left on each unit. Each unit is represented by the special variable _x. So we set the position using setPos of each unit to the marker position of "marker_x". Basically teleporting them all to the marker as a small jumbled mass of units. They'll quickly reorganize into formation though.
  14. It's in the 3D editor on the current stable branch now. That's what the screenshots are from, see the version number? Dev Branch is up to 1.63.137377.
  15. I got your code to work from a trigger, gameLogic init, init.sqf and didn't get any memory errors. In the editor or in Single Player scenarios as well.
  16. Probably do an isNil check on the actionID? Or not use removeAllActions if there will be a question about what's being removed.
  17. Apologies for Google Translate. init field of your bomb: this addAction [localize "STR_NARK_BOMB_ACT_LABEL", "bomb.sqf"]; bomb.sqf: hint parseText localize "STR_NARK_BOMB_DEFUSED"; stringTable.xml in your mission folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Key ID="STR_NARK_BOMB_ACT_LABEL"> <Original>Désamorcer la bombe</Original> <English>Defuse Bomb</English> <Czech>Zneškodnit Bombu</Czech> <French>Désamorcer la bombe</French> <Spanish>Desactivar la bomba</Spanish> <Italian>Disinnescare Bomb</Italian> <Polish>Rozbroić Bombę</Polish> <Portuguese>Desarmar Bomba</Portuguese> <Russian>обезвредить бомбу</Russian> <German>Entschärfen Bomb</German> </Key> <Key ID="STR_NARK_BOMB_DEFUSED"> <Original>La bombe à été désamorcé! Bravo</Original> <English>The bomb was defused! Bravo</English> <Czech>Bomba byla zneškodněna! bravo</Czech> <French>La bombe à été désamorcé! Bravo</French> <Spanish>La bomba fue desactivada! ¡bravo</Spanish> <Italian>La bomba è stata disinnescata! bravo</Italian> <Polish>Bomba została rozbrojona! brawo</Polish> <Portuguese>A bomba foi desarmada! bravo</Portuguese> <Russian>Бомба была обезврежена! браво</Russian> <German>Die Bombe wurde entschärft! bravo</German> </Key>
  18. Well, there ya go! One day I'll learn about displays. heh
  19. kylania

    wall placement

    Do you really need 100 wall pieces around your base? There are prebuilt military installations across every Arma map, are all of them unsuitable? Can you get more creative and use different structures/vehicles/objects instead of endless walls? What exactly does an enclosed box add to the mission that would be missed if it weren't there?
  20. Did you make sure to register the Dynamic Group system on both the server and player sides? Were you testing in multiplayer? Before that pressing U did nothing. After that it at showed the normal teamswitch UI with some errors. I'm guessing you need another player online for it to work? Why is just pressing U not an option for this?
  21. Seems it's tied to the TeamSwitch action. More info here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dynamic_Groups#Accessing_the_Dynamic_Groups_interface
  22. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191961-datetimestamp-in-mission/#entry3057482
  23. There is a tragic lack of tickling in your example.
  24. Because we got awesome new Thermal/NVG goggles now and would just shoot out the lights anyways? :)
  25. The new pretty subtitles aren't linked to objects or configs at all, simply prints out strings. The normal conversation system should still work, this is just a different method of presenting say remote radio chatter or voice overs.