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Everything posted by tbartels

  1. tbartels

    Secret Weapons Reloaded

    Thank you for the update. It seems like the JU 86 disapeared from Flying Legends although it is in the folder. Was that intentional? It is a great aircraft 🙂
  2. tbartels

    Faces of War [WW2]

    April fools day...
  3. tbartels

    Faces of War [WW2]

    It's because of an error in "IFA3 Liberation Compatibility FOW". If you take that one off the list, your problem should be fixed.
  4. @JeckZeRippa Looks like this bridge, matches the writing on the back of the photo. https://www.google.no/maps/@69.0197122,18.8979,3a,75y,212.15h,73.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5fuFAAkEDzUczEDRCcv-Zw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  5. tbartels

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I have noticed the same, both for CSA38 and FOW.
  6. Hi guys, How is the testing going?
  7. Hi guys! Great job! I am getting an error message after updating the terrain pack when firing rifles (see link), does anyone have any idea what may cause it? Also, the shader issues does not seem to have been fix for Chernarus and Takistan -am I the only having this issue? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwi3IlAxnsRvOFlYMFZwTnp0SE0 Any help would be very much appreciated!
  8. This issue was solved by enabeling "receive beta updates" under settings in pw6 and then running "check for updates". It seems there's a bug in the offical version that has been fixed with a beta/hotfix.
  9. Hi, I updated pw6 with the latest update that was released some days ago. When trying to run IFA2 I get the following message: " Addon 'ISZoom_IF' requires addon 'lib_weapons' " When clicking OK, ARMA CO vanilla starts up. Any idea what can cause this? I haven't done any other changes than the update, although I do run other addons together with the base IFA2 ones. -However, this was not aproblem until I did the update.
  10. Hey guys, I just installed a new GPU (Radeon HD 7970) and all of a sudden I can only choose low and normal in texture details and video memory. At first the game ran ok, but i started fiddeling with the cfg file and the startup parameters as I after a period of time experienced blurry textures on objects in the game (units -especially helmets, the market stands i cities etc), and then all of a sudden this problem occurred. I have tried reinstalling the game several times I have also tried different versions of amd catalyst (uninstalling the previous ones through the installer) Does anyone know what causes these issues? I have no idea what to do and am considering reinstalling windows.. Can anyone please help me? My specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 32 BIT i7 950 6 GB RAM Gigabyte AMD Radeon HD 7970
  11. Thank you, that sounds good -I am ready to be challenged!:D
  12. I know this have been covered before, but I just couldn't find it when searching the forum: There will be significant improvements to the AI for 2.6, right? -The reason I am bringing it up is that I have been playing around with inv44 in the editor for ages now, and the other day I thought it would be fun to go back and try the "modern" BIS units. The difference in the performance of AI was quite significant across the entire spector so to speak. Tanks prioritizing engaging other armor to infantry, distances of engagment, close quarter fights -you name it. I love your mod, and if inv44 AI will be up to speed with BIS AI for 2.6 -then that would be great!
  13. Does this mean that the class names will also be changed? I am just curious as I have put the current ones in the ASR AI userconfig.
  14. Thank you PacUK/all of you guys in the inv44 team. Your hard work is very much appreciated! It's good to hear that testing is going well, this is going to be awesome:D
  15. Any recent news on the mod? :j:
  16. Don't worry, I believe these guys got it all under control. Btw, the immersive gameplay you get from being able to use all sorts of vehicles is what makes the ARMA series what it is if you ask me.. ;)
  17. I had the same problem, but adding ACEX and a older ACE "grenade.pbo" fixed the problem for me.. Don't ask me why:o
  18. Those new animations for the "outboard" mg34 on that Tiger looks great! Does this by any chance mean that the gunner of those outboard machine guns need to be 2turned out"? That would be awesome in terms of realism and all that