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Everything posted by Gruman

  1. Or just despawn and respawn the vehicle to have it properly connected and AI Friendly. Was discussed a lot in the general discussion in the section of the forums.
  2. Maybe look into your Arma 3 Tools directory. I assume there should be config examples. Will check in the evening if thats true. Have fun.
  3. It is not possible to detach the pods. And what was said in the General Development Disussion, its not planned to make it that way. So you need to wait until somebody makes a mod. Currently is a bit annoying that many buildings trigger an exlosion when you put your wheels/skids onto the roof... Nothing to do with an extended damage model.. It should just not happen. Please provide a fix for this. Still in the progress to learn the new AFM. I really like all of the changes. Looking forward to relearn everything again when VRS hits us.
  4. Gruman

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks, probably a last little change by BIS. Any chance we could have all the pilots in the right seat and the copilot in the left seat? I know, BIS allways put the pilot into the left side except the blackhawk, but normally the Pilot in Command sits in the right side so he can operate all the cockpit switches with his left-collective hand... Please fix the BIS NonSense :P I'm so excited! ;)
  5. Gruman

    Need help for Rotorlib

    And i pushed all sensitivity to the max except the pedals. Assign a "set trim" to a button you allways have a finger on... you will use it quite often. Dont forget about the release trim... could save your virtual life if you screw up a trim... Buildings are very hostile to your skids/wheels. Dont try to land on them if you have passengers...
  6. Gruman

    Need help for Rotorlib

    When you are using the AFM, you need to rebind the analog throttle. Collective rise (Analog) = Push the throttle from the center position to the full position Collective lower (Analog) = Pull the throttle from the center position to the lowest position When you are not using the AFM, you need to assign both push and pull into the collective rise (Analog) and you can bind Collective lower (Analog) to another analog control. Hope it helps.
  7. Gruman

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Love what you guys have done for A3. Was positivly surprised that the AFM is allready partly introduced into the helis. Tested only the UH60 and CH47. Only little hickup, as soon as you get into them, they sink into the ground. Probably an issue with the wheeldefinition inside the AFM Config. Good job.
  8. You need to define a fake weapon for the gunner. Take a look at the Konyo_Chinook. Hope it helps. Best regards [Edit] Reread your question and saw that you only have the issue in the FLIR-Cam... Not sure if thats related.
  9. Stupid question, but is your TS3 closed or the plugin in TS3 disabled? Because as long as its in Use, it can't be overwritten...
  10. Good Morning, Yes, I'm sure. I tried rebuilding the repository many times and has always ended with "Successfull". Also I'm sure that its pointing at the right folder. So the issue has nothing to do with the FTP server itself, correct? Because I currently suspect my Win10 installation as the reason, while I start everything as administrator (since you can't simpy disable the UAC anymore... -_-) I get wierd behavior all the time (TrackIR, Joy2Key etc can't Autostart. If you do not have any other ideas, I will have to revert back to good old Win7.
  11. Hey Major_Shepard, When I try to upload the Repository to the FTP I get the following error message: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p67n48dfbwl6gw7/2014-10-28%2022_29_33-ArmA3Sync.png?dl=0 Any Idea what I'm dooing wrong? Thank you.
  12. Sweet. An Intercom would be real helpfull, especially when your passengers in the back are feeling chatty or need to plan the mission last minute. Would be good if the passengers would need to connect themselfs to the intercom via the vehicle radio menu, if he wants to talk to the crew. Just switched to TFAR and loving it so far. The newest version seems to work without errors for us. Crystal Clear transmissions. The "beeps" are great and I love how you can use them to recognize the radio you are talking on. Very well done.
  13. Good evening, gentlemen. What am I looking for: I'm looking for a EU/International group which is focused on realism/milsim Coop campaigns (preferably story driven). Since I'm not really happy with ARMA 3 focus on 2035, I have no problems with using a lot of addons to have propper assets from today. If it would be a unit with a virtual 160th SOAR unit, that would be awesome :cool:. Who am I? I'm from Switzerland and 25 years old. I'm polite and but a bit quiet teamplayer. Long time Arma player with group experience (Taskforce86 for 2 Years and before I requested a discharge in June, I was an active member of a MILSIM Unit for 1.5 Years). Last 3 years I was focused on beeing a rotary pilot ingame, but I know my way arround as a soldier. I've got a full Hotas, Pedals, TIR and Headphones. My availability: Currently in GMT+2 (+1 in winter) and my scheudle is open arround 1800z until 2200z. On weekends I'm available mostly during the day. Thank you. Best regards
  14. Been playing arround a bit. As Chrotles said, nothing revolutionary. From a mission developers standpoint VBS is top notch. RTE help out a lot. From a players perspective... its Arma 1 with some goodies. Other than the walk in cargo function and the ability to use 20000VD when in the air (because of the new rendering of distance objects) its one step forward, 10 steps back. Btw... forget about this beautifull map shown in . Its not available, since its just a showcase. Currently you have Sahrani, Porto, Prison, Takistan, Takistan with 127kmx127km of desert all arround and some example biotops, which are just ... low detailed.Enjoy your times in Arma 3. Add the assets from the modding communities and you will have a much better expierience. VBS is for training, not to "enjoy" at home. Do not think VBS is more realistic and better... It's isnt. It's just focused on the military usage in training. Best regards
  15. This should be the extra linkage mentioned :). Here a UH-60M folded up for transport in a C-17 But yeah, basicly anything is possible. Since we aim for realism, we will try to give it as much features as possible, but not all will be available from the first version. Best regards Mag
  16. Gruman

    Simulation = "carx"; ArmA3 crashs

    I assume the game crashes, when you try to preview the mission with your custom car? Had the same issue when working with the helicopterX class. Just make sure you are not missing any config entries that are needed for simulation carX. Missing entries will create a crash. Only thing that is inside the RPT will be the generated miniDump. Best regards
  17. You can't buy a PE licence anymore. Doesnt matter what version you want.
  18. Gruman

    Tao Folding Map

    I love the new version. Very handy to move the map to my left screen. Thank you so much.
  19. Rotorblades wil be animated, of course. Dont worry, we wont use that silly blurry rotor replacement "thing"
  20. You are welcome. Allways good to see interest in our work. What exactly do you mean a per chassis release? Like having each Airframe in a seperate PBO? The mod will be organised this way (examples, name are expected to change): SOAS_Core.pbo SOAS_Weapons.pbo SOAS_Functions.pbo SOAS_AMH6.pbo SOAS_MH47.pbo SOAS_MH60.pbo etc. This way we can push updates and keep the files organised. If you mean if we release closed beta version to specific Arma Squads, this wasnt discussed yet, but I think the first batch will be released to the squads of each member. Have a good day.
  21. While I have the most respect for Konyo and his MH47E, its still missing some fine tuning and some upgrading. -MH47G Update (FLIR Pod, CAAS Suit) -CAAS Cockpit -M240 Turrets in back -M134 upgrade, proper config for the weapons -A not Lag/desync creating rotor script -Overall visuals And most likely more functionality. But keep in mind. This announcement is our overall plan. Our release order will be something like this: MH60L/M > A/MH-6M > MH47G
  22. Gruman

    What's a good IDE for Arma?

    Poseidon is great. Quick access to everything (Arma Logs, TexViewer and a lot more). Its frequently updated / upgraded and made by an ARMA Dev. Also its based on SublimeTex, which is also highly recomended.
  23. Good day, Gentlemens. Since a couple days I'm spending my time with fighting this helicopterX simulation. I started with trying to stop the HAFM_arma2_Helis (which are officially unpacked available) from sliding arround like on ice. I put in "wheels" which I borrowed from the sample in the Tools. Have both the geometry and the geometry physic LOD's. I have defined the driveOnComponent[]={"Wheels"}; also. But as soon as I have the: simulation = "helicopterX"; in the config, the game won't load. I can Start A3, I can go into editor and select the vehicle. When I press preview, the loading screen appears and never disappears again until you press ESC, which goes straight to desktop. I tried various versions of the addon builder. Even went back to BinPBO. I checked the RPT. Nothing exept that a minidump was created, which is not readable. I did tried to pack up the test_heli_01 from the sample folder and I have the exact same behavior. Does anybody has any insights before all my hair's are grey? Thanks Best regards
  24. Currently our focus lays on the mentioned choppers in the opening post. There are one/two additions which we will start working soon. But this will be anounced when its ready. Stay tuned.
  25. WarLord and WaCkO dooing grat work, as allways.