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Everything posted by sabre

  1. sabre

    Cz 83

    Great work mate. Thanks.
  2. Cheers Foxhound. :) @mumblz - It's a config issue with the USMC uniforms, it's being looked into.
  3. sabre

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Great little video kleutscher, well done mate :) Thanks for sharing.
  4. Ok thanks i'll take a look at that a little later. Not worried about those T-Shirt ones, I don't want them in.
  5. [A: SBE US Army Infantry|RHARD Mk18] Click for fullsize
  6. Derp, i'm always overlooking stupid things in configs. Thanks mate, will take a look. EDIT: Nope it's not that the USMC 0.3 config's are already 'suitpack_blufor_diver'
  7. Updated links with version 0.3 US Army 0.3 - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56844908/AddonReleases/SBE_USArmy0.3.7z USMC 0.3 - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/56844908/AddonReleases/SBE_USMC0.3.7z 0.3 ----------- -Fixed UI pics -US Army gear from crates working -USMC Gear, except Uniforms, from crates working -Updated dirt layers Bugs ---------- USMC Uniforms cannot be grabbed from the crates (0.3) Credits ---------- Bohemia Interactive - Models, Textures, Original versions of all edited textures. ArdvarkDB - Model edits, configs, config help (putting up with retarded questions :D) Sabre - Texture edits (Diffuse, Normal, Specular), configs. Scarecrow - config help Big thanks to Bohemia Interactive for a moddable Alpha version of ArmA3. It's bloody great. Imagine what it will be like even at 'Beta' ;) US Army units are all working with grabbing gear from the crates etc. USMC units you can grab the Plate Carriers and Helmet's but not the uniforms unfortunately, i think there is a conflict of some sort, but I'm not sure where it is, my lag of config skills doesn't help :D
  8. [A: SBE US Army Infantry|RHARD Mk18] Click for fullsize
  9. I took a photo of the MC pattern and edited it, originally for another project.
  10. sabre

    Dslyecxi's 'Paper doll' Gear Menu

    Really cool mate. Thanks for releasing it.
  11. It's a 'template' in that it saves people the first few steps if they were to want to re-texture the OPFOR A3 units, pretty sure most people doing re-textures would be capable of separating the cam layer from other pieces themselves. If it's not what you are after don't use it.
  12. The ability to change normal & specular (rvmat) via hiddenSelections along with the current ability to change the diffuse.
  13. Updated the link in the first post with 0.2 The shiny look should hopefully be fixed when in shadows etc. At least it was when I tested it :D Let me know if this is not the case. I'll look into the equipment crate issue next, back into the dreaded config's we go. Will hopefully get that fixed tomorrow. Glad you guys like them so far.
  14. I believe I have fixed the shiny problem, expect update links in around 2hrs, unfortunately my country Australian upload speeds leave alot to be desired :D
  15. Righto, units work ok though? I'll look into the gear box stuff.
  16. Looks nice mate. Good work.
  17. [A: SBE USMC Infantry|RHARD Mk18] Click for fullsize
  18. sabre

    UK Armed Forces

    Great news da12th, look forward to it when it comes around :)
  19. [A: SBE US ARMY Infantry|RHARD Mk18] Click for fullsize
  20. Looks nice mate. Thanks for the release.
  21. sabre

    Operation FrenchPoint

    Looks great guys, nice work.
  22. sabre

    Headgear and Glasses Pack

    I like the flags in a crate idea personally.
  23. US Army infantry from Task Force Stratis clean up a compound. Click for fullsize
  24. US Forces of the future arrive for operations with Task Force Stratis. Click for fullsize