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Everything posted by RjC_77

  1. In this mission i load my men up in the truck and drive to the area im supposed to defend. I have my guys and me get out and help kill the guys coming over the ridge. After a few minutes the enemy stops coming and i wait.... and i wait some more.... maybe speed up the time......waiting some more..... Nothing happens!! I tried driving around the countryside in the area to check if i have missed some enemies, but i killed all of them and the first waypoint wont switch to the next. Anybody else noticed this? Have you found a workaround?
  2. Want to pick up playing online again after years of sp. I was wondering: what kind of ping time is playable? I noticed on the server screen that my ping just keeps on going up and down between about 50 and 300. Is this playable?
  3. RjC_77

    "Commander" mission buggy?

    yes, i know the place you mean (i always simply run over the machinegunner with the truck on the way to the defend area.) Never saw a t72 in that mission. Ill give that a try, tnx!
  4. I found a few threads regarding this, but they are more to explain how to name groups... the question: Having a basic infantry squad enter a vehicle i always have each individual enter separately by giving them all waypoints. Is it true that giving only the leader of the group a get in waypoint makes the entire squad board it?
  5. RjC_77

    stupid nooby question

    Thanks, ill try that... So giving only the squadleader the order to get in wont work for the squad as a whole... --- Oops, i just noticed i posted this twice.... Could a moderator remove the obsolete one..? Sorry about that!
  6. RjC_77

    Check mark for training?

    i noticed that missionmaking is very timeconsuming.... I am trying to get the hang of it, first by trying to recreate one of the campaignmissions (that very first sniperthing in the watertower). It looked easy enough.... Doing it again is quite another thing.... Learning loads of stuff tough and having great fun with it (esecially when a snippet of code you found actually works, lol) For instance: i have spent two full days trying to get a guy put the satchel to take out the jeep. It turns out i made a spelling error in the code to put the damn thing.... If you have lots of triggers and waypoints on your map finding the problem can be quite daunting
  7. RjC_77

    small questions

    problem two: Give that group a waypoint after the cycle waypoint and make them "aware" on it. The waypoints before that your group should stay in "safe" mode. maybe also reduce their walking speed by setting it to "limited" I believe this makes your men run their route with the gun on their back and ready for combat only until after the cycle waypoint. Have a trigger put there to "activate" the waypoint after the cycle waypoint and draw a syncline between your last waypoint and the trigger. Your group should now "switch" from safe to combat when the trigger is activated.
  8. Searching the forum i found a solution for having a guy put a satchel at a certain spot and detonate it on another: Give the guy a wapoint and have him put a charge: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname fire["put","pipebomb"] to set it off i had to place a trigger at the desired spot and put this in onActivation field: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname action["touchoff"] The guy will walk to the waypoint and will continue to the touchoffpoint without having put a bomb! I checked to see if he had a charge ( )and he did have one. He didnt use it. What am i doing wrong??
  9. Hi, Im trying to make the simplest of missions: A few soldiers patrol up and down a road whilst in safe mode and with limited speed. As soon as one of the soldiers detect the enemy (me), they will activate a guarding trigger (if OPFOR is DETECTED by BLUEFOR --> area is GUARDED by EAST). This shouldnt be too difficult to follow right...? Heres the problem: I noticed when i delete the trigger alltogether, the bluefor soldiers will still fire upon me as soon as they spot me. (with the patrolling soldiers being in safe mode) Without the trigger being around shouldn't the guards just keep patrolling even if they spot an enemy? Whats the use of a trigger then? Im a bit puzzled... Anybody?
  10. RjC_77

    Check mark for training?

    Would make a great mod having these "RPG-elements" ingame. Like getting all kinds of specop missions if you excel at the training course in silenced weaponry and explosives, a sniper oriented career if you aced at shooting sniperrifles; that idea... If only i wasnt such a noob with that editor and modmaking and stuff... I know this is not really the forum for it, but i wonder.... should something like that be possible in arma?
  11. I understand that sending every single soldier to your exact spot would be overdoing it... Let's just say i keep a few groups like guards on hold in the base and send a single squad looking for me. That would be more realistic. Like you said it already (@balschoiw): I think it is possible to set up "clean sweep" type of missions (im referring to the opf mission: my fav) without using any scripting. Maybe only to occupy vehicles i would need a script? Or is this me being too positive...? Does this work out differently if you should use pure scripting to do this? (i.e.: units acting more "robotically" when not scripting) But anyway: thanks for your help. I am able to do tons more stuff in the editor now thet ive learned this little detail!
  12. experimenting with this i stumbled upon one little thing i would like to ask about this: Is there a way to set a group of soldiers perform this switch from safe to combat/ guarding? I mean, like in the example above it mentioned one patrol. What if i have multiple little groups of soldiers working their patrolroutes independently for instance a base of some sort. In stead of assigning triggers to break the patrol routine of every little group, how do i do that for let's say every soldier from a certain side present on the map? recap: i have a trigger/ switch that activates once me or my men are spotted. How do i make every enemy soldier at the base or in a certain area stop the thing they are doing at the moment and start hunting for me? (a simple "you-are-detected-and-now-all-hell-breaks-loose" routine)
  13. wonderful! Thanks a million! (i like that avatar of yours by the way; superfunny) *checkmark on list: 1 problem solved* now for the other 10000 problems.......hmmmmm edit: good heavens,... it actually works!
  14. found out the problem... Its not the safe (or careless) mode, but the fact that i ordered the unit to engage at will. Ive now set him to never fire and it works perfectly now, but now a new problem occurs: when the trigger is activated the patrolguy will duck for cover and start running and stuff, but it wont fire... I suppose i have to add a script in the triggers init field that changes the never fire to engage and open fire as soon as the enemy is detected. What would the correct syntax be?
  15. RjC_77

    Ambient Wildlife

    imagine: you have been crawling for an half hour to get to that perfect spot to snipe the bad general and end the war; the most important mission of the war. Just a few minutes and his ugly face wiil show, allowing for you to give him an extra hole in his head for breathing through...... Suddenly your belly feels kinda moist and a bit warm.... funny smell all of the sudden too... You get up a bit to see what this is and you are shot immediately by a sentry you missed. Mission screwed..... Lost the war thanks to..... cowdung!!! No...... let's not do this
  16. RjC_77


    that last video.... isn't that the goalkeeper system? Thought it was a naval platform...?
  17. RjC_77

    My personal take on ArmA

    So THAT's the famous copyprotection opf had? I've seen numerous illegal copies running and i never seen anything like that happen. Even tried to invoke it; it never happened... (just to be sure: i own legal copies of both games) Good thing the protection bit does seem to work on arma.
  18. RjC_77

    optional alternative flight model

    It's just that ppl have to accept the fact that this game is NOT opf. It's based on it, but entirely different (better imho). Just accept that or go play opf....
  19. RjC_77


    i played all missions now and i must say that i was very amused by it; kept me "into it". There is one thing about this campaign that irritated me a bit (sorry): In the second mission you are rescued by a civilian who takes you to the res camp in the desert. This guy managed to stop and get out evry 100 meters or so, lies down on his belly for 5 secs and comes back in..... Maybe this guy should be driving in "careless"mode or something to prevent him from getting out all the time. Nothing else that really was buggy, just this mission needs some work imho. Exellent work overall; hope you make more campaigns in future!
  20. RjC_77

    Noob wants Help with IFF

    without having played arma online yet i would think that a lot of the TK's are made because of this problem: ppl having a hard time identifying targets. So they aren't cheating but simply being ignorant.
  21. RjC_77


    about the second mission: i think you are meant to take the ak with snipersights (pso), not a dragunov. You could explain that better in the text message... First mission i played in its entirety: it was the first mission with you as a artillery guy. i liked that very much! Even managed to down the cobra with it! That was fun! One minor thing: i noticed you use some copyrighted music in your movies. Don't know if that is a problem but thats not entirely legal...? Good campaign sofar!
  22. great initiative. I would certainly even buy it if it was sold. For sure! But aside from that: i think i could be of use to the developers too! I can make decent coffee and make for great target practice.... I'll be the poor sod who has to stand at the wall while the guys in white coats try all sorts of nasty new contraptions on me
  23. i'd like to see someone converting the game into winter landscapes. Like the winter mod someone made for the old opf. It helped me get the hang of playing opf without getting killed evry two minutes (ehrm....yes, i suck....). Somehow i spot targets better.... It would also eliminate the grass annoyance some ppl seem to have about arma....;) ------- Simply conversions of the original opf campaigns would be far out too! Now that i think of it.... Didn't novalogic sort of bring out delta force 1 again with a new engine and better graphics with delta force: elite? edit: woops, i didnt notice the CWR thread since like... directly after i posted here, lol
  24. RjC_77

