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Everything posted by nikiforos

  1. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    I am more addicted to this thread then the actual game ( ARMA II) :803:.....
  2. nikiforos

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    What difference will more ram memory do? I mean ARMA uses only limited ram memory. I use win 7 64 but have no advantages for that.
  3. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    jerryhopper I assume your boss playing ARMA ? ;)
  4. nikiforos

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Kernriver what is your GPU?
  5. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    Well Nicholas you seem to work hard you post more then most of us hahahahahah :bounce3:
  6. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    Im sure I read something about that but I might be wrong.
  7. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    What will the difference be between ARMA II Dayz and Dayz standalone?
  8. nikiforos

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Reminds me of Panthera island alot :)
  9. nikiforos

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Guys do you think I need any upgrades on my current system? i5-2500k ( 4.2 ghz) GTX 570 DDR3 1600 4GB 2x2GB PSU 650 w corsair HD Western digital 1tb , 7200 rpm , 64 mb cache
  10. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    ahahahhaha what about FIFA 13 loll
  11. nikiforos

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    The only problem getting an SSD is the installation. I have to reinstall everything on my computer and I dont want to. It would take forever to install everything again.
  12. nikiforos

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    I might upgrade with an SSD drive and leave everything else as current. I hope I can manage with satisfying performance.
  13. nikiforos

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I just hope that JSRS will be ported to ARMAIII it will be a shame if all this work stays with ARMAII and not brought to ARMA3.
  14. nikiforos

    Operation E3

    Sandals ? I hope only in summer because winter is tough.
  15. nikiforos

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thank you for the reply LJ. I thought 1.4 was the last update for your great mod so I didnt expect the 1.5 mod upgrade.. I cant tell you how happy I am with your decision to continue the fabulous work you are doing. Thank you once more mate :)
  16. nikiforos

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Are the sounds after 2.45 real battle sounds in game raging or module sounds just for effects?
  17. nikiforos

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I push forward the time to tuesday but still no news WTF? Something wrong? :j:
  18. nikiforos

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    Sethos with your specs no way :bounce3:
  19. Well if you are Superman I believe you could take 5-7 bullets otherwise 1 or 2 bullets maximum.
  20. nikiforos

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Think positive BIS if optimization is great more people will buy the game :)
  21. nikiforos

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Great news I might not need any upgrade to play the game :)
  22. nikiforos

    Fayshkhabur V1.0 Released

    Great times :)
  23. I was really sad cause game crashed with the old version. Now Im really happy that the update will fix this and also because this mod is one of my favourites :)
  24. nikiforos

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The explosions look really good. I have high expectations in this game.