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About mapoule

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Family ,ArmA , Moto

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  1. mapoule


    With Zeus, groups or unit created without wp do not react. strange ... Think about putting minimum of one wp group or unit.
  2. mapoule


    back to work. No intermediate version for the moment. :p No problem. it works on all unit, even those created on the fly. The addon works very simply, that makes it lightweight and efficient. It will not make error with other addons If you want to use it with other similar addons, I advise you to do some tests. First try the addons one by one, compares the result. Then tested together and see what happens. Made ​​your own jujement. Sorry for my english :p
  3. mapoule


    Yes of course the project continues. ;) The R3F team is not going to stop there, but for now it's the holidays. :cool:
  4. mapoule


    No improvement on the gameplay, just technical. I think that there will be no problem with AGM. It is clear that changes life.
  5. mapoule


    The version 1.1 is only supported on server-addon-side. The script version is no supported nor compatible withn the addon 1.1. The next version, will provide both script and addon material.
  6. mapoule


    The current version only supports AI server side, the next release will support AI on all locality, including on headless client.
  7. mapoule


    New version released, Version 1.1 (addon version) first post updated
  8. mapoule


    Yes it does. A new version for this week end ... for any complain see with dwarden. :icon_rolleyes:
  9. mapoule


    Yeah, it is possible that this becomes an addon and the whole system will be redesigned and improved. patience. Thank you for the compliment.
  10. mapoule


    I see the same as you on your mission and it does not occur on my missions, I look at it. thank you for the report. Sorry for my english, i use google traductor
  11. mapoule


    For the reaction of group leader, I've seen a few times without the script. The script only reveals the players and AI live their lives could I have a link to your mission? Plz
  12. mapoule


    No problem on the script. This works for three months on our public server. Bad installation in your mission ?
  13. mapoule


    what team? I do not refund the holes in uniform. Lower the head. Enjoy ...
  14. mapoule


    Good choice !
  15. mapoule


    There is no code or no variable to disable but in your init.sqf of thé mission you can . if (condition) then { };