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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. It's not an OFP mission, it's my own creation. ;) Along with Harsh Winter. Unfortunately, I can't make the boats appear as enemies, but it's odd that your soldiers didn't shoot at them as a result. I had to use the USMC RHIB because a Soviet boat was not included in the winter release. I thought BIS fixed the whole I'm-in-a-friendly-vehicle-therefore-you-shouldn't-shoot-me thing, but I guess not. More from me is likely to be on the way indeed.
  2. People also find Call of Duty: Black Ops, on the PC, fun. ;) As much as those who find certain games to be fun would want it, a game being fun does not mean it's a good game overall. DR was a very sub-par product with half-assed features similar to other FPS games but done in a worse fashion. Sort of like settling for less when you have just as easy access to more. At least, that's how I viewed it.
  3. It's meant to be tough... ;)
  4. That video was actually made and recorded by Celery, I simply made the mission we were playing in it. ;)
  5. There are saves in Bomberman, they're disabled until the convoy is immobilized. Reason-being is that I realized that forceSpeed isn't saved when a save game is loaded, therefore the convoy completely screws up. I had to use the forceSpeed command as a workaround for the behavior of convoys in Arma 2 compared to how they worked in OFP. In Eye For An Eye it's the same situation. Was the best compromise I could come up with to retain the same gameplay.
  6. And DR's support was dropped, all the while it still causes 100% CPU usage. It too had many bugs, you were just so confined by the vanilla stuff to see them much unless you messed around in the editor.
  7. Zipper5

    ARMA 2 for 7.49€ only today

    There's a thread already on this subject, which you can find here. Please search before posting next time. ;) Thread locked.
  8. Zipper5

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    Out of the modern FPS games released recently, Bad Company 2 is really the only one I can stand playing in an MP environment for extended periods. Sure, it's nothing revolutionary or entirely new, but does it have to be? Especially when it never advertises itself that way? It's pretty balanced, fun, and out of all its competitors, encourages teamwork the most, rather than Ramboism. The Call of Dutys quickly lost their appeal, and the new Medal of Honor was hardly worth mentioning at all. Edit: Got it today as I'd hoped ( :D ) and... Wow. I'm going to be playing this for a while!
  9. Zipper5

    What is the state of the game now?

    Not many people check others' post histories. ;)
  10. I played it quite extensively, and I'd rather take up Placebo on his offer for a signed toenail clipping than buy it again, even for $3. :D
  11. Zipper5

    What is the state of the game now?

    Take what zachanscom says with a grain of salt, Jockson. ;)
  12. It's pretty safe to say, wizbomb, that most did not like it here. :p
  13. Zipper5

    Merry Festivus

    Indeed, Merry Christmas everyone. :)
  14. The scary thing is that it was still selling, even if not in the top 10 when it was. :butbut:
  15. It's still there, old James just hasn't updated it in a while. ;)
  16. Zipper5

    DLC Standards

    Jackals and Warriors were made by the community before the BAF DLC? High quality Mercenaries and a SUV with a minigun on top were made before the PMC DLC? That's not even mentioning the two campaigns and all the SP and MP missions. Seriously, stop with the "everything" part of that sentence. The only thing the community made before either of these DLCs were British soldiers and weapons. As far as I'm aware, no one made a XM8 pack let alone a working AA-12.
  17. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76934

    Wow guys, you're going to have one hell of a deserved Christmas holiday. :D
  18. But unless server admins change what missions are in their servers' mission rotations, there's nothing that can be done. The freedom Arma 2 gives you, especially in the MP scene, can sometimes be a double-edged sword. ;)
  19. The MP argument is entirely dependent on mission makers and server admins, so not a whole lot BIS could do to stop that without imposing restrictions, which would make the situation only worse than it is. Arma 2 is not dead just because the MP experience isn't the greatest at the moment, the modding scene is still going full steam ahead.
  20. Zipper5

    Battlefield BC2: Vietnam

    Do you like anything, zachanscom? :rolleyes: 2 more days. :butbut:
  21. ArmA didn't "die" until Arma 2 came out, and Arma 2's still truckin', so I fail to see your point. Or is it "I don't like Arma 2 therefore it's been killed"?
  22. Zipper5

    Error in Campaign Structure

    If I'm understanding this changelog correct: The PMC Lite campaign has been reduced down to a teaser, as I'm sure it was supposed to be in the initial release, rather than including the entire campaign. For that, you need the actual DLC. Therefore, the reason for your error is because that mission, and probably missions before it, no longer exist in your install after you installed 1.57. If this is indeed the case, then you'll have to restart the entire campaign, and you'll only be able to access the teaser.
  23. I think you need to use this, Mikobiko, if you aren't already.
  24. I take it it's perfectly acceptable to promise free updates and perhaps even some good DLC post-release, and then get a couple sub-par DLCs adding hastily thrown-together maps that no one played more than once, plus, I think, what, two patches? The first one locking out all forms of modding all together, the second one causing severe system usage for everyone using it. Not only that, but they never fixed that bug with the latest patch for DR, they just dropped support for it entirely and moved on to the sequel - Red River which, wouldn't you know it, has no ability to create community content what-so-ever. They got all the money they figured they could out of DR, so why should they continue supporting it? That certainly showed their true colors. Not only that, but they showed such abysmal community support with a brand synonymous with dedicated post-release development and improvement. You think it's blind to dislike CM after they pulled crap like that? What, do you need to literally have a CM representative come, steal your wallet and kick you in the nuts before you can dislike them? :p I didn't like the game itself, and I thought it was not a true testament to what OFP stood for, but what irked me the most about DR was how terrible CM supported it, and how fraudulent they acted. Supposed "fanboism" to OFP aside, I will never stand for developers who treat their customers like dirt. I will also not stand people who defend such actions as well.
  25. Blind hate? I think what happened with DR is the main reason behind the hate. It's certainly not blind, it's entirely just.