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Everything posted by GLeek

  1. it's so sad ... :( now we know: dedicated doesn't help too much for cti game
  2. your graphics chip is waiting for cpu to feed it. clearly, your weak part is CPU here. PURE LOGIC , people need to understand that. identify wich part is the bottleneck: set resolution to 640x480 no AA , no aniso. same FPS ? lawl , you find .
  3. "@Proper vegetation low" detail man , just sayin'
  4. GLeek

    Is it really that hard to run smoothly?

    personnaly, i find huge firefight in big city , a pain in arss. my Q6600 run @2.8ghz , but it's definitly not enough in regards of my FPS. i speak about 18 20max. 15FPS at chernogorosk doors tonight :( ... i don't think L2 cache could does the difference. Q9xxx , what for ? I would like to know if an OCed cpu could make things better. i'm not sure...
  5. GLeek

    GPU Comparison Links Requested

    from 3870 X² to 4870 => from 4890(15% more than 4870) to 5870 => now you have tracks. my hint is 4870 X². cheap & nearly equal to 5870, but hurry up , the more you wait, the harder it will be to find one . ps: source from Hardware.fr
  6. GLeek

    [Patch 1.05 Bug] AI won't follow player

    the pb is , AI walk backward , clueless, brainless, and totally ruin my domi experience. BI need to adresse this BUG A.S.A.P
  7. xeno: the base is constantly attacked. i don't understand why , cause i set base sabotage to false.
  8. it left the picture as sharp as full rez, without use the crapola picture scaling of your display monitor . the picture will be centered, not as big as the screen itself . a good compromise
  9. Hi. i have bug with AI variant mission. often, my AI stop to follow my order. and walk somewhere . i try to stop them , to order them to move here and there but so far, nothing work. i must erase them and redo the action. make me sick. is it a known problem ?
  10. GLeek

    1.05 released

    thx Bi guys
  11. Thanks :p* edit: you still plan to sparse a bit grass right ?
  12. GLeek

    Optiminal Specs Arma2

    thanks for the lolage Lawl ' date=' one more time please :D you don't squate chernogorosk too much, do you ? :D :D :D
  13. i didn't read the whole thread. but i have an simple idea. why not create a zone trigger , forbidding any travel outside of it , if player isn't in a sub group , with associated objective ? with that ,any freelance player is blocked inside base, with no other choice : protect base, or join a sub group and take part of the war. no solo game .
  14. same for me. i tried to drove an uaz , instant CTD. repeatable as wish.
  15. yes there is. GDTplant mod. grass and tree detail cost are too expensive. GDT tweaked it. give it a try !
  16. count me for beta test ;)
  17. GLeek

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    your entire arma2 folder ? 16GB you have installed ? my mobo can manage maximum 4x2GB @ 667mhz. my overclock impose 720mhz x9 . grrrrr!!! i will still buy 4 more gig , because ramdrive rocks
  18. GLeek

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    i wasn't sure . so i backup moved addons and put them in @base2. i have 2 shortcut. 1 launch ramdisk addons, the second launch @base2 for required base addons ;) i don't need to move file each time i want switch from one to other. damn i just think about that . for a real comparo , i need to close my ramdisk . because it would free 1.5GB ram.
  19. GLeek

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    ;). i should not duplicated file, but move them right ?
  20. GLeek

    ArmA 2 I/O analysis results

    i'm trying to set DataramRAMDisk for arma2. i have 4GB ram. i think about put only the most I/Ouputed file on it. Structure first, 886MB , thenb maybe plants2 . 1.2GB will be enough i think. a good start :) i will try to make a benchmark with fraps . with / without :)