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Everything posted by kadinx

  1. kadinx

    score for AI

    Have you added the following: aikills = 1; in the description.ext file?
  2. kadinx

    Sqs to sqf

    Silola After further testing, your version is better. I am adding the new consolidation changes, the startup parameter and one for the script not to run on a dedicated server and KEEPING IT . >-------thank you-------<
  3. kadinx

    Sqs to sqf

    Silola Many thanks for you script I am going to try it right now. Since the last post from kju I have managed another working version: ---------------------------------------------------------- //execute only on humans and game has not ended? If (!(isServer) || !(isNull player) ||!(forceGameover) || (gameStarted)) then { call deathview;}; deathview={ private ["_player","_killer","_camera"]; _player=_this select 0; _killer=_this select 1; _camera="camera" camCreate getpos _player; _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"]; showcinemaborder False; titleText ["You have been killed!!","Plain"];titleFadeOut 5; 0 fademusic 1; _music = ["aa_crescendo_i","aa_death_01_south","aa_death_02_south","aa_death_10_north","aa_death_03_south","aa_death_06_rocktheme_iii","aa_death_07_rocktheme_iii"]; _final=_music call RandomSelect; playMusic _final; _camera camSetTarget _player; _camera camSetRelPos [1.00,-1.00,0.00]; _camera camSetFOV 0.700; _camera camCommit 0; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; if (_killer != _killer || _killer == _player) then { _camera camSetTarget _player; _camera camSetRelPos [4.00,-4.00,4.00]; _camera camSetFOV 1.000; _camera camCommit 3; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camSetTarget _player; _camera camSetRelPos [-15.00,15.00,10.00]; _camera camSetFOV 1.000; _camera camCommit 6; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; } else { _camera camSetTarget _killer; _camera camSetRelPos [2.00,2.00,2.00]; _camera camSetFOV 1.000; _camera camCommit 5; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; _camera camSetTarget _player; _camera camSetRelPos [-15.00,15.00,10.00]; _camera camSetFOV 1.000; _camera camCommit 4; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera}; }; TitleText ["Death Penalty: 2 points!","BLACK OUT",5];titleFadeOut 1; sleep 6; player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; }; ----------------------------------------------------- Since I was at it I incorporated the music.sqs script and another parameter for the script not to kick in when an intro is still running. I am going to try your version and learn some more. Thank you very much.
  4. kadinx

    Sqs to sqf

    This is good stuff. I got to learn to be more patient with my searches. Right in front of me :( My apologies! Many thanks kju.
  5. kadinx

    Gamespy down?

    Yep, mine too.
  6. I was thinking more like a dialog option along with the other ones you have lined up at the begining of the mission. For example: "Onplayerdeath:" and then values of 0, -1, -2 and ALL points removed from player's score. It can be enabled or not, with default value, similar to the other dialog options. It can get fancier, if you get killed by a friend your points stay, where his follow the above dialogue, but it does not have to be like that. ...
  7. In Arm assault I, I used a scoring system that would take points off or even return the units score to zero if the unit died. I used triggers and the addscore command which does not work in a Dedicated server environment anymore. Is there any potential to create such a system with PvP script?
  8. I have made a similar post earlier on in the bugs report but I missed yours. I hope more people vote on it. Thank you much.
  9. The "addscore" command run on the 1.02 beta Dedicated server is not functional. It works on a Player\host but not across clients when the mission is run on Dedicated server. If anyone wants to test it. Make a trigger activated by radio ("alpha") with repeated function and put this "on activation": Player addscore 50 Place the mission on the Dedicated server and connect through your client. Use the radio button to execute the command and press "I" to see if your score is changing. Please, if anyone see a flaw in the above statement let me know. Note: the addscore command used in scripts and the above example have been working fine in Arma 1.
  10. Nobody else? Are Tajin and myselft the only ones that have experience this? Maybe WE are doing something wrong? From the recently released Arma II scriptiong commands, it looks that addscore and its usage have not been altered. Hmm!
  11. Thanks Tajin I was starting to think that it was just me. It is weird because there are score changes when you play the default missions like DM and the rest but when you try to implamented throught your own scripts or trigges it does not happen in the same way it happens in Arma 1. I guess it will be soon revealed!!
  12. kadinx

    Addscore command

    The "addscore" command run on the 1.02 beta Dedicated server is not functional. It works on a Player\host but not across clients when the mission is run on Dedicated server. If anyone wants to test it. Make a trigger activated by radio ("alpha") with repeated function and put this "on activation": Player addscore 50 Place the mission on the Dedicated server and connect through your client. Use the radio button to execute the command and press "I" to see if your score is changing. Please, if anyone see a flaw in the above statement let me know.
  13. kadinx

    Addscore command

    Same scripts and the above trigger example are working fine in Arma 1 dedicated server. I think you are right about this belonging to editing section. I will get on with it.
  14. kadinx

    keep chosen fire mode

    Makes three of us!
  15. I concur. The "addscore" command run on the 1.02 beta Dedicated server is not functional. It works on a Player\host but not across clients when the mission is run on Dedicated server. If anyone wants to test it. Make a trigger activated by radio with repeated function and put this under "on activation": Player addscore 50 Place the mission on the Dedicated server and connect through your client. Use the radio button to execute the command and press "I" to see if your score is changing.
  16. Benedict, I don't think this is possible. The wizard created missions are different than the standard Editor created missions. Maybe because they are linked to the Mission templates. I would like very much to be wrong. I would love to carry those missions on Dedicated server, like you. Please Gentlemen, chip in if there is any resolution here. :)
  17. Hello Gentlemen I am wondering if any of you guys that have Arma II already can tell me if there is a certain feature. Can you aim through the open sights/scope in any other direction apart from the direction you are moving. If so how many degrees of freedom is there. Basically, I would like to walk down an alley for example with the weapon up and aim up\down, left\right while still moving straight down the alley. regards
  18. I am afraid that the Fee aim range has not been reintroduded as it were in version 1.07. :( Thank you for the fast update, though!
  19. I saw the progress on the ticket. Very much obliged mr.g-c.
  20. Hello Gentlemen Before the latest versions of ACE mod 1.08 you could hold hit the "Optics" key and hold down the "free look" key and move your weapon ~70 degrees each way. Now, with the latest version 1.08 it has been limited to about 30 degrees. Is there a reason for that or it it an oversight.
  21. Thanks mr.g-c. Always to my rescue. :) ...and yes, my floationg point is maxed (all the way to the right) and as the man said it does not seem to be related.
  22. I, a human, can aim and shoot a 12g shotgun, like in skeet or trap target shooting, with no problem all the way past 80 degrees and judging from my fellow skeet and trappers I am not the only one. Hardly a revolving plate!! Using the A and D keys you also move that way. For example you cannot go straight down an alley while at the same time aiming left and right without moving left and right!!
  23. I have just noticed on the newly released update of ACE version 1.08 that the combination view of OPTICS and FREE LOOK has been severely restricted from ~75degrees to ~30 degrees. I am wondering if this was necessary or I am totally wrong and I am doing something wrong on my end.
  24. Hello Gents Recently and in some missions that I have made I get the following report in the arma.rpt file: "Generating ST on the fly is very slow" What does ST stand for and where should I look to fix the problem. regards
  25. So it is a problem of an object or third party map issue?