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Everything posted by nikiforos

  1. nikiforos

    Isla Duala

    IceBreakr with due respect but its better not to announce any ETA because it dissapoint people who loves your work. You wrote almost two weeks ago that the release will be in 3 hours /:. PS I love your work and your islands :)
  2. Yeah ofcourse I get 20 more FPS in the game then I would be very happy. And I also believe that 300 euro is worth it even for a 15 increase in FPS. Im going to make a move soon and I would give some feedback.
  3. Wow you have a beast of CPU. Nice to hear that GTX 570 makes such a difference :).
  4. TeAch how many FPS did you gain with the upgrade from GTX275 to GTX 560? What processor do you use? I will upgrade soon to GTX570 from my current GTX 275 and I would like to know if its worth it.
  5. nikiforos

    USS Nimitz

    I have the same problem my dear friend Jester and it makes me mad .
  6. Well Im sure this project is great and one of the best but I doubt we will be able to see it this year. Its like a never ending story.
  7. nikiforos

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Im very impressed with the new changes. The island is very nice and has so much potential. It feels like Sweden in real (I live in Sweden) and it gives a great feeling playing there. The difference is huge thank you very much .:)
  8. I agree this island has a great potential and reminds me of mediterranean islands :).
  9. Hello I finally decided to buy the GTX 570 and to keep my current CPU AMD PHENOM 965. Currently I have box performance at 3.4 Ghz in every core but I heard that there are alot of space to increase the speed of the processors. I believe that 3.8 Ghz is a good and stable overclock for my CPU. The problem I encounter is though that I havent a clue how to overclock my system. So I wonder if anyone can help the easy way and explain step by step how to proceed here. I would be most thankfull if anyone can help me. Thanks in advance :)
  10. nikiforos

    Overclocking CPU

    Ok Leon thank you I got the same answer from people I know . 650 PSU is enough as long as I dont use SLI GTX 570 (not in my plans to expensive).
  11. nikiforos

    Overclocking CPU

    I have a Corsair 650 W PSU. Is this enough to handle an overclocking of 3,8 and a new GPU GTX 570? A single card though I dont plan for SLI. I
  12. nikiforos

    Overclocking CPU

    Sounds great thank you for all great info guys. I will try this out soon in a few day but first I have to buy a new cooler for my CPU :). One last thing though and Its about voltage. Right now I have 1.393 core voltage. If I overclock to 3,7 what should the voltage be then? Do I have to do anything or is this going to change automatically? This is the only thing I dont understand.
  13. nikiforos

    Sound Mods: A combination

    I only use the JRSR mod and Im very happy with it. Sometimes I use ACE SM sounds but thats it.
  14. nikiforos

    Overclocking CPU

    Thanks for all the answers guys I decided not to overclock my CPU and instead upgrade my GPU from GTX 275 to GTX 570. I believe that I can gain 10 more FPS ingame. Thats enough for me. I just hope there will be no bottleneck /:
  15. OK thank you Flattermann I decided to keep my CPU and just upgrade the GPU to GTX 570. It was a hard decision but Im glad its over and I can proceed with my plans :).
  16. sudden I dont have a solution but I would like to ask about your FPS in the game compared to the GTX 275. Do you get much higher FPS now then before?
  17. nikiforos

    FPS opinion

    NeMeSiS I also believe that a poll would be a good idea but Im not able to start one. I edited my first post but cant find any option to start a poll in the current thread.
  18. nikiforos

    USS Nimitz

    The AV-88 Harrier :)
  19. nikiforos

    USS Nimitz

    [GLT]Myke yes it seems to be a LOD issue. When I come closer to the aircraft the wheels appear for me. Anything I can do about it?
  20. nikiforos

    USS Nimitz

    Great carrier I enjoy it very much. There is a problem though with the mission that you created. When I start the mission on of the planes behind seems to have no wheels and seems to hover . I dont know if its only me or if others have the same issues.
  21. nikiforos

    Swedish Forces Pack

    Tack för uppdateringen ( Thank you for the update in swedish).:)
  22. larsiano but do you think this will make a difference for me if I keep the same CPU as today? AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition GTX 570 Is it worth it? Or should I go for CPU upgrade as well? Its a question of money for me.
  23. I consider to upgrade my GPU from GTX 275 to GTX 570. Im not sure if this upgrade will be good enough for my computer to handle big battles with alot of AIs. My CPU will be the same and afraid it will be a bottleneck . What do you guys recommend?
  24. nikiforos

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    Its a great and very atmospheric island. Actually I rather use it for relaxing the fighting enemies :)