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Everything posted by -FHA-Dynamo

  1. why even bother with an adjust key? to do the tactical roll it's using evasive left and right, lean does nothing on prone, so why not assign lean to left and right "urban" prone? the main thing that i'm pushing to change is to have the stance up/down bind-able to any key/mouse button/scroll. i want to have my WASD (up-left-down-right) free of clutter that might get in the way of always being in control of my actions. this is my current key layout with what i would like to have with the stance up/down function. WASD - movement *i don't want anything being added to these keys, they need to be left clear as to allow me to move while doing other actions at the same time.* left shift - lean left *double tap to step out* to remove Left Ctrl+A/D as when doing this, i can not move left and right until i finish the action.. Spacebar - lean right *double tap to step out* left Ctrl+W - sprint *currently this is [adjust]+[stance up].. really hate that..* [adjust] can be rebound, but [stance up/down] can not (and this is what needs to be changed). Alt - toggle walk Q - toggle tactical pace R - optics T - optics mode toggle (from 3x optic to reddot sight) F - fire mode select (should only cycle trough rifle fire mode, and not include the grenade launcher) Z - reload X - prone *XCV - left Ctrl+W/S, can be reduced to just 2 keys for raise and lower stance, or set it to scroll wheel on the mouse.* C - crouch V- stand just binding stance up/down to two keys means that the adjust key, stance up, stance down, prone, crouch and stand can all be controlled by two keys. adjust wouldn't even be needed.
  2. -FHA-Dynamo

    Flashlight on helmet

    and this is the time where such suggestions should be made, not halfway through the beta where new features can't be added.
  3. -FHA-Dynamo

    How the hell do I switch to my....

    i think the grenade launcher function should have its own dedicated key as they have done with grenades(throw-ables) now. the F key should be use to only change the fire mode of your rifle, and should include SAFE mode. SAFE-SEMI-BURST (if supported by weapon)-AUTO, then back to SAFE. could set (left ctrl + F) to toggle switch to grenade launcher. or just have it so we can bind it to what ever we want.
  4. ok.. keymoveup/down is simply crouch and prone.. sigh.. 486539281 is the code for (left Ctrl + W) which is the adjust key + stance up... so i can't seem to find the specific command for stance up/down.. real bummer. i hope someone from BIS can clarify that it is even possible to change the stance up and down keys at all. ---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 ---------- too true. thats why i suggested that they remove the side ways stance as a prone position and have it work as a lean. so when prone, you press the lean keys to roll to the left or right side prone position. example - go prone, press left lean and your character rolls onto his left side prone pos. release lean key and he returns to normal prone. same with right side prone. this will let us be able to maneuver around cover/obstacles. combine that with the ability to swap the weapon from shoulder to shoulder like it's done in real life, then we have our selfs one hell of a soldier sim. an example of that is that when i lean left around a corner, the correct thing to do is to switch my rifle to my left shoulder as to minimize my exposure at that corner. when leaning right, i should have the rifle on my right shoulder. so swapping shoulders could and likely should be automatically bound with the lean keys. i'm sure south paws would also like this feature as they can choose to run around with their weapon on their left side, just tap the lean key to swap shoulders.
  5. i'm looking into that.. found that there is keyCarGearUp[]={}; keyCarGearDwn[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd1[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd2[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd3[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd4[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd5[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd6[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd7[]={}; keyCarShiftFwd8[]={}; keyCarShiftRvs1[]={}; keyCarShiftRvs2[]={}; so it supports shifting through vehicle gears.. hummm still figuring it out.. i'm trying to find the keycode for scroll up and down, as well as the command for stance up and down. edit: key 17 (W) and key 31 (S) are the keys used to adjust stance, but they are only active when in use with key 29 (left ctrl)... keyPrevAction[]={1048580,26}; {scroll up, [} keyNextAction[]={1048581,27}; {scroll down, ]} so now i know what the key codes for the scroll is, the only problem is that there is no command listed for stance up and down.. i wonder if someone from BIS could lend a hand here. if we could get a stance up and down bind without the use of the adjust key, we could assign it to something other than (what ever bound key)adjust- +W(stance up)+S(stance down). that would eliminate the need to stop to chance stance completely and add a whole new dynamic to moving around. hell it doesn't even need to be bound to the scroll wheel, just anything other than the movement keys would be huge! Edit #2 ok.. if this is what i think it is, i might just have solved this.. keyMoveUp[]={486539310}; keyMoveDown[]={486539309}; large numbers like those are key combos. as to what the are, i have no idea. i'm going to go ahead and add the scroll up and down to these two commands and see if it does anything (fingers crossed).
  6. well the adjustment key can be rebound in the config menu, anyone know how to change it from W & S? i would love to just bind stance up and down to my scroll wheel.
  7. defk0n_NL you seem to be having a hard time understanding the whole point of this thread and the use of the different stances... a combat environment is dynamic, a combatant needs to be flexible in their movements. if i am approaching cover, i want to be able to adjust my stance as i approach it to best suit my needs. i have been able to get by in ArmA2 with just stand/crouch/prone, but would also like to take advantage of the added stances. as it is right now, i can not change into those different stances without having to stop. that is not dynamic at all. what i am asking in this thread is for people to post up possible solution to make things flow better. saying "your playing it wrong" is childish, especially since i have been playing BIS games since the release of the Operation Flashpoint demo. "You are not suppose to move and change stance while running into a enemy camp" what exactly do you mean by that? when you attack an enemy camp, you want to be able to duck and weave between cover, pop up and take pot shots and move. being fluid and dynamic is as important as being able to shoot. nicolasroger, good suggestion. though i highly doubt BI would make that work. if you can get it to work by changing the config manually, please report back. i'll have a look my self. ---------- Post added at 06:09 ---------- Previous post was at 06:07 ---------- it does, thats why i suggested that there is only basic prone, and you use the lean keys to roll into the left or right prone positions. ctrl+lean keys makes you actually roll just like evasive left and right does.
  8. so what you are saying is that it is normal to come to a complete stop squat a bit lower, THEN get back to moving again? do you use a walker or a cane? i never mentioned anything about running at the enemy. what i'm trying to get through is that being able to completely control not only movement but also your stance while on the move would be a HUGE improvement over what it currently is set at. been playing over the past couple of hours and the guys in the TS server im in are also complaining about it. it would be a waste to leave it as is. it's just something that gets in the way and would sooner get you shot than save your ass.
  9. -FHA-Dynamo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Thread: ARMA 3 development blog & reveals =/= Thread: ARMA 3 development blog & reveals - discussion this thread is for posting updates about the development blog, go discus stuff elsewhere.. damn it!
  10. -FHA-Dynamo

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    i just love that 10 pages of Steam bitching follows after some finally needed update, only to be followed by another 20 pages of bickering back and forth after a MOD had already told everyone to take the discussion to the Steam discussion thread... FAIL stop flooding this thread with shit that should not be here. especially when there is a thread dedicated to it else where. this thread should be locked and only have BIS/MOD post up the devblog updates. if people want to discuss something that was part of an update, do it in it's own thread. there is absolutely no reason for this thread to have 461 pages.. i am getting real sick of having to wade through all this garbage that doesn't belong in here.
  11. -FHA-Dynamo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    or they can tone it down bit. no need to play the game as if looking through foggy goggles... i'm almost tempted to send BIS a bottle of FogTec so they can clean some of that haze/fog/bloom off the screen.
  12. -FHA-Dynamo

    Stream safe UI

    streaming from a server, get it locked. solves your stream sniper problem, and doesn't affect the development of ArmA3.
  13. -FHA-Dynamo

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    exactly, there's nothing preventing BIS from adding support for it after release with patching.
  14. -FHA-Dynamo

    Development Blog & Reveals

    yea, we look to this thread for updates, but instead we are greeted every time with post discussing what if's... i say, until BIS releases new info (not relating to DAYZ), this thread should be closed.
  15. they should offer that stuff as part of the special edition pre-order.. damn!
  16. -FHA-Dynamo

    December 2012 status update

    why hasn't this thread been locked already? the new/update/what ever has already been posted, and now this thread has degraded down to trolls and flame baiting.. don't you people have better things to do than spam a thread with nothing meaningful?
  17. i would also like to know what the new physX brings to trees & bushes. will they become hallow entities like it currently is in ArmA2, or will they retain their collision geometry and be actually useful?
  18. -FHA-Dynamo

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    whats with all the discussion in this thread.. this thread of for announcements about the Alpha, nothing more! this crap is starting to piss me off.. every time i check the forum for news, it's just more off topic dribble in this thread.
  19. i don't see what you are talking about. the model might as well still be in a static position where they rotate with the weapon(as it is currently done now with ArmA2). a picture wouldn't really show anything to support your assumption. until i see video, i will expect the animations for mounted weapons to be unchanged.
  20. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    my justification for using left shift and space for lean is real simple.. when in combat my pinky and thumb do nothing.. if i use the default Q&E for lean im forced to remove my fingers from either A or D.. for me, that is not an option. with shift and space set for lean, i can lean AND move laterally unhindered. this has saved me many times. i have also never been a fan of using Space as a jump key (in games that have jump), instead i assign my jump to my right mouse button. in the end it comes down to simply removing the command menu from the number keys, and the action menu from the scroll wheel. adding scroll wheel controlled movement speed is just icing on the cake for me. keep everything else bindable and i'll be a happy gamer.
  21. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    how about you equip a satchel (key 5) place it where you want. when placed you pull out the detonator automatically, and if you want to place another satchel you just press 5 again.. and so on. placing satchels and opening doors shouldn't be on the radial menu. for interacting with general items pressing the (USE) key is plenty good. i would also like to add that being able to slowly open doors would be a welcomed addition. press & hold the USE key, then use the scroll wheel to open and close the door. so far this is how i would imagine my key lay out. ______________________________________________ Fkeys : Unit selection (number row) 1: Primary weapon 2: Secondary weapon 3: Primary weapon-secondary function (M203/GP25 - Masterkey under barrel breaching shotgun) 4: Shoulder mounted weapons - AT/AA launchers 5: Mines/satchels/explosives 6-0 not really needed G: Grenades/Smoke/Gas F: Fire selector/fire mode I: Inventory (opens equipment menu) WASD: General movement Q: Last weapon used/quick swap weapons E: USE-Interact R: Main weapon sight T: Secondary sight (back up battle sights/iron sight) toggle Left Shift: Lean left (sorry i just can't stand using Q&E for leaning.. it's just bleh) Space: Lean right Left Ctrl: Stance modifier (i like this one) Z: Reload (thats been my reload key for most games dating back to 1998) X: Stance-Prone C: Stance-Crouch V: Stance-Stand Alt: Run/Walk toggle V: Climb/Jump over obstacles B: Binoculars/Range finders/Laser designators N: Night vision toggle/Optic visual mode selector (NV-Thermal WH/BW) M: Map Right Alt: Free look toggle most of the other keys are unbound or set to current ArmA2 default (mouse) Left Mouse: Fire Right Mouse: Call out/Lock onto/reveal target - hold to zoom in Middle Mouse: Open radial menu, on release close Scroll Wheel: (out side of the radial menu, increase/decrease movement speed),(in the radial menu, quickly scroll through selections, coupled with mouse movement.. ie. move mouse left to select Command, scroll wheel to scroll list of commands), (while holding the USE/Interact key - open doors dynamically - increase/decrease explosives timer - cycle through open positions in vehicles, release USE/inter to select option) Side mouse(button 4 or 5): Hold breath
  22. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    i like the radial menu route, i just don't understand why you would want to have it off center. it's not like you can track a target while you have the menu open anyways, so wouldn't keeping it centered be quicker and still allow you to see ahead? putting the menu to the side means taking your eyes off your sights. as for a stance icon, sure, ACE uses it (option to turn on or off). it's located on the top right corner, right below the weapon stats box and it works great. i still think that AI commanding controls should be move to the radial menu. i would still have the F keys select the unit, but giving commands would be faster over the radial menu. the radial menu can be made into sections (Command, Interact, Actions, Equipment), and you would select what you want like this: middle mouse-highlight Command-(new labels:Formations, Combat Mode, Movement, Actions appear)-highlight Combat Mode-(new labels, and second outer ring with more commands pop up), highlight Scan Horizon, release middle mouse to select. so without all that explaining it would look like this (middle mouse-command-combat mode-scan horizon-release middle mouse) and the action is performed. personally though, i would rather have the middle mouse be used to open and close the menu, and have left mouse or the USE key select the action. that way if you need to close the menu quickly, just release the middle mouse and it wont select any action or command.
  23. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    meh, how about this? you walk up to a vehicle and an interact icon shows up on your screen. when you press and hold your interact key, or select interact in the radial menu(press & hold middle mouse), icons pop up and show you available slots(occupied slots are grayed out). use the scroll wheel to cycle through the slots, and release the interact(use) key or release the middle mouse button when you have made your selection. i can see there being a problem using the number keys to get into vehicles. if the vehicle already has someone inside, you might have to press numbers until you get one thats available. with visual icons displayed on the vehicle, just select the green icon. this means that you dont have to take your hand away from the WASD keys and can make quick and accurate selection of an action. no more "get in as driver" ..only to get in as rear passenger instead.
  24. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    wow, just wow... so you guys don't like the idea of tapping 1-5 keys to switch gear due to taking your fingers off your movement keys, but are perfectly fine doing so with the lean keys (which means you can't move left when leaning left, and right when leaning right) and the secondary weapon swap key ( ' )... which is on the other side of the keyboard... no one is trying to reinvent the wheel, just trying to make it roll smoother. using a different system/method just for the sake of it being different, doesn't mean it's better than a more common system. there is a reason why popular FPS games use the number keys.. it's fast, and not cumbersome.not just because it's on the number keys, but more so because you only really have at most 5-6 items to swap to. unlike the command menu where you use 1-0+ backspace. i play a lot of mixed PVP games that also has AI elements to it, and also PVPs where i command other players. using the number keys to give out orders is a real pain in the ass.. i literally have to find cover and hide before addressing commands.. it's really frustrating, especially when you press the wrong number then have to backspace back to where you need to be to get to the command you need. removing the command AND action menu from the number row and scroll wheel, and putting them into a radial center screen menu, will make the task of cycling through the different commands and actions so much faster and more accurate. the radial menu can have custom opacity so that you can still see whats going on ahead of you, instead of either looking down at the number row, or over to the right edge of your screen for the action menu. it's all about streamlining the game so the player can concentrate on playing the game and not fighting the controls. it's great that they added dynamic lean (hold control and move mouse in the direction you want to lean), thats freaking awesome! and a nice leap forward for this series. now they just need to add dynamic speed control through mouse wheel (with normal key binds as backup of course), and remove the command/action menu from the keyboard and mouse into a single more intuitive radial menu. let us play the game, not struggle with it's systems that should be there to help us enjoy our time while playing. also, Iroquois Pliskin im totally going to rip this quote from you. :cool: "there's a reason why tactical vests were developed, so that you wouldn't have to shuffle through the grocery bag, which is the scroll list!" thats going to be my new sig
  25. -FHA-Dynamo

    Controls Scheme & User Interface Feedback

    lots of interesting ideas in here. here's a question: has anyone ever got them selfs into a situation where they were being all tactical stealth like creeping along a wall, then as they approach the corner they tap W to inch their way up, only to go into a full sprint into the open arms of the enemy? i HATE that. thats why i think using the scroll wheel to control movement speed would be such a welcoming change. this coupled with the new stances would make for a far more dynamic experience.