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Everything posted by von_paulus

  1. I've been dooing some sightseeing. Placebo Beach?!! :) Does anyone has trouble in climbing ladders? I've tried in different buildings and different islands, and can't climb one. Am I doing something wrong? Anyway this is a great job indeed. Much, much better than I could ever dream. Thanks a lot.
  2. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Yes it's the right decision. It wouldn't be the first time they would mess with the delivery dates.
  3. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    I know you've email amazon.uk about the release data of ARMA II. Could you tell us what was their response? Thx
  4. von_paulus

    North America Release / Publisher

    Exactly. Besides if the game got good reviews there will be demand. But all of us, within the comunity, will help a little. Will spread the word. I've already been doing that. Talked with people who played OFP and ARMA, warning about the impending release.
  5. Now I'm Happy. Very Happy! :yay: I'll just spread the world. :bounce3::bounce3: Congratulations to all the team members. Thank a lot! :)
  6. von_paulus

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    That's fantastic. It wasn't enough to be hyped with the impending ARMA II release, now I'm double hyped with your mod. :bounce3::bounce3:
  7. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    You can always cancel the pre order.
  8. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    I think this is more accurate: 505 Games is the publisher for ArmA II in Europe, except in Germany (Morphicon) and in Czech (Idea) Release Date is May 26th for Germany Only Release Date is June 17th in Czech Republic Release Date is June 17th in Germany for Special Edition Release Date June 26th for rest of Europe Currently there is no NA publisher. No release date for NA No official word on console versions. BIS have not confirmed officially any of this dates.
  9. Me too. One of the past conflicts that "fascinates" me more is World War One in that aspect. I wonder how it was possible to a human endure in those entrenchment conditions and march, after a whistle, orderly towards the fire of machine gun nests placed all over the enemy trench. Or think like in Battle of the Somme how can one endure one weeklong of bombardment. What part of us do we left behind in order to pursuit fight and survive?
  10. von_paulus

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Maybe at E3 they'll show something more. Or maybe not. Until then...... :rolleyes:
  11. von_paulus

    ArmA Franchises's Needs: A Practical Look

    That's the main problem of all "combat sims". Emotions play an important role in a battlefield.
  12. von_paulus

    Military experiences past/present/future

    I served in Anti-Aircraft Artillery 25 years ago.
  13. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Yes I think so. http://www.amazon.de/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=505554
  14. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Yes you can buy it online. Try Amazon.de
  15. von_paulus

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    I've to correct myself. I double check and Mike Singleton is not the author of Carrier Command. It seems it's not only my body who's growing old... memory too. :o
  16. von_paulus

    The ORIGINAL milsim games and what made them great!

    Agree. Great game. :) Mike Singleton is also the creator of the original Carrier Commando and other gems like Lords of Midnight.
  17. von_paulus

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I fully agree. I can always "easily" identify Mozart's music works even when I don't know them. Why? Because there is a special touch, Mozart's touch; that touch is unique and original. The same happens with BIS games OFP, ARMA and now ARMA II. It won't be duplicated in another game produced by another company and developed by another dev team. The spirit of OFP lies in BIS not in Codemasters. And thats the spirit that I'm still looking for after 8 years. I know I'll find it in ARMA II in spite all the bugs or the problems it might have. I sincerely hope that DR can be a good game and above all a good military sim. Let's wait and see. But will never be OFP.
  18. von_paulus

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    Sorry for the off topic. I use Amazon.uk regularly and I'm almost sure that they never asked me for the C2V number. They ask only for Card Number, Name and Date. If the order was accepted then everything is alright. Don't need to worry. Probably they have already checked your card account. Amazon is one of the most reliable online shops (although not the cheapest). They really care with the quality of the service and customer satisfaction. Like BIS. :)
  19. von_paulus

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Maybe stoping the fan will help... :p
  20. von_paulus

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Thanks for the link review. @ch_123 Thanks for giving me your opinion
  21. von_paulus

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Thanks for answering. I'm not expecting miracles, I'd be satisfied with an extra 10fps. I believe that most of the stress will be in the GPU. But I've a chance to sell my CPU and in the process do a little CPU upgrade. So the question persists. Should I buy a E8500 or a Q9400? Mhz or multicore?
  22. von_paulus

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I need a little advice from the experts. ;) Here's my rig: Asus P5B Deluxe CPU E6420 @ 2.13Mhz 2x Kingston DDR2 Hyper X 2GB 800MHz CL5 Asus 8800 512 GTS PSU LC-POWER HYPERION V.2.2 700W HD Western Digital 500GB SATA II(16 Mb) Windows XP Pro In order to run ARMA II at Medium settings, I think what I really need to upgrade is the CPU. I'm considering Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.1Mhz or Intel Core2 Quad Q9400 2.66Mhz (that's my budget limit). I don't play much other games. The only game that I really want to play is ARMA II and that is the main reason for the cpu upgrade. Should I care more for clock speed or for the multicore? Like you've noticed I don't have DDR3 and the chipset of the motherboard is Intel P965. So I'm expecting some latency. What would be your advice? I've a time frame to do the upgrade. So unfortunately I'll probably have to do it before the release. And another thing I' don't want to overclock the CPU (the old and the new). Thanks in advance.
  23. von_paulus

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I hope not. I've ordered it last week. I should have tought that could happen with the release of ARMA II.....
  24. von_paulus

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    I couldn't agree more. I know a couple of people who couldn't play this way. I hope we can turn motion blur off. Thanks Dslyecxi for the video and the TIR demonstration.