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Everything posted by Tankbuster

  1. Tankbuster

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    And support for squad xml graphics?
  2. Tankbuster

    Tactical Guide available in print form

    I got my copy this morning and I read it over the course of a quiet afternoon at work. All in all, I think it's quite expensive for what it is, which is essentially a bound, shiny print from a webpage. There's rather too much emphasis on ACE, which we don't even have yet and an entire chapter devoted to the Shack Tactical group, which I skipped. The pictures illustrating the effects of moonlight weren't great. The picture showing what no moonlight was, predictably, pitch back. The picture that showed how your vision improves with a little moonlight was, erm... pitch black. Oh, and there was a few bits that were clearly not suited to print media; "below is an animation of etc etc." Good points are that it's a comprehensive guide to playing the game that goes much further than the manual. It's nice having it so I can read it offline. I'm sure I'll read through it again tomorow! I don't regret buying it, but I would have liked something a little extra for the price.
  3. This has been bugging me for a few days now. I'm about to give up. I want to have a group of civilians being held hostage by OPFOR. BLUFOR is to rescue them. This is multiplayer, by the way. So far, I've gone this route; I used Mongoose_84's civilians addon. I They are on the independent side and I made them setcaptive (or OPFOR shoots them). I have an OPFOR (actually FSRA - Terrorists by gi.Zmol.ia) and they are guarding the hostages. Now, all I want to do is have the hostages sit down or lie down and keep still (generally behave submissive and hostage like), but they ignore everything, until they see the guard, when they go prone. I think the problem lies with the civilians addon. They aren't true civilians. They really are soldiers in civvy clothes with no guns and maybe this is why they won't do as I ask. I've tried all the action sitdown and playmove Amov etc and even switchmove, but they just don't do it. I've put setbehaviour safe in there too, as most of the advice relating to sitdown also uses safe. I have tested the setcaptive stuff. I can trigger the hostages to setcaptive false, and the opfor guards kills them all, which is functionality I will need in the mission, but the rest of the stuff to do with these civ/hostages has me stumped. Help and guidance gratefully received. Tanky -Paul-
  4. Tankbuster

    Collection of Undocumented/Lesser-Known Features

    On my keyboard (UK) Salute = ' ( unshifted @) and Sit = # (hash, just next to enter key)
  5. That's great, thanks mate. All the talk of local/remote/client had me running for the hills for a minute there. PS & OT; Do you remember it was me who did some testing with the big Antonov with you back on old OFP?
  6. Yeah, a trigger is fine as it calls the script on all clients and server. But as long as you make sure it's being called on the computer thats local to the unit, then you should be ok to. If the captives are AI, then you could run the script from the server only. One thing to watch out for though, is running the script from an objects init field in the mission editor. For example if you add this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[This] ExecVM "SetUnitCaptive.sqs" Then you would need a small delay in your script. SetUnitCaptive.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Unit=_This Select 0; Sleep 1; If (Local _Unit) Then { _Unit SetUnitPos "Down"; Sleep 3; _Unit DisableAI "Anim"; }; Whoa. I understand the local/client/server relationship, but how does it impact what I'm doing here and how do I make sure I get it right? I could call the first one, to freeze them with an init, but the unfreeze one would be trigger. The captives will be AI.
  7. UNN, Thanks for that. Are those .sqs thingies that I can call from a trigger etc? Tanky -Paul
  8. Just thought to add; I used the civilian addon because it's easy to make OPFOR attack them if BLUFOR bungle the rescue attempt. Maybe I should be going about this differently?
  9. Got an error on that page. Both IE and Firefox. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">The identifier you are using is invalid. This could be a Javascript problem with your computer, ensure you are allowing javascript to run fully for the Mediafire.com domain. If this problem persists please contact support directly.
  10. Tankbuster

    I found a Santa From Hell in Arma

    Yes, apparently, there's a Santa in a chimney. What is this post about then?! It's about gullibility.
  11. Tankbuster

    I found a Santa From Hell in Arma

    Yes, apparently, there's a Santa in a chimney.
  12. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    I have that line, but it's commented out with // so it gets ignored.
  13. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    My server doesn't report, yet it can be seen in the gamespy list. I'm not really sure what it does.
  14. OK, I'll buy that. but couldn't it come back automatically when you come out of zoom?
  15. +1 for this, and I'd like to be able to move it to somewhere better on the screen too.
  16. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    My pleasure. That's the first time I've given help rather than received it. I feel I've finally arrived! By the way, I don't use the server reporting thingy, but that's firstly because I've never looked into what it does and secondly because my server is really only a testing ground for my clans stuff and for an occasionally bit of co-op.
  17. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    Port forwarding and firewall all configured?
  18. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    Even rename won't do it. Windows is a funny fish like that. You might need to use a real file editor. I use Professional File Editor, also known as PFE. Don't be scared, it aint professional and it is easy to use and my favourite price - free!
  19. Tankbuster

    Standalone server config problem

    What application did you use to make the cfg file? If you use notepad, it won't save the .cfg out. it will be a .cfg.txt and the server will miss it. It'd be nice if the there was a errior generated if the cfg file mentioned in the shortcut wasn't found.
  20. Tankbuster

    honda NSX

    It's in the wrong forum too. It should be in Addons & Mods: Discussion as this is clearly far from complete.
  21. Tankbuster

    honda NSX

    Well that's constructive. Constructive and correct. The model looks horrible. The brakes are rubbish and it won't turn unless you are going at walking pace.
  22. Tankbuster

    BAS f

    Some more questions... Firstly, why do we have to edit the mission in MP/new/create game rather than just in the mission editor from the main menu Secondly, and I suspect it's related to the first question, why do I have to save the game before I can preview it? Thirdly, and not really related to BAS f, this setUnitPos "Down" in the init field doesn't seem to have any affect on my civilian AI's in preview. They are up and about, not lying down.
  23. Tankbuster

    I think it was a mistake to even mention Game2..

    Its should have an apostrophe. It's
  24. I too have seen grasscutter work well. I have the Northern Sahrani Airport addon and there, the grass cutters work fine. Nevermind, as I say, I just used a building with a much thicker floor.
  25. Is there anyway I can stop this? The building is on flat and level ground and I've put grass cutters down. Thanks, Tanky -Paul-http://www.teamspaff.co.uk/grassclipsthroughfactoryfloor.wmv