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Everything posted by US-Navy-Dude

  1. US-Navy-Dude

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    ROTFLOL!!! Â ============================================== I can't believe it's not OFP! Â
  2. US-Navy-Dude

    Cold War Rearmed Discussion

    Yes they do, mate.
  3. US-Navy-Dude

    Question About Cold War

    The demo replaces the original USA and SLA blokes with Cold-War era units.
  4. US-Navy-Dude

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Dentist Guba, use the maxmem perk to solve problem number 1. If you are not sure, ask somebody on the problem. The maxmem perk really helps.
  5. US-Navy-Dude

    Jonny´s Army Special Forces

    Post deleted.
  6. US-Navy-Dude

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Help! Problem! I got a problem where a guy is prone, he stands up without animation. So he goes from prone to standing automatically, without animation. 2.0 Sounds great! Is it released? OH, and a suggestion. Could you add a pistol for everybody. Like a sidearm?