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Everything posted by cjsoques

  1. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Thanks, that was actually way more useful...if the game is fun I'm gonna get it, isn't that the point of a game anyways ARMA2 isn't a game in that the fun of it is the Editor..here's a hopefully close analogy: ARMA2 (LEGOS) - Okay so legos are awesome, you can build anything you can imagine...however after you've built it, there isn't much else to do but take it apart and build something else, just like that ARMA2 is so much fun trying out things you could never do in any other current military themed game..that is where it blows me away (just tried out making full scale airborne insertion stuff..wow)! I then went and made a simple amphibious assault..awesome. BUt after that what is there to do but just make more stuff. the Campaign is sucktastic and I can't finish it until they patch major problems, the multiplayer is lagtastic and isn't even fun when it does run decently..editor is where it is at! OFPDR (nerfgun/bbgun) okay so you can't make anything out but they were a ton of fun to use and play around with, it would be fun just to take one out and shoot your brother (nerf gunof course) or what not. hope this makes sense
  2. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Exactly, that would have been way more useful than noting some low-poly models and animations...why leave out those critical items??
  3. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Apologies, whine was probably the wrong word :) Anywho, not getting OFPDR until I try out the demo thoroughly ARMA2 on the otherhand I preordered the first time it was available. So I'm not putting ARMA2 down at all. It's just that the "review" seemed more like nitpicking at tiny little details when the gameplay seemed pretty sound...he just didn't want to say so. Notice there was no trashing the actual gameplay but tiny details were shot down. I could write a book on the tiny little details in ARMA2 that annoy the hell out of all of us, but the editor and sandbox openness of it all helps to see through most of them.
  4. We know this, they probably won't fix it cause they never did in all ARMA1 history and they well knew of the problem. It's probably an engine limitation and I learned my lesson and sold my 2x8800GTs back in the day and got 1 GTX260 to replacement. SLI and Crossfire is FUBAR for ARMA1/ARMA2
  5. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Haha definitely not unbiased at all... 1) No one thought it would be the ultimate solution, I have no idea where you get that idea. ARMA2 has things that OFPDR will never have and OFPDR will have certain elements that make it more fun and accessible than ARMA2 could ever be. 2) Your complaints are nitpicky at best. Whining because of low poly models and basic animations for entering vehicles? You said the game runs lage free and the environment looks good, it sounds to me you had to work pretty hard to find some nasty things to say about it. I'll take OFP animations over ARMA2 where my squad gets stuck on the tailboom of a helo or I have to spend wasteful minutes orienting my vehicle in the perfect way for the AI to be happy enough to get it....if it works but doens't look as nice, I'll take it. 3) What you can an "interface" in ARMA is like working with an old IBM mainframe computer compared to the interfaces now a days. From what I saw in videos the interface looks sleek, modern, and efficient. If you prefer clunky and outdated, that's your opinion. But the reason why ARMA2 got knocked down by EVERY reviewer (not to mention the initial slew of fustrating bugs) was the outdated interface that needs an overhaul BADLY. So by "Xboxy" you mean modern which probably means awesome to me, but I guess BIS people don't like change when it comes to the interface which is why it never changed in 8 years. Like I said your grabbing at things to whine about and by no means did anyone I see say that OFPDR is going to be the ultimate solution..no need to be defensive. If we can afford PCs that can play ARMA2 we should have enough money to have another game or two, I dunno about your PC but mine will let me install both ARMA2 and OFDPR...shocking right!?
  6. cjsoques

    favourite gun?

    I don't recall the name of the weapon here is the description: US Light Machine Gun Weapon Dark Green in Color Has 100 round clip (I think) Has tracer every three or five rounds It seems to be slightly smaller than the M249...it's so much fun
  7. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    So what you're telling me is that "nerd" in that whole statement is an analogy for OFP-DR? :) On another note, lighten up! All of 10 people are probably going to see that incessant rant on your statement on nerds using non-dictionary words. Maybe you should get a life and apply to a graduate program in sociology and publish a paper on that abstract you just made, then people might care. Or people might just go: "Why is a nerd putting down nerds?" Quick, give me all the synonyms for pretentious...now...go!
  8. cjsoques

    Means of communication

    Not putting you down at all, just wanted to make sure that was the problem before assuming you just couldn't write at all, and the irony of it all is that you made a communications thread :) I applaud the knowledge of another language as I myself only know English, and not too well either Please don't think my first statement was an insult. I was just making sure my assumption was right, no need to get defensive on whose countries know English more or what not..that's just silly
  9. cjsoques

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I'm a little upset that there probably isn't going to be large multiplayer no-hassle battles as I had envisioned for either OFPDR or ARMA2. So far all my time spent in ARMA2 has been with the Editor because of the horrible multiplayer experience and interfacing and OFPDR is stating as having anywhere from 4-16 players for PC with a controllable squad and 4 human players in OFPDR which is quite pathetic so I canceled my preorder and will wait for demo. We'll see, the only game that has developed an easily accessible system for large scale battles that also forces the players to work together is Project Reality Mod for Battlefield 2. That is the only game that absolutely forces cohesive play, I would love for ARMA2 and/or OFPDR to have such a system. Not sure why it works for PR but somehow they pulled it off. It is just limited by the BF2 engine in mapsize/viewdistance among other things :( NOTE: TRAINING SERVERS!? where are there!? PR had them and were immensely useful...okay going to multiplayer section to start a thread on that!
  10. cjsoques

    Means of communication

    is English not your first language? I picked written, I tend to talk to fast to make any sense most of the time.
  11. cjsoques

    Why a-10 two hellfire?

    Fair enough, and thanks for taking the time provide background on loadout decisions. I think what people are wondering most is why not a dynamic loadout instead of just making it static but variable? However, why not have a dynamic changeable loadout interface that was already done with the F-18E addon for ARMA1 instead of just the variable static loadout that is current of the A-10 in ARMA2? So it really can't be too hard since it has definitely been done before.
  12. Anywho I appreciate your work and loved it! Feels much more real, especially from the air, thanks for your hard work.
  13. cjsoques

    MH-53E addon released

    I can't wait to try out the update tonight. I see these things everyday so it's great to fly one around in a simulated combat environment for once :) If the update doesn't fix the flight model, that would be awesome if you could fix that. It feels like you took the flight model from the AH-6 cause this 53 is as nimble as a hummingbird right now...which it really is not. Other than that it is great fun, see about mimicking more of how the CH47 behaves Looking forward to your next update and thanks again for your hard work!
  14. cjsoques

    Means of communication

    wut? huh? (added cause message was too short for "wut?")
  15. cjsoques

    Printable Manual

    Yeah, they weren't thinking too much when they published their print version of the manual that was meant for retail when they should have just done a separate for for download users. I would have loved an actual printable manual at launch so I could have taken to the john while my game was downloading...pointless for me since you really learn everything by playing/reading forums over time anyhow I feel for ya man
  16. cjsoques

    Khe Sanh

    pics or it didn't happen... :) Seriously though, I think ARMA2 vanilla the LHD is just a object/structure with no damage model right? But I know someone made an addon to make it like a movable/controllable vehicle right? That one should go down after some kind of damage I would imagine.
  17. I'm not making too big a deal of the rudder issue in the fear that they will "Fix" the rudder issue like they fixed the need for analog throttle...we all know how well that went :( and it really isn't the worst part of flying in this game. It annoys me more that AI aircraft seem to act like magnets towards each other and die more often of collision than enemy fire. They may just end up coupling the ailerons and rudder to reduce controlability or maybe remove the rudder all-together and we'll get even worse performance and realism. The rudder seems to behave as a basic PID controller that never seems reach a steady state? If it is such an issue, why not increase the allowable error for the PID to reach steady state or allow the controller to correct quicker than a slinky spring! or a combination of both, or rather remove the PID controller middle-man between the user input and actual control output...that is if it is behaving as a PID controller in the first place. After that debacle, I'm fairly confident that BIS does not have the foggiest on how aircraft should or should not behave. I would love to see vehicles in general get a major overhaul eventually...one of these days...maybe
  18. cjsoques

    Little help please?

    It's not that it doesn't work (the game will run). You just don't get a performance benefit with crossfire or sli with ARMA2
  19. cjsoques

    Why a-10 two hellfire?

    A simple load out editor would be immensely helpful. The F-18E addon for ARMA1 has it and it is just incredible to say the least. Sad it was not utilized in vanilla ARMA2. Anyhow, the A-10 should have been equipped with more weapons as the default loadout, it really is kinda pathetic as it stands. Especially due to the fact that it is not very hard to aim the GAU-8 due to the auto-rudder making you yaw +/- 5° constanty! If the aircraft flew straight enough, the GAU-8 is really all you'd need after you took out air defenses from a distance.
  20. cjsoques

    this is awful, i paid for this?, jeez

    I admit, to call ARMA2 a military simulator when considering the realm of any types of vehicles (ground, fixed-wing, helicopters) is an utter joke to any other flight simulators. But your attitude is also an utter joke and your point will not be made as this thread is probably gonna get slammed by a mod. If you took the time to state your complaint in a mature manner, you might get some reasonable discussion going on as to the many reasons why vehicles are severely lacking. I'm not happy about it either, but to respond like that does no one any good. Lastly, the vehicle physics of this game has been around since OFP so I never expected it to be improved since they didn't fix it in any patches of OFP or ARMA. They also were forced to release such a buggy product, so it's not all them, it's the publisher. Lastly again, there was a free demo that you could try out some of the vehicles with, so you should have tried that before buying the game. I don't understand how you state that the ARMA1 planes were fine, sure I think they flew a tad better but it wasn't like it was sim level either. Chillax :)
  21. Sweet, yeah in DCS (sorry to get off of ARMA2) I've taken out air targets that are either flying away or flying towards me but not if perpendicular to my flight path, the missile never seems to be able to course correct well enough, even fast moving ground targets at close range is iffy if they are moving perpendicular to my flight path. Thanks for the summary, and does anyone know if this behavior is modeled in any way in ARMA2..usually fly western air vehicles and haven't done much with the eastern ones except in DCS.
  22. I've always wondered why the Vikhr did that in DCS Black Shark thanks, I guess they did to simplify and reduce moving parts on the missile or for easier guidance making it cheaper. Does it behave this way at all in ARMA2, I'd be shocked because that is a detail you'd only notice in something as hi-fidelity as DCS. I guess what you are trying to say, is that is has only one guidance control axis of correction? The missile seems to have the fins angled to have a set rotational speed for directional stability but also when it hits a certain rotation angle there is only one fin movement direction to correct the path to the beam? If that makes any sense :) Anywho, yeah the Vikhr does not have an IR sensor so flares are useless, however I recall it being very cheap and not very maneuverable and not ideal for fast moving targets at all.
  23. cjsoques

    Tools Released

    Okay Community Update yesterday and tools released today and upsurge in BIS response to questions...I dunno what to do with myself :) Let's keep this up!
  24. You're right to be a good sale out of the box, this game required extensive public and/or closed beta testing to rigorously go through at least the core game structure with a game as complex as this. Sadly enough I'm sure that wasn't an option because their publishes shoved the thing out the door before I'm sure they were ready which is why we got what we got. An example, I remember World of Warcraft Closed Beta members being like ya! it's super ready it's good to go! Then open testing and the whole thing came crashing down. They found tons of bugs and had to make major changes to accomodate the large amount of people on the servers, they even extended the open beta quite a bit until everything was just right. On release, the game didn't come crashing down like it would have...then again they had all the time in the world. It's a shame a one of a kind game like this does not get the development and testing time that it requires to actually work and not be at beta level at launch.
  25. agreed, his points were valid, his method of execution was certainly not