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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Trakir5 software update

    I had that since I got my TIR5. It's the main reason I rarely use it anymore, unfortunately.
  2. Well, even BIS themselves still use SQS sometimes. ;) I've tried to move away from SQS myself, simply because SQF is sometimes more powerful and is definitely more used in Arma 2, but I often run into walls where if I was coding in SQS I'd be able to do things a hell of a lot easier and with less code. The gain with SQF is so minimal it's almost negligible in 90% of things, unless you want to do something that involves the instant a bullet leaves a rifle, and the like.
  3. Zipper5

    Hacking is getting worse

    That's an incredibly ingenious idea, Defunkt. :eek:
  4. Zipper5

    An Arma 2 questionnaire

    Please be a little more descriptive with your thread titles next time. This one really didn't have any information pertaining to the content. I fixed it for you. But here are my answers: At least once a day, and either for extended periods of multiple hours or quick "missions" to get things done. Usually I'm always in the mission editor. All 3. I have yet to find a must-have mod for Arma 2. I'm perfectly contempt with vanilla. I would say CWR2 but there's an obvious bias there. :p ArmA Edit and Eliteness are the two external programs I use the most. Very useful programs. Single player. If I play multiplayer, I either play it on a friend's locally hosted server or on the CAP server. I don't really have a favorite role. My pet hate about Arma 2 MP is the lack of variety in mission rotations on 90% of servers. In terms of information to help others, I'd say to concentrate on SP and the editor first, and move on to MP if you really want to, unless something changes that drastically improves the variety of mission rotations. Otherwise you'll just be disappointed. Personally, I think the best thing about Arma 2 is the editor, and if you spend enough time in it, getting to learn its quirks, then I think you'll think the same. ;)
  5. Those look awesome, guys. I can't wait! :D
  6. Zipper5

    Campaign Ante Portas

    Jeeze you guys, I didn't have that much trouble with the airport part. I'm playing on Regular settings modified to Veteran's so that I have unlimited saves, and I have Super AI enabled. And hell, I actually went right into the base. Unintentionally, mind you, but it came in handy when I decided the UAV attack should still go forward. It didn't take much to find the target, and I used Shift-LMB on the map (gives the player his own personal waypoint) to get the missile target dead-on. Hit him on the third retry. Now I'm progressing through the rest of the mission. The only trouble I had was with a Spetsnaz squad who were good at gunning me down as I fled, but when I realized the mission doesn't fail after you kill the target, I just gunned them down and then legged it out of the airfield. Cool campaign so far, EMSI, despite the broken English in some parts. But hey, you write English a hell of a lot better than I write Czech or Slovak. :D I look forward to seeing the rest of it.
  7. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Thanks mate. It certainly meant a lot. :D
  8. W0lle posted about it here. The units are just a basic set for now, they will be improved. Although he made that statement about the winter units specifically, I'm sure it applies to the others too. ;)
  9. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    It is a possibility, but I'll be releasing Blood On The Sand first. ;)
  10. Zipper5

    Invalid CD KEY

    As Demonized mentioned above, you should contact the publisher of which ever version of the game you have and they may provide you with a new CD Key if you can provide proof of purchase/ownership. This isn't something BIS can help you with unless your purchase was from Sprocket. Sorry.
  11. Zipper5

    PMC coop campaign troubles

    Hello and welcome to the forums. Please review our forum rules as you've used a rather undescriptive thread title and have put it in the wrong section. I've moved and renamed the thread for you. Try to be a bit more careful next time. ;) As to your question, which mission in particular is this happening in?
  12. Zipper5

    Campaign Ante Portas

    Well, this looks pretty damn good! I'll give it a shot and report back! :D
  13. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 76934

    Uh... If you own Arma 2 and/or OA on Steam then surely Steam has already updated your core files to 1.57 automatically?
  14. It's a mission from OFP: Elite. You just need to be a decent player to beat it. (See Celery's speed-run. :p) Like Steal the Car, do it enough times and you'll become a professional.
  15. Zipper5

    Hacking is getting worse

    Closing public servers because of the cheaters only makes them win. You might believe you've won too, as you don't have to deal with them anymore, but it locks your service out from the rest of the legitimate public which is exactly the cheaters' goal. It's best to fight them without giving up on everyone else.
  16. In that scenario the problem is no longer the producer and consumer, the problem is solely that of the producer. Codemasters, nonetheless, are still trying to pass it off as OFP, just like Ubisoft does with R6 and GR. It irks me more than anything to see OFP go down the exact same path, as I'm sure it does for many people here and elsewhere. People need to stop letting gaming companies like CM and Ubisoft completely ruin the names of classics because, I think we can all see, they've done nothing to progress the OFP name, as is the purpose with sequels, rather they've set it back, and their fraudulent business practices they so proudly exhibited with DR don't help either. I will give them credit for being masters of disguise, shame they're not masters of their field. And as much as Arma is the new, true OFP, the name says different, and the number of people you see across the internet who post things along the lines of "Oh my God, a sequel to Cold War Crisis! I'm over the moon!" is very disheartening. People just don't know about the situation as much as they know of RR coming out (and I'd hedge my bets that's CM spending more money on advertising campaigns than on the game itself, which seems to be the way the business end of the game is played these days in this industry).
  17. No one has said that explicitly, but he stated it is mindless to bash the game. I was simply giving one reason as to why it is not mindless, and probably the most prominent reason. People saying it won't be like OFP doesn't take away the Operation Flashpoint from its title. Codemasters keeping it indicates more than anything that they are still trying to pass it off to people that it is a game that would logically be a part of the OFP saga. It fits in as logically into that saga as the recent Rainbow Sixes or Ghost Recons fit into theirs, respectively.
  18. Zipper5

    Mrazík iPhone / iPad

    This is awesome, fellas. Talk about a blast from the past. :D
  19. I don't know why you deem it mindless when we have nothing but "their word" that it will be better than DR which, as we saw with DR, means absolutely nothing. With the cutting of features that were already implemented in DR, albeit a lot of them being half-assed, but still, the most logical thing to assume is that it will actually be worse than DR. How can cutting features like a mission editor, MP outside of coop, non-wheeled drivable vehicles, and a max of a 4 man "squad" limited to 4 possible roles possibly lead to a truer OFP experience? All of those go completely against it, further than DR could have ever hoped to go. Did you actually play OFP, Baff1, or are you one of those guys who don't see the problem because they have no knowledge of the namesake?
  20. Zipper5

    Hacking is getting worse

    Well, until improvements are made, do you have signature check enabled on your server? BattlEye too, and banning BE GUIDs? You could also check for fake IDs which are synonymous with pirated copies, or people changing them because their IDs have been banned on certain servers. I believe you can tell they're fake if they're over 10 digits? Or has that since changed since the days of ArmA? Man, where's Doolittle when you need him. :p Unfortunately I'm not sure how much BIS can do with this. They most certainly aren't going to limit scripting in Arma 2, and they already have BattlEye. Really, all I could see them doing is switching to Punkbuster, but will that really have much of a gain? Frankly, I don't know why hackers troll Arma 2 when newly released games like BFBC2: Vietnam are "ripe for the picking"...
  21. Zipper5

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    Nah, PvP is unpopular because most servers have decided to switch to playing large, easily-monitored coops these days. ;) Sure, the balance issue doesn't help, but it's definitely not the main reason.
  22. Zipper5

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    Added the option. ;)
  23. Zipper5

    6 DLC Suggestions (incl. USMC) POLL

    Insurgents? You have two options: A) Units -> OPFOR -> Takistani Militia B) Units -> Independent -> Takistani Guerillas :confused: For the record, I voted for PLA.