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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Faded Area Marker Script

    Great infos: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG#Order_of_Initialization
  2. Nice work, but you should use your nametag for your global vars. :)
  3. Hey guys, working through the huge mass of 'arma2 on ramdisk' thread(s) i'm planning to try this myself, but since now ArmA2 and OA get additional optimizations a question occurs: does using a ramdisk still give better results that are noticable?
  4. -)rStrangelove

    British 3 Rifle Infantry MTP

    Search an addons folder underneath your steam folder?
  5. -)rStrangelove

    ArmA2OA - still best to use a RAMDISK ?

    Might as well buy a new pc soonish. What system are you on?
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Why in the world....

    Setting shadows=normal in OA gives me ugly blocky shadows, like big boxes on the ground. Setting them to High looks good.
  7. -)rStrangelove

    BIS, what have you done to lighting?

    I think the B/W filter is a shader thing and shaders were reworked in OA, so no wonder why it looks slightly different. And the LODs - i guess everything was tuned to max performance this time.
  8. Anyone using more than 30 seconds is a pussy :D (*joke*) And yes, the instant target AI is sometimes annoying. It's called 'knowsabout' issue, this command can be used inside scripts. Basically a mission maker could use custom scripts to cancel out situations like the satchel problem, but its tricky.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    For those having performance issue with OA

    You can add start parameters behind your arma2oa.exe in the link on your desktop. Never heard of it?
  10. AI and mission / campaign scripts. Personally i think setting terrain details = very low (some grass is still rendered, nice) object details = high shadows = high viewdistance = 2000 is the best balance between looks & fps until we get the next OA patch. I gotta say i can understand the surprise of all the new guys here on the forums. We vets are burned children, everything better than worse is good enough for us lol. For someone coming from MW2 or BC2 ArmA2OA must look horrible. All i can say is: patience. Patches and custom addons will be coming, its really worth waiting.
  11. whenever, whatever doesnt matter :)
  12. -)rStrangelove

    Any good old games?

    No one lives forever 2 - you can sneak into russian bases, avoid/kill guards, sniper-towers, flashlights, sabotage fuel tanks/generators, power lines etc etc I wish infiltrating bases in ArmA X would be like NOLF2. :)
  13. Fox, just leave the colors and release them as they are, they're beautiful. Perfectionists can fiddle around with them for weeks to come if they like. Plz release for us non-perfectionists ;)
  14. -)rStrangelove

    Next Target control mapping

    Use Xpadder or some other controller emulator software to map TAB to Controller Button 4 and let the software run in the background while playing ArmA2.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    A random mission generator. You just choose your island and off you go. :D
  16. I think maybe thats because ArmA2 assigns a number to every controller it recognized in your system. In my old ArmA2 profile i found Controller1 being assigned to my MS Sidewinder and Controller2 assigned to the 360 controller i did some tests with. Now i'm thinking that if OA recognizes your 360 controller being connected first, it assigns it as Controller1. If you just copy&paste your old config the numbers dont correspond, making your controller2 settings unusuable. ... just pure guessing though. :)
  17. -)rStrangelove

    Please don´t Dominate the Arrowhead...

    So the point of this thread is : plz don't play <mission x> because i had some lags on a mp server??? Uhm ... personal taste anyone? Also server settings can have a great effect how AI acts.
  18. If this works it could be worth starting a 'MoveData Scripts' sticky thread here. Ppl could post all kinds of recorded movements that make sense for mission designers like searching patterns, getting in /out of houses with leaning etc etc. This could be good. :)
  19. -)rStrangelove

    ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

    Yes, ArmA2 will be patched to 1.07 when you install OA 1.51. Then you DL & install OA 1.52 patch and can enjoy better performance.
  20. -)rStrangelove

    will my system run arma 2 oa?

    This is a P4 with AGP gfxcard right? Yes, it will lag horribly. You would need to run lowest settings possible and it surely wouldnt look good. A DualCore CPU, new motherboard with PCIe and a GTX260 would be far better. Also, Win7 only leaves 1 GB or your 2 GB Ram free to use for the game, so 4 GB Ram would be far better.
  21. -)rStrangelove

    OA Controls, Crouch/Prone Toggle

    Guys, dunno if someone missed this: try using UP key. That way you can stand up and crouch with just 1 key. @Zad Fnark: open your old arma2.profile and your new arma2oa.profile in 2 editor windows and copy&paste them over. some new keys are only in the oa.profile so watch out.
  22. I did that yesterday evening. I opened my old ArmA2.profile file and my new ArmA2OA.profile file next to each other and copy&pasted my keys. Here and there you have an additional key setting which is unique for ArmA2OA, but thats it. Worked like a charm.
  23. -)rStrangelove

    in need of a little expertise please

    Maybe the default settings for ArmA2 are already too heavy for your system. A solution would be to find & edit your ArmA2.cfg to use lowest gfx settings as possible and then restart the game. First thing you could try would be to insert world=empty as a parameter behind your arma2.exe in your startlink.
  24. -)rStrangelove

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    Right after starting the game i set resolution to 1920 x 1200 but nothing else changed (PP were on normal). Started editing the controls when i CTD. Reloaded game, did same again, CTD. Again, CTD. I then inserted world=empty into the start parameters - voila no more crashes. After doing the basic controls i set advanced gfx settings - PP to very low. No more crashes after that. I suspect PP on normal are pretty heavy on the GPU atm. WinXP 32bit SP3, GTX260, Nvidia 180.42, 4GB Ram OA patched to 1.52 (used all my 4 cores up to 70% each)
  25. With 1.52 OA is using all my 4 cores, i checked with ProcessExplorer. Dunno about improvements, but so far the games runs & looks ok for me.