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Everything posted by -)rStrangelove

  1. -)rStrangelove

    Army Surplus and stuff

    Washed out olive drab looks different, but i agree this looks more like coyote / more into brownish. Are you searching for US or European shops?
  2. -)rStrangelove

    LA Noire

    As much as i'd love to see RDR on pc, i'd only buy it for SP. GTA4 was cheated & hacked to death on PC. Ppl shooting RPGs out of pistols, spawning enemy police officers around you, teleporting you 2km up into the air, spawning ships and ramps on the road in front of you so you couldnt win a race anymore. The best races i had were on a console. MP on PC was complete chaos.
  3. -)rStrangelove

    Live Mission Editor?

    Just because you're hosting it doesnt mean you cant host only on LAN and with a password so you're on your own. And it lets you change things on the fly while the mission keeps running. I'd try it.
  4. -)rStrangelove

    New idea of Wild West addon

    No matter what you do you cant get it like RDR, we'd need totally new models / animations. The horses alone would take 2 years to invent i guess. It would rock though.
  5. -)rStrangelove

    Evolution for Lingor released

    Again, awesome mission eggbeast, thx for the great session. Sorry didtn make it afterwards. What amazes me the most is the perfect performance in combination with Lingor. It runs better than the old Evo Blue on Sahrani. :)
  6. -)rStrangelove

    Live Mission Editor?

    See, thats the great thing about the www, you think of something and its already there http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94350
  7. -)rStrangelove

    Multiplayer Armory feedback

    I think ppl misunderstand the point of Armex. It's not supposed to be random mission generator. I does what it was designed for. Don't go on a testarea when you want a mission i say. :)
  8. Oblivion was great and stole a whole month of my life, but the auto levelling was meh. Also, when you closed the 1st hellgate numerous other gates popped up everywhere, changing the whole landscape. In my case i didnt like that at all and had to start over. Left that start gate alone until i had no other quests to do.
  9. -)rStrangelove

    Idea For Map Sizes

    This could become a new MP mission standard: BTI - Build The Island Who models some caterpillars? :D
  10. I know its obvious and maybe you dont like to hear it but i'd highly recommend you to buy a gfx card without shared memory.
  11. Your CPU features: * MMX * 3DNow! * SSE * SSE2 * SSE3 * SSE4a * Advanced Bit Manipulation * AMD64 technology * AMD-V (virtualization) technology * Enhanced Virus Protection Low power features * Cool'n'Quiet 3.0 * CoolCore Technology * Dual Dynamic Power Management So i'd say try to find that AMD-V feature in your BIOS and switch it off. Same with all the Low power features. ArmA2 needs all the power it can get. If something has an dynamic effect on your CPU you'll get dynamic fps in ArmA2, as simple as that. Btw: you didnt tell us your MB and your BIOS version. Hard to tell you something specific.
  12. -)rStrangelove

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Yup, me too. DLed 1.0, then patch 1.1. and patch 1.2. Also: i put all pbo's in 1 DIR and noticed i was asked to overwrite something 2 times.
  13. Make sure you switch off all CPU virtualisation in BIOS. Anything automatic can be a problem.
  14. Maybe model details set too high? Plz also tell us your ArmA2 video options advanced settings. Looks like the streaming engine cant keep up with your ingame movements because theres a bottleneck in your system. Could also be a gfx driver. Could be anything. Post as much info as you can.
  15. -)rStrangelove

    the game need a uniformly redesign

    If ArmA2 would be perfect the mod community would be dead. Haha :D
  16. -)rStrangelove

    Which Version for a Noob?

    ^^What he said. With just ArmA2 alone most servers will stay locked for you. With ArmA2: CO you have all possibilities wide open. :) Welcome to the ArmA2 community btw.
  17. -)rStrangelove

    The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

    Same engine, but updated. Well, at least i know it will run on my pc. Can't wait tbh. :)
  18. -)rStrangelove

    The Next Terrain . . . Your Thoughts

    I voted for American Suburbs. In fact, any big urban area would be cool. I'd pay 20 Euros just for a LosAngeles island with civilians and cars. A mission in GTA4 can generate the same tension as a fierce jungle fight in Vietcong or an all out war in ArmA Evolution. Skycrapers, burger shops, taxis - would love to have this in ArmA2. :)
  19. -)rStrangelove

    Need help with new gaming PC

    - win7 64bit - i7 875k OC to 4 Ghz - some Gigabyte or Asus motherboard - 12 GB Ram DDR3 (so you can use 10 GB for a ramdisk) - HDD some 7200 rpm 1 GB will do - SSD 32 GB for installing ArmA2 & addons - GTX580 (or GTX460 if price is too high)
  20. -)rStrangelove

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Shot this from my balcony. -3°C, felt like -8°C with winds *brrrrrr* :P http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p101/DrStr4ngeluv/wallp/DSC_0009.jpg Download in bigger size: click
  21. -)rStrangelove

    Just got my GTX460...New Game...!

    My MSI Gtx460 produces a lot less noise than my former EVGA Gtx260. But thats maybe because MSI uses different fans/coolers. :) Buy MSI
  22. -)rStrangelove

    The hotel. No lights at night? Really??

    Captain Realitycheck to the rescue!
  23. -)rStrangelove

    Your Favorite Games of All Time (make it count)

    Pacman Pitstop Master of magic The last Ninja InterKarate+ Maniac Mansion Monkey Island I Airborne Ranger Ghostsn'Goblins BubbleBobble Defender o.t.Crown (made me buy an Amiga) Their finest hour Falcon M1 Tank Platoon Midwinter Silent Service Wing Commander (made me buy a PC) Monkey Island II Secret weapons o.t.Luftwaffe Xwing DOOM Rebel Assault (made me buy a CD rom) Xwing vs. TIE Fighter Rainbow 6 Xwing Alliance Ghost Recon Thief Halflife I Operation Flashpoint BF 1942 BF2 GTA SanAndreas RavenShield No One Lives Forever II Stalker AvP Farcry Armed Assault Crysis GTA 4 Oblivion Batman: AA BF: BC2 Lord o.t.Rings Online ArmA2 ArmA2: OA AssCreed II
  24. -)rStrangelove

    mechas and walkers - doom-bringers or death-traps?

    I'm with Gnat on this one. Big mechs dont seem to be feasible on a battlefield, but mini-mechs/exo-skeletons could come quite in handy. Due to its size it should be harder to see and would produce less noise, but it offers the advantages of a big mech like carrying equipment/weapons and troops for longer distances. Since an Exo could also maintain more computers/terminals/consoles stuff than a normal soldier it could become a walking platoon info center when cooperating with recon units like drones for example.
  25. I selected YES because i think just because i dont have a MAC it doesnt mean nobody else should be able to play Arma. Whether its makes sense development costs/sales-wise is a totally different question.