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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. There's a post on Reddit where a user claims that hackers can force clients to run scripts. Is this even possible? I thought the script had to be in the mission file for this to be possible?
  2. Yeah I didn't see that he had answered, sorry about that. Aha. And the BE bypass thing they were talking about is not a problem as long as admins update BE, A2 and the PV-file, if I understand $able's post correct?
  3. Ok, because on Reddit they claim that first you get kicked for script-restriction and later you're automatically global banned. But I don't understand how they can make me run a script I don't have (assuming it's not in the mission file). I can see the PV-thing though, is that what the hackers are doing now or do they remotely inject and execute scripts on the client that is not included in the mission file? This might be a bit sensitive to talk about, but the hackers are one step ahead of BE anyways.
  4. rekrul

    Do people still play public MP?

    Haha, you can't have been playing for long. After every release there's a wave of "hackers" messing up the public servers which drives the players into private servers or away from the game. When the public servers are empty, there's no fun for the "hackers" anymore.
  5. I tried to PM you $able, but my sent folder is empty. Anyways take a look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/60285-deez-multiple-globally-banned-guids-under-the-same-ipalias/ I don't know if he just changed cd-keys or what.
  6. Hehe, Basiley seems to be a RAM-extremist who has declared jihad on SSD disks. I must say that when I was testing RAMdisk in Arma2 due to this thread it was unbelievable smooth, but when I tried recently I got stuttering again, both in OA and A2. Have no idea why. Either way I guess we can conclude with "A RAMdisk should make it smoother, but it might not due to <random> factor". :)
  7. You could just expand the swap-disk first (again google, I don't remember the step-by-step guide but it's a setting in windows). If you're still bothered by stutter/drop in FPS you need to move Arma to SSD. This isn't a simple copy/move command though. You need to uninstall first, then reinstall on the SSD. Make sure you have enough space.
  8. The stuttering or sudden drop in framerate is due to the game loading new textures. There's no easy way to fix this, check to see if your swap file is big enough (i.e. not full). Otherwise you could look into making a RAMdisk (search the general forum or just google - it's a big thread) or taking the SSD plunge. Edit: If you have two physical HDD (not partitions) make sure the swapfile isn't on the same HDD as Arma. Google it if you don't know how. The 20 second freeze with the hourglass I will assume is the game if it's the big green hourglass. That happens when you're unconscious usually due to low blood (<3000).
  9. rekrul

    Will Arma 3 be better optimized

    Wow, really?! That sounds really ... well, retarded. Ah well, at least my expectations will be at rock bottom so I can't be disappointed when I buy it. ;)
  10. rekrul

    Will Arma 3 be better optimized

    Guys, the reason why people started using RAMdisk was because the .exe could only utilize 2GB RAM and had to load the rest from the mechanical HDD which at times caused stutter. For A3 this won't be a limitation (given a 64-bit application) and with the faster SSD disks out there it might not be necessary eiither. That being said, putting your entire game into RAM is pretty much exactly opposite of optimization.
  11. rekrul

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Wow, I didn't see that /joke before I hit reply and you got me riled. It should've been /sarcasm. :) Seriously though, no matter what decision BIS makes there's some sort of mob created in here and going of the hinges - telling the creators it's not in the spirit of their previous creation. God bless the contributors at the addons, mods and mission forums (and their moderators) because all I see in these general forums are 100 threads of endless bickering per positive one and it's the main reason I don't bother visiting here more than every 2-3 weeks. (Not really a loss, since I don't contribute but it doesn't help the community all that much either.)
  12. That one solved the issue for me as well, thanks!
  13. I'm very new to editing so the logics and possibilities are mostly unknown to me. There's basically two things I'm trying to do. 1) A team lasers a tank and calls in airstrike with the radio. The AV-8B (which until then has been idling on the airstrip) gets a waypoint at the point the team lasers. This might be too advanced so just setting the waypoint to where the laserteam is, is fine. When I'm the laser-guy, this works fine as I can use position player, but when I'm the pilot, or if it's a multiplayer I guess, it's a problem. So I've tried giving the laser team a group name with "razor=group this;" on the team leader (do I have to apply it to all members?), the AV-8B gets "striker=group this"; and then I made a radio trigger with this in the On Act. field: pos=getpos razor; WP=striker addWaypoint [position pos,0];" but it doesn't work. I've also tried the teamleader's name since getpos is meant for objects, buildings or soldiers, but it doesn't help either. 2) I want the same team to mark a LZ for some choppers (and get the choppers there). I've made a group of two UH-1Ys, called "transport". Then I made a radio-trigger with this in the On Act. field titleText ["Mark LZ on map!","plain"]; bravoclick=true; onMapSingleClick " transport addWaypoint [_pos,0]; ""LZ"" setMarkerPos _pos; bravoclick=false "; waitUntil{!bravoclick}; onMapSingleClick ""; titleText ["Debug-text: Done","plain"]; Hint "Roger, we're Oscar Mike"; (Added space and enters for easier reading.) When I hit 0-0-2 I immediately get "Debug-text: Done" and "Roger, we're Oscar Mike" without marking anything on the map. What am I doing wrong? ---------- Post added at 04:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 AM ---------- Hmmm, ok this is weird. I kept playing around with it and now I use this: titleText ["Mark LZ on map!","plain"]; onMapSingleClick " transport addWaypoint [_pos,0]; ""LZ"" setMarkerPos _pos "; titleText ["Done!","plain"]; As I hit 0-0-2, I get "Done!" immediately but when I click on the map, the LZ-marker moves and so do the choppers. However, every time I click on the map, the marker and choppers move, so I guess that's why I need the onSingleMapClick ""; at the end. But how do I get it to wait for my mapclick?
  14. Is there a way to get UPSMON tanks/apc deploy smoke in OA like they do in A2? Or do they only deploy smoke when facing other tanks.
  15. rekrul

    1 Mile+ M107 Kill

    I remember playing Arma1 where I was at the big hill looking down the big city there. I had to aim similarly like he did with just the bottom of the vertical bar. I think it was 2km+ there. Anyways, I managed to kill a running AI at that distance. I came.
  16. rekrul

    Running Arma2 from SSD

    It shouldn't if you symlink the files in the same fashion as a ramdisk. Edit: I don't know how the performance would be though. I don't know how fast the usb is on random reads.
  17. rekrul

    ArmA X: Anniversary Edition

    I was hoping they would release OFP with OA gfx, AI and the works. That would be sexy! PS! I just found my OFP game the other day, yet I have no urge to re-play it as it would just kill the awesome memories I have of the game.
  18. rekrul

    Nobody plays anymore, atleast for MP

    Haven't read all the replies here, but the "problem" with Arma-series is the same as its strength. It's a milsim (more than any other game out there) and this requires discipline. Now, if there's anything BFx and CODx have teached us is that most players play to suit their personality and they prefer casual gaming. Most games want you to enjoy the game as you like while Arma has pretty strict "rules" as to how play. While the other games can satisfy both needs (dicipline vs casual), Arma series only facilitate the former. The thing is that most players here prefer the discipline-path and I have no doubts that they really enjoy it but that doesn't suit all personalities out there. While BF and COD rewards run&gun, those who don't like it can seek more organized forms. Arma series is only enjoyable for the disciplined crowd due to its enormous size (i.e. no constant action). In order to avoid the action-monkeys, most disciplined servers are private and that's a good thing. However, I believe BIS has to facilitate two things - 1) allow random people seeking disciplined servers to find them and 2) facilitate action junkies. All the other games recruits into the action-part and those "seeking" discipline will eventually grow tired and "evolve" into discipline. Since we're lacking the first part, the recruitment to the second part suffers.
  19. rekrul

    Feedback to E3 Interview and Ingame Scenes

    Did he say the map was scaled down to 900km2?
  20. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    What I don't get is why Nvidia has an Arma3 profile a year before the release (and we all know it's gonna be delayed 4-6 months).
  21. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Then why not wait until after the announcement tomorrow?
  22. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    My speculation on Arma3.com is that they only took it over because this thread made them aware of it. If they actually had A3 in the pipeline, they would've gotten it much sooner.
  23. rekrul

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Isn't the 4th just ground? Anyways, it seems like they're running three wires, but vertically not horizontally. http://www.visualphotos.com/image/2x4393974/greece_ithaca_power_pole But I doubt this is of significance so I'll drop it.