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Everything posted by Nephris1

  1. Nephris1

    [dedi] setpos

    Lokks like u r right. I changed the code _mlist = ["mkpos1","mkpos2","mkpos3",..............]; _mlocation = _mlist select (floor(random(count _mlist))); heli setpos [(getmarkerpos _mlocation select 0),(getmarkerpos _mlocation select 1),0]; ..... and it works now. Thx. Another prob occured while testing and i guess it is about the local/global things. So my insertion marker are not at the position where the player is. Do i ve to execute my player position on server only? ///// Player Position _wlist = [wpos1,wpos2,wpos3,wpos4,wpos5]; _rlist = [rpos1,rpos2,rpos3,rpos4,rpos5]; _wlocation = _wlist select (floor(random(count _wlist))); _rlocation = _rlist select (floor(random(count _rlist))); //hint format ["Position: %1",_wlocation]; w1 setpos [(getpos _wlocation select 0)+(random 3),(getpos _wlocation select 1)+(random 6),0];
  2. Nephris1

    Reload Bug

    Yeah, after rereading i think Troubleshooting should ve been a better forum for that topic - perhabs a mod will move it. Nevertheless, i opened a ticket at ACE. At the end i dont care who fixes that Bug. It would be more basic if BI woulf take that Bug into account but well...at the end i am happy if it will be fixed anyhow by anyone. But i guess the more post into that topic the more attractive that thread gets.
  3. Once again :thumbs up: for your project m8! And ArmA2 is 6 month old only .... Keep on the good way! Thx GL4 was added to SixUpdater!
  4. You got it bud! Thx....
  5. Is there any condition that is assigned to the clients pc power or the fps running? I believe remembering there was sth like that in OFP. but didnt find anything.
  6. Hi folks, an actually old topic since OFP but i dont get it managed without errors in my RPT. I initialized my respawn in init.sqf if ( isNil{player getVariable "respawned"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; // waitUntil player has respawned hideBody _this; [player] execvm "insertion.sqf"; sleep 10; deleteVehicle _this; }; }]; player setVariable ["respawned", true]; }; my insertion.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _unit setpos [(getpos _unit select 0)+(random 1000)-1000,(getpos _unit select 1)+(random 1000)-1000,400]; sleep 0.05; [_unit] exec "ca\air2\halo\data\Scripts\HALO.sqs"; //hint"insertion klar" if ( isNil{player getVariable "respawned"} ) then { player addEventHandler ["killed", { [] spawn { waitUntil { alive player }; // waitUntil player has respawned [player] execvm "insertion.sqf"; }; }]; player setVariable ["respawned", true]; }; For some reason the respawn doesent seem to get initialized. Do u see the error...or know a more elegant solution (dedi)?
  7. Perhabs i didnt point my problem out clear. Is it possible to add to a player 2 different eventhandlers killed? So that i could use one EH killed for the respawn and another to delete the body after the respawn. edit: fixxed, thx.
  8. Hi Ace Team, is there a variable if i want to deactivate the "sling arm" option? I personally dont like it as far as i cant see the model, which is supposely an engine limit,however, just a meaning of my small arma light. This thread is fulll of information, but very messy in the meantime. Is an own ACE forum in the planning at devheaven?Or is there already one?
  9. Another problem i got since changing GL4 is Code: Addon gl4_blood_fx (entry GL4_Blood_04) not found in the list of active addons. I checked my mission.sqm to delete the entry but nthing there. I also tried to copy all stuff to renew the mission sqm, but the entry keeps resisting....any ideas?
  10. // Enemy A.I. Difficult Types: // Choose the difficult type of the enemy A.I. // The difficult types set many enemy A.I. abilitys to the given level. // Note: The first value in the array is the fix value and the second value will randomly increase the fix value. // Example: [Fix Value, Random Value] // Novice < 0.25 // Rookie >= 0.25 and <= 0.45 // Recruit > 0.45 and <= 0.65 Veteran > 0.65 and <= 0.85 // Expert > 0.85 // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Accuracy" Type: // Choose the "Aiming Accuracy" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how good enemy A.I. can aim with their weapons. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [0, [0.45, 0.45] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Shake" Type: // Choose the "Aiming Shake" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how much enemy A.I. should shake while aiming. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [1, [0.45, 0.45] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Aiming Speed" Type: // Choose the "Aiming Speed" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can aim. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [2, [0.65, 0.65] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Endurance" Type: // Choose the "Endurance" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose Endurance of enemy A.I. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [3, [0.45, 0.45] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Distance" Type: // Choose the "Spot Distance" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how good enemy A.I. can spot enemys. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [4, [0.75, 0.75] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Spot Time" Type: // Choose the "Spot Time" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can spot enemys. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [5, [0.55, 0.55] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Courage" Type: // Choose the "Courage" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose Courage of enemy A.I. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [6, [0.55, 0.55] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Reload Speed" Type: // Choose the "Reload Speed" of the enemy A.I. // Info: Choose how fast enemy A.I. can reload their weapons. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] (GL4_Global select 38) set [7, [0.45, 0.45] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "Commanding" Type: // Info: Unknown. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] // (GL4_Global select 38) set [8, [0.35, 0.35] ]; // Enemy A.I. Difficult "General" Type: // Info: Unknown. // [0.1, 0.1] - [1.0, 1.0], default is [0.35, 0.35] // (GL4_Global select 38) set [9, [0.35, 0.35] ]; Another problem i got since changing GL4 is Addon gl4_blood_fx (entry GL4_Blood_04) not found in the list of active addons. I checked my mission.sqm to delete the entry but nthing there.
  11. After checking my RPT i get following entries, hope it helps ya. Veteran > 0.65 and <= 0.85 (GL4_Global select 38) set> Error position: <<= 0.85 (GL4_Global select 38) set> Error Ungültige Zahl in Ausdruck Error in expression <[37, 0.70]; Veteran > 0.65 and <= 0.85 (GL4_Global select 38) set> Error position: <<= 0.85 (GL4_Global select 38) set> I changed several values belonging to the KI abilities.
  12. Hi Sinkman, wieder saubere Arbeit ! Is there any variable to be adressed when GL4 got finished loading? In MO i ve the problem that around 3-5 sec almost everything that is effected in my init is visible until GL4 finished loading. So i could set the map and briefing invisble until GL4 finished loading. (using cba+ace)
  13. coolaroony, gonna test it with my hicks.
  14. Feine Arbeit. Do u think u ll be able to get it MP-able for dedicated servers?
  15. Hi guys, I tried to create an addaction script for MP. My scripting knowledge is not the best, but this is what i ve done so far. (the basic idea: a case must be found by 2 opposite teams, and be transported to an extract point.Therefore the case gets an addaction entry "take case".As soon the a player took the case it will ported to a dummy location.If the player dies the case gets ported back to the position of the died player who took it. As addition (and there begins my prob) the player shall be able to detach the case awhile carrying it and take it again, e.g. to set up a trap. The case gets a marker (gps signal), that pops over to the player who carries it. init.sqf ///////////////////////////////////////////// ///// Koffer AddAction ///// ///////////////////////////////////////////// _actionID = 0; if ! (IsDedicated)then { _actionID = Koffer addAction ["take case", "take.sqf"]; // Koffer = case }; take. sqf _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; ID = _caller addAction ["detach case", "detach.sqf"]; if !(player == _caller)exitwith{}; if ( (!isServer) && (detach) ) then { while {alive _caller} do { //if (detach) then {exit} else { Koffer setpos getpos place; // place = dummy position "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos _caller; sleep 1; // Koffer removeaction _id; //Deletevehicle Koffer; //hint"Debug: Koffer klar "; if (!(alive _caller)) then { Koffer setpos getpos _caller; "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos Koffer; }; }; }; detach.sqf _caller2 = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; //if !(player == _caller2)exitwith{}; detach = true; publicVariable "detach"; _caller2 removeaction _id; Koffer setpos getpos _caller2; "mkr" setmarkerpos getpos Koffer; if (true)exitwith{}; The player can take the case (the case gets ported to dummy place), but when he wants to detach it, the case simply jumps for 1 sec (sleep 1) to players position , and then back to its dummy place and the player gets more and more "detach" action entryies. I am sure the proiblem is anywhere inside a "while loop" in the take.sqf, but i guess my logical knowledge is not bif enough to get the point. Does anyone see the problem? What optimisation should i do to get it working properly in MP (dedicated?)
  16. Nephris1

    MP: addaction

    Thx a lot for your effort guys :thumbs up: Gonna check it when off duty and Mr. Heimbergers`smoker leg got finally sawed off
  17. Nephris1

    Variable to weapon

    Sorry to hear that. I guess i found a workaround. But therefore i need to how to get the position of a killed player. I want to set a marker on the position where the player died. Can i do "marker" setmarkerpos getpos killedPlayer; as long as he didnt respawned? Sry for that dumb question, as i could actually test it, but atm i am "on call" at hospitals`computer....so just theoretics for me up to duty finish.
  18. Is it possible to give a weapon like a backpack a variable to be able to execute a marker script on it?
  19. Guess this should belong to editing but i dont want to create a new thread for that little question. Is it possible to use e..g a backpack as obejct on the map. Not being inside a box, but directly on the ground as the sandbag for instance. My problem is , i want to give the backback a variable. btw. i get serious problems since the last update to get an action entry on editor set sandbags.Anyone else ?
  20. Could someone plz give a link again with the userconfig file. In the link i got from Protegimu there was no userconfig folder inside. edit: reload of donwload fixed it.Sry.
  21. Hi Sinkman, thx for ya effort. Would it be possible to implement GL4 into SixUpdater?
  22. Das heisst "function":nener: tinker=Lausebengel
  23. Nephris1

    Isla Duala

    Buuhhuu... No Duala today...well ok, tomorrow never dies... Thx for ya effort m8!