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Everything posted by [aps]gnat

  1. Thanks mate ..... will be using in due course
  2. Probably the MATERIAL definition of the glass. Likely a "CA" reference. Or a RVMAT The model.cfg may be the same, the CONFIG.CPP is definitely not the same. Neither is all the RVMAT texture references. All new. No. The model is little different from the A2. Use the A1 or A2 samples. Until A3 tool set is released, little different can be done (like adding PhysX)
  3. Just an amazing and memorable first post dude ! Really
  4. [aps]gnat

    proxy problem

    The proxy number (inside O2) is most important and then the order in which you define/load magazines next importance. The name of the proxy makes no difference to what can and does hang there/launch from there. Your proxies should be name 001 to 004
  5. Hi Jacob First post, good job Feedback You used "public" but didnt define it The inheritance of Static doesnt use {} Your Icon references an invalid ArmA2 source, not ArmA3 data You didnt use your vehicleclass #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class jac_custom { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class jac_customClass { displayName = "JAC Custom Shit"; }; }; class cfgVehicles { class Static; class jac_square : Static { scope = public; armor = 90; model = "\jac_custom\square.p3d"; displayName = "Plate Block"; vehicleClass = "jac_customClass"; }; }; Untested Make sure your P drive is running This addon folder must be in P drive The config.cpp is then inside the folder Use BinPBO and the resulting PBO should be good If you still get crashes, its more likely your p3d model is the problem.
  6. BinPBO only works when you use ALL data within the proper environment, i.e. P drive and all the various CA items. And as M1lkm8n said, its designed to Binarize and pack ORIGINAL material, not trying to reverse engineer others. Various other community tools do what you want, but will never Binarize an addon. I dont think they can produce valid signature files .....
  7. Yes, you may think the PAA plugin is working, but rest assured it #$%#%$ your textures in game, in ways that go unnoticed for a while. See plenty of posts/cases in these forums.
  8. Agree SmokeDog, its near impossible to call them "ported" when nothing actually changes. Its seems similar a gamer being told, this addon is designed and released for Coops, DM and C&H ...... then along comes crCTI and DayZ ! Or a consumer being told, this film is best viewed on a HD TV .... then along comes a 80inch plasma with heaps of amazing picture enhancers !
  9. So long as my addons/files remain unmodified, remain my (and others) IP (hence no Steam Works), no one is making money from them (except BI indirectly ;) ) and they get played on a BI game ...... I'm fine. Have fun!
  10. [aps]gnat

    Arma2 youtube tutorials

    Thanks mate First (well, second!) post updated
  11. [aps]gnat

    Arma2 youtube tutorials

    OH! .... sounds delicious Icewindo !
  12. Oh .... I see, you deliberately removed them. That is VERY disappointing. Links removed. Dont care .... this is the internet, you can rarely un-publish a public release. Anyhow, I'm sad for you.
  13. Think these were the last ..... * link dropped because of author * EDIT @Leopotam Just saw your first post (update) Disappointing you've already decided to judge ArmA3 .... when its only an Alpha Hope you reconsider / revisit it in the future. Your skills would be appreciated (as are your tools STILL are)
  14. I'm getting the same. No errors noticed and its not clear if its actually working ingame. Then again I'm working with aircraft and boats ....... A plane floating waves is a good sign ..... but it barely moves forward under full power. Suspect the "airplanex" simulation won't allow speedier movement on water ......... :(
  15. hi liukang168 Here's the C185 config Its no different to the A2 version class CfgSkeletons { class Plane; //Inherit base class. class GNT_C185Bones: Plane { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit = ""; skeletonBones[]= { "vrtule staticka","", "vrtule0","", "floatwheels", "", "floatGeo","", "Gearrear1","", "wheelsR","Gearrear1", "Gearfront1","", "gearfrontL","Gearfront1", "wheelFL","gearfrontL", "gearfrontR","Gearfront1", "wheelFR","gearfrontR", "rudder","", "tailwheel","", "elevator","", "aileronL","", "aileronR","", "flapL","", "flapR","", "rudderfloatL","", "rudderfloatR","", "RPod","" }; }; }; class cfgModels { class Plane; //Inherit base class. class GNT_C185: Plane { skeletonName = "GNT_C185Bones"; sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { "texFuse","texWing","texMisc","RPod","vrtule staticka","vrtule blur","clan","clan_sign","zbytek","floatwheels","floatGeo","Gearfront1","Gearrear1","gearfrontL","gearfrontL","rudder","tailwheel","elevator","aileronL","aileronR","flapL","flapR","rudderfloatL","rudderfloatR" }; class Animations { class RPod { type="hide"; source="user"; selection="RPod"; hideValue = 0.1; }; class Prop { type = "rotation"; source = "rotor"; selection = "vrtule0"; axis = "osavrtule0"; angle0 = 0; angle1 = 2 * 3.1415; }; class LandContact { type="translation"; source="MvA1"; selection="floatwheels"; begin="gearStart"; end="gearEnd"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; memory = true; minValue=0.0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0. maxValue=1.0; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1. offset0=0; offset1=1; }; class WLR { type = "rotation"; source = "wheel"; selection ="wheelsR"; axis = "axiswheelsR"; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 2.0; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class WLFL { type = "rotation"; source = "wheel"; selection ="wheelFL"; axis = "axiswheelFL"; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1.0; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class WLFR { type = "rotation"; source = "wheel"; selection ="wheelFR"; axis = "axiswheelFR"; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1.0; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class FloatGeo { type="translation"; source="MvA1"; selection="floatGeo"; begin="floatStart"; end="floatEnd"; sourceAddress = "clamp"; memory = true; minValue=0.0; maxValue=1.0; offset0=0; offset1=1; }; class GearFront { type="rotation"; source = "MvA2"; initPhase= 0; animPeriod=2; selection="Gearfront1"; axis="axisgearfront"; angle0=0; angle1="rad -120"; }; class GearRear { type="rotation"; source = "MvA2"; initPhase= 0; animPeriod=2; selection="Gearrear1"; axis="axisgearrear"; angle0=0; angle1="rad 40"; }; class RudderX { type = "rotation"; source = "rudder"; selection = "rudder"; axis = "axisrudder"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 22"; angle1 = "rad -22"; }; class RudderWh { type = "rotation"; source = "rudder"; selection = "tailwheel"; axis = "axistailwheel"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 30"; angle1 = "rad -30"; }; class RudderF1 : RudderX { selection = "rudderfloatL"; axis = "axisrudderfloatL"; }; class RudderF2 : RudderX { selection = "rudderfloatR"; axis = "axisrudderfloatR"; }; class GearFrontSteer1 { type="rotationY"; source="noseWheelTurn"; selection="gearfrontL"; axis="axisgearfrontL"; memory=1; minValue=-1.000000; maxValue=1.000000; angle0="rad -30"; angle1="rad 30"; }; class GearFrontSteer2 : GearFrontSteer1 { selection="gearfrontR"; axis="axisgearfrontR"; }; class AileronL { type ="rotation"; source="aileron"; selection="aileronL"; axis="axisaileronL"; minValue=-1.00000; maxValue=1.00000; angle0="rad -19"; angle1="rad 19"; }; class AileronR: AileronL { selection="aileronR"; axis="axisaileronR"; angle0="rad -19"; angle1="rad 19"; }; class ElevatorX { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "elevator"; axis = "axiselevator"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad -15"; angle1 = "rad 15"; }; class flapR1 { type = "rotation"; source = "flap"; selection = "flapR"; axis = "axisflapR"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad 40"; }; class flapL1 { type = "rotation"; source = "flap"; selection = "flapL"; axis = "axisflapL"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "0"; angle1 = "rad -40"; }; }; }; class GNT_C185F: GNT_C185 {}; };
  16. [aps]gnat

    merging textures

    No, the merge textures function in O2 only works properly on the OLDER version of the oxygen exe Not to do with how you save the p3d file.
  17. [aps]gnat

    packing/unpacking pbos - problem

    Oh, so you're trying to repack prior (BI) binarized PBO's. i.e BI's own PBO's ......... Yeh, not sure now, I never repack BI's stuff, only inspect, so not sure what tools are best.
  18. "GETOUT" waypoint Can't happen until a "runway" is defined at sea (on each terrain map). Maybe I'll make some later for Stratis Thanks!
  19. [aps]gnat

    packing/unpacking pbos - problem

    cpbo was problematic back with A2 Why not use BinPBO ? My Tool List; BinPBO unRap PBO Manager (dePBO'ing by WINCE) NotePad++
  20. [aps]gnat

    merging textures

    You using the old version of Oxygen2 ? Only possible with the older original version of O2
  21. [aps]gnat


    Nice summary ;) Crippleware? Why bother? It's easier to just avoid it and not have to make 2 versions. Plus that would just produce bad user experiences. .... and theres still an interpretation risk that the addon maker is not permitted to update, improve and modify that specific addon because an early release version was placed with SWS already ! I can't see Valve accepting you giving your 3 wheel car to SWS, copy it, add an extra wheel and then call it a "different" car, taking back ownership.
  22. [aps]gnat


    Good anology DM I would go as saying that with SWS 2a, its now no longer your car.
  23. Where do I seek assistance for the ArmA3 feedback web site? Never managed to logon, after trying many things, my user name and/or password is messed up in the records ....